
The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides

author:Wisdom and courage

The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and anger from all sides.

China's islands and reefs in the South China Sea are part of China's territory, and the Philippine Secretary of Defense's actions are in total violation of international law and the relevant law of the sea. The disregard and provocation of the Philippine side in this matter is completely unacceptable. China strongly condemned the Philippine defense secretary's actions and said it would take all necessary measures to safeguard its territory.

Such an act not only violates international law and the principle of steady development, but also poses a serious threat to regional peace and stability. China has always maintained the position of settling disputes by peaceful means, but it will never tolerate violations of its own territory.

The Philippine defense secretary's shouting is even more provocative against China. China once again stressed that the Philippines should immediately stop this illegal action and take responsibility for its wrongdoing. In addition, China calls on the international community to jointly safeguard the overall situation of regional peace and stability and not allow any party to settle disputes by force or provocation.

China has the determination and ability to safeguard its territorial integrity and national dignity. The Philippines should recognize that provocation by force will only lead to further deterioration of bilateral relations and bring more uncertainty and risks to the region and the world.

China will continue to work to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation, and calls on the Philippine side to immediately stop its illegal actions and return to the track of respecting international law and regional order. In future actions, the Philippines should be more cautious and responsible, and refrain from taking any measures that may undermine regional peace and stability. #菲律宾无所顾忌# #菲律宾不计后果#

The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides
The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides
The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides
The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides
The Philippine defense secretary recently flew aboard an island in the South China Sea and set up an illegal military camp there, displaying the national flag. This move has aroused strong concern and indignation from all sides

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