
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn

author:Pocket Qingdao
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn

Qingdao Evening News 2024-05-21 page

On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn
On the road to self-recruitment, teenagers "self" have to learn high-level recruitment to see how the "seed players" learn

On the morning of May 20, 27 public high schools, comprehensive high schools and private high schools in Qingdao successively announced the list of students who are eligible for independent enrollment in 2024. This year, 27 schools in the city plan to enroll a total of 3,500 students, including 16 public high schools, 3 comprehensive high schools and 8 private high schools. It is worth mentioning that the strong foundation class in the self-recruitment class every year has always belonged to the "battleground" for the top students, and this year, Qingdao No. 2 Middle School has added a new "National Defense Science and Technology Education Class" in the self-recruitment approval, recruiting 50 people. What are the learning secrets of the "seed players" who have obtained the enrollment qualifications of the National Defense Science and Technology Education Class and the Strong Foundation Class? Was it smooth sailing in the entrance examination...... Let's read their "Scholarly Cultivation Notes".

Tang Zixuan (Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School Student)

Use recess exercises to increase efficiency

"I think love is the best teacher, and it's very important to work hard from the heart." Tang Zixuan, a student of Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School, obtained the enrollment qualification of Qingdao No. 2 China Defense Science and Technology Education Class in this year's high school self-recruitment examination.

"When preparing for the written test and interview, the teachers of the second experiment gave me a lot of help, and the school provided voluntary counseling for the written test and interview for the students who participated in the self-recruitment, which benefited me a lot." Tang Zixuan thanked the school teachers for asking random questions in class and exercising their expression skills, "Our school's physics and chemistry teachers prepared relevant courses and exercises for us to study, so that we were not afraid or timid when facing the real self-recruitment exam." ”

She likes programming, serves as the vice president of the student council at school, and actively participates in a variety of club activities...... Tang Zixuan said that Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School gave him the opportunity to display his talents and train himself. When he was under pressure to study, he would also read some books and strengthen his beliefs through inspirational stories.

Dong Yuchen (Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School Student)

Don't let go of any questions that you won't know

"On the premise of having spare time to learn, accumulate more extracurricular knowledge. Learn the basic questions well, don't let go of any questions that you don't know, ask more questions from the teacher, and summarize more. In addition to being good at sorting out the wrong question book, he will also find some similar question types to strengthen the practice, not only to correct the wrong questions, but to keep it in mind.

Not only does he study well, Dong Yuchen also has a number of specialties, such as chess, football, basketball, table tennis, and piano. In addition, he serves as the Vice Chairman of the School Self-Management Committee and participates in the organization of some of the school's large-scale events. "These activities are very much a comprehensive exercise in my ability." Dong Yuchen believes that he has an advantage in the self-recruitment interview, which is inseparable from the rich experience accumulated in cooperation and exchanges with classmates during the school.

During primary school, he took the piano exam to grade 10 and reached the level of the alternate chess association master, and he soothed his mood by playing the piano and playing ball in his spare time...... In Dong Yuchen's view, this is not only a kind of persistence in learning, but also a skill to integrate into the student body.

Qu Zeheng (Qingdao No. 7 Middle School junior high school student)

Accurate "brushing" of the topic to achieve integration

"I have been exposed to physics since I was a junior high, and I like to learn because I am interested." Qu Zeheng, a student of Class 6 of Qingdao No. 7 Middle School, was admitted to Qingdao No. 2 China Defense Science and Technology Education Class in this year's self-recruitment examination, and used his strength to interpret what "those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy". Referring to being admitted to the "Dream School", the 16-year-old boy showed the calm and rational characteristics of a scholar, and in his opinion, he "performed quite well" in this exam, and the results he achieved were expected.

As a master of materialization, Qu Zeheng shared his learning secret-brushing questions, but this brushing question is not an aimless "sea of questions tactics", but to keep up with the teaching pace of school teachers, do a good job and study the representative topics carefully screened by them, and first try to "drill in" when encountering questions that you can't know, and then ask teachers and classmates if you don't understand. Like many top students, Qu Zeheng also has a wrong question book, in order to verify whether he really has mastered the relevant knowledge points, he likes to "break open and crumple" the wrong questions to his classmates, if the other party understands and "praises" him for speaking clearly and clearly, he thinks that he has truly achieved a thorough understanding. Approaching the high school entrance examination, when some students stayed up late to sprint, Qu Zeheng's sleep time at night was a bit "hateful", and he went to bed at about half past 10 most of the time, thanks to his efficient study during the day. Qu Zeheng is very good at using fragmented time, between classes, at noon, and on the way to and from school, he will turn over the wrong question book, memorize words, etc., and complete as many learning tasks as possible.

Although he is a top student, Qu Zeheng does not belong to the hard-working type, he has a piano grade 10 certificate, and he also serves as a class representative of many disciplines, and is a "good helper" trusted by teachers. In the face of his friends, he will reveal his typical e-person attributes.

Talking about Qu Zeheng's growth process, his father admitted that he was not "someone else's child", and his grades had "ups and downs" after entering junior high school. "I am very grateful to Yan Xin, Wang Shangchun and other teachers from No. 7 Middle School for their encouragement to the children, they always patiently help the children analyze where the shortcomings are, how to make up for them, how to give full play to their strengths, and also maintain close contact with parents to help us better communicate with the children." Qu Zeheng's father believes that the child's achievements today are due to the school's teachers' teaching and fulfilling their responsibilities that truly stimulate the child's learning potential.

