
Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

author:The wind of early summer

Do you smell it? The haunting aroma slowly fills the air... A wonderful tropical vibe, quietly brushing your cheeks. It turned out that it was a comparable pressure of the king's demeanor, and it was a signal that the long-awaited "Emperor of the Fruit" was finally fortunate in the fertile soil of China!

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

The sudden battle was amazing: flights full of durians came one after another, just to scatter the colorful yellow fruit clothes to the land of China. Yes, this movement is not small, causing countless crazy lovers to kiss the mantle and lie restless!

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Dear friends, I would like to report to you an exciting news - after countless business negotiations and turbulent air transportation, the superstar durian from the "Tropical Fruit Kingdom" Philippines has finally entered the Chinese market as promised, opening a feast for the taste buds!

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

You heard it right, not long ago, batches of fragrant and high-quality durians couldn't wait to fly across the ocean and break into China's fruit cargo hold. For a while, the steaming dark fragrance overflowed, attracting the attention of diners all over the city. Since it was first introduced to China a few years ago, this exotic "golden fruit" has been warmly sought after by the majority of fruit growers and traders. But who would have thought that it would now aim at the skies over China, let go of its hands and feet, and release the most primitive tropical fragrance in the air?

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

For the majority of foodies, this is undoubtedly a long-term drought. Because in recent years, greedy merchants and commercial hegemony have caused the sales of many local durians to plummet, and the price has plummeted. At the same time, many consumers have also been tormented by the spicy "flame fruit" and have abandoned this former symbol. In this context, the fragrant and pleasant imported Philippine durian has undoubtedly become the best way out.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

In the face of such a new wave of choices, we must also remain highly vigilant. Because the mall is ruthless, the heart of defense is indispensable!

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Do you know? At the moment of entry and customs clearance, many "wild dog" traders began to coax wildly. They exaggerated, grandstanded, and advertised some hot consumers who lacked the ability to discern them, causing market prices to skyrocket.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

What's more troublesome is that this barbaric behavior has undoubtedly attracted a group of ill-intentioned speculative merchants to follow suit. They mix some high-quality, low-priced, and poor-quality goods into genuine products, and sell them on a large scale, bewitching the rivers and subverting the price order of the entire market. For a time, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and the situation of high price and poor quality has arisen, which makes a large number of consumers afraid and unable to eat!

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

So, while we are excited, we must also keep in mind the three prevention guidelines:

First, don't be fooled by exaggerated marketing advertisements. Because, in the final analysis, durian is just an ordinary food, and it should never be over-deified. Any claim that a fruit tastes the best in the world and has an endless aftertaste is actually just a marketing ploy. We need to be rational and trust our tongues and taste buds, rather than being easily seduced by popular trends.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Second, be sure to pay attention to the product channel and packaging labeling. Many unscrupulous traders like to mix inferior durians with genuine products, shoddy ones, and defraud high profits. Therefore, it is important to buy through formal sales channels, such as large farmers' markets, supermarket chains or qualified e-commerce platforms. In addition, pay attention to the product packaging, real Filipino durians usually have corresponding nationality labels and certification marks.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Third, students should learn the skills of discernment and appreciation in an all-round way. An authentic Philippine durian has a round shape and orderly thorns; The meat is delicate, the juice is abundant, in addition to the high concentration of milky aroma, it will also have a slightly sour sweetness; It also gives off a faint caramel aroma when opened. If these characteristics are not good, it may be a counterfeit.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Of course, although the air freight of Philippine durian meets the demand of Chinese consumers for high-quality fruits, it also raises concerns about the competitiveness of China's local agricultural products. Indeed, as a fruit kingdom, durian has a wide variety and high quality, which may pose a certain impact on the local industry. But I would like to say that this is the test of the new era, if China's agricultural products want to occupy a place in the international market, they must keep pace with the times, accelerate technological innovation, and vigorously improve their quality in order to win the hearts of consumers. Only in this way can we respond to challenges with positive energy and forge a new brilliance for the "light of China".

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Dear friends, the joy of life stems from the ability to appreciate new things. Now, this fragrant breeze of Filipino durian is blowing, adding a new flavor to your life, whether it is a blessing or a curse, you have the final say. But in any case, the blind pursuit of undisciplined thinking and scientific discernment is a lack of foresight. The wise man tastes and prevents the problem before it happens; Fools who enjoy this temporary temptation alone will only end up in a quagmire.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Let's wait patiently, wait for the fermentation of the durian craze, wait for the situation to completely stabilize, and then go to taste this fragrant feast of taste buds step by step. Calmly and unhurriedly, attacking and retreating, this is the best charm of sucking life. And being too eager for quick success is just greedy for small things and big losses.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Doubts that come with the wind

In this durian frenzy, we have to face a thorny question: will the invasion of Philippine durian have a huge impact on China's local agricultural products? This suspicion is not unfounded, but a grim reality that needs to be faced.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

We all know that durian, as the king of tropical fruits, is indeed blessed with a unique growing environment in the Philippines. It is hot and humid all year round, with abundant sunshine and fertile soil, which is an ideal paradise for durian, a "big man" who loves temperature and is afraid of cold. The Philippine durian, which is bred under such natural conditions, is not only huge and full, but more importantly, it has a pure taste and mellow aroma, and its quality is far superior to similar products in China.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Although there are also Guangdong, Yunnan, Hainan and other places in our domestic durian producing areas, and the climatic conditions are more pleasant, they do not have the pure tropical environment like the Philippines after all. Coupled with the uneven management level, there