
Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

author:Xiaobai said about finance

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Hello everyone, let's talk about Thai durian today! Did you know that durians in Thailand can't be sold right now! Durian used to be very expensive, but now it is like a child that no one wants, waiting for the buyer. The streets and alleys are full of mountains of durians, but why is this durian suddenly unpopular? Don't worry, let's take our time, look down, and you'll know!

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

Walking the streets of Thailand, you will see mountains of golden and shiny durians, exuding a rich fragrance, but no one wants to pay for them. The vendors are anxious like ants on a hot pot, looking around hoping to see the buyers, but the market is distressingly deserted.

Let's talk about these durians first, they are not the kind of inferior goods. Each one is carefully selected from the orchard, and the quality is superb, and the taste is also superb. So what's the problem? I heard that many people are blaming Chinese businessmen, saying that they are the "main culprits" for the unsalable durians. Let's find out, is this thing reliable?

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

There are so many opinions on social media about this. Some people scolded Chinese businessmen for being too greedy, only knowing how to make money, and not caring about the lives of Thai traders. Some people also feel that this matter cannot be blamed entirely on Chinese businessmen, and the reasons for the unsalable durian may be multifaceted and need to be analyzed objectively.

Let's talk about the reasons behind this. Consumer tastes and needs are changing. In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, people have more choices of various foods, although durian is good, but also faces fierce competition from other fruits and snacks. Moreover, the supply of durian in the market is too large, and the supply exceeds demand, so the price will naturally decline.

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

As for the competition, it's even more intense. There are so many local durian growers in Thailand that everyone wants a piece of the pie. In order to grab the market, many people embarked on the road of selling at a low price, but the result was to lose their wives and soldiers. The price war was hot, but it failed to attract more buyers.

Let's talk about the role of Chinese businessmen. Indeed, they are buying durian in large quantities in Thailand, and this is true. But the investigation showed that their acquisitions were basically in accordance with the rules of the market, and there were no irregularities.

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

In fact, their acquisition has also alleviated the contradiction between supply and demand to a certain extent. It cannot be denied that the hoarding behavior of some businessmen may have exacerbated the imbalance between supply and demand in the market, but this is not the main reason.

Don't forget, the global trade environment also has an impact on durian sales. For example, export markets have also contracted as a result of changes in various international trade policies and fluctuations in the global economic situation. In addition, in recent years, due to changes in health and dietary habits, many people have begun to reduce their consumption of high-calorie fruits such as durian.

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

Nowadays, young people's enthusiasm for durian does not seem to be so high. They are more inclined to try novelty and varied foods, and durian, although unique, may still be too "heavy" in taste and taste to young people. Because of its unique smell, durian is even forbidden to be carried in some public places, which also limits its consumption scene to a certain extent.

Let's take a look at the local Thai market, the price of durian has indeed fallen all the way, which has caused many growers to suffer heavy losses. Some farmers who used to rely on durian exports to make money can now only watch the durians in their orchards rot in the ground. Although there are many durians in the market, there are not many that can really make money.

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!

It's also worth mentioning that marketing is changing as well. In the past, the traditional sales method of setting up stalls and rushing to the market is no longer suitable for the shopping habits of modern consumers. Modern consumers are more likely to shop online or in large supermarkets and shopping malls, which can be a challenge for small-scale growers and traders.

There are many reasons why Thai durian is unsalable, not only because of the operation of Chinese merchants. Changes in market demand, the impact of international trade, changes in consumer habits, and changes in marketing methods are all intertwined and affect the market performance of durian.

Thai durians can't be sold on the streets, and fruit vendors angrily denounce that it is caused by Chinese businessmen!


Through this analysis, we can see that there are many complex factors behind the unsalable durian in Thailand. Simply blaming the problem on Chinese businessmen is clearly a one-sided understanding of the problem. As consumers, we should have a deeper understanding of the underlying market mechanism and economic environment, and as market participants, whether merchants or growers, we should adjust our strategies in a timely manner to respond to the changing market. Remember, the market is always changing, and you have to adapt to keep getting a foothold in the competition.

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