Zhang Qidong (Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School)

Follow the teacher and lay a solid foundation

"First of all, I should grasp the basic knowledge in class, follow the teacher little by little in class, and after laying a solid foundation, I will find some exercises from the past years on the Internet to practice, and constantly improve my ability." Obtaining the enrollment qualification for the strong foundation class of Qingdao No. 2 Middle School is expected for Zhang Qidong, a student of Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School.

"Pay attention to in-class knowledge, and combine work and rest after class" is the learning method he summarized. "The lessons prepared by the school teachers for us are enough, as long as the knowledge taught by the teachers in the class is solidified, there is no problem with the exam." Zhang Qidong has his own set of science "high-scoring secrets". He believes that if you want to learn mathematics well, you must first do problems independently, do not discuss with your classmates or ask teachers when you encounter problems, and you must use your own brains to make them. Physics and chemistry need to expand the scope of knowledge, extend one knowledge point to other knowledge points, and have a sense of connection.

He began to play the piano at the age of 4, began to play basketball at the age of 5, and has reached the level of 10 at present.

Wang Xinran (Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School)

Believe that you don't give up when you encounter setbacks

"My experience is that while brushing up on the questions, summarize and sort out the wrong questions." Wang Xinran, a student of Qingdao No. 2 Experimental Junior High School, did not achieve satisfactory results in physics and chemistry in the first model exam, she regained her confidence with the encouragement of her teachers and parents, and saw that her classmates around her were constantly working hard, she insisted on not admitting defeat, and finally obtained the enrollment qualification of Qingdao No. 2 Middle School Strong Basic Class as she wished.

"I will brush up on a lot of questions, and then summarize and sort out my mistakes over and over again, get the points that I can get, and work hard to overcome the points I can't." Wang Xinran admitted frankly that she also had a trough on the road to study, "At that time, I saw others playing games, and I was very encouraged to rise from the bottom of the competition to the highest competitive player in the game." Since then, when she is tired from studying, she will take 10 minutes to watch others play games, constantly motivating herself to overcome difficulties and persevere.

In addition to studying, Wang Xinran also has his own hobbies, piano grade 10, participating in school debate competitions and other club activities to exercise language expression and innovative thinking skills, and also serving as the assistant to the principal, is a powerful "little assistant" for teachers. For junior high school students who want to participate in self-recruitment, she suggested that if they want to take the self-recruitment exam, they should prepare early, and the pressure should not be too great, even if there are setbacks in the middle, but they must persevere to the end.

Liu Kunmu (Qingdao No. 4 Experimental Junior High School)

Do the questions thoroughly, master and learn the "underlying logic"

"I just listen carefully to class every day, complete the homework assigned by the teacher on time, and occasionally add a little extracurricular practice or read some books when I have enough sleep." Liu Kunmu, a student in the first class of the third junior high school of Qingdao No. 4 Experimental Junior High School, performed well in this year's high school self-recruitment examination and won the enrollment qualification of Qingdao No. 2 China Defense Science and Technology Education Class. In the view of Jia Xiyan, the head teacher and English teacher, this is a "routine operation" for the "seed player" Liu Kunmu.

As a primary school bully with "excellent in all subjects and no shortcomings", Liu Kunmu presents the characteristics of "double high and one deep" in learning - the concentration in class is particularly high, and the learning efficiency is also very high. "His English homework is very representative, at his level, for example, a small paper can be completed in 10 minutes, but it took him 30 minutes. Because after completing the question, he will find out which grammar points are involved in the small paper and mark them with a red pen. Jia Xiyan introduced that from the first to the third year of junior high school, Liu Kunmu has always adhered to this way of doing homework of "constantly expanding and combing knowledge into strings in the process of doing questions".

When sharing his learning methods, Liu Kunmu repeatedly emphasized that he should keep up with the teacher's teaching rhythm and grasp the basic knowledge firmly. "The basic questions of physics and chemistry in the self-recruitment exam involve almost all the knowledge points that can be answered through in-class learning. The written test has a full score of 200 points, and the basic questions account for 170 points, so the most important thing is to prepare for the self-recruitment exam. As for the additional questions, his preparation method is "Kung Fu in daily life", and he expands his knowledge by reading the textbook of the first year of high school and watching high school knowledge videos at station B. In terms of brushing questions, he pursues the principle that "the quality of the questions is more important than the quantity", and "every time you do a question, you can think about what you want to ask and what it can reflect." I think that doing the questions thoroughly and making a test paper 'thick' is more conducive to the mastery of knowledge. ”

In addition, since the beginning of his childhood, he has formed a "learning partner" with four boys in the class who love to learn, compare and learn from each other, and also promote and help each other, and his classmates affectionately call them "five little ones". This year's self-recruitment, three of the "five little ones" have obtained the qualification of self-recruitment in the second middle school.

This boy who loves chemistry also has a "scholarly style" of hobbies. "There is a 'chemistry experiment area' in my living room, and I do a lot of chemical experiments at home, mainly flame color reactions, crystal preparation, etc." Liu Kunmu said that studying chemistry made him particularly happy, and every Friday night after finishing his homework, he would put out bottles and cans to feel the "beauty of chemistry" in the experiment.

Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News/Pocket Qingdao Reporter Yu Na, Dong Zhen, Zhang Yan

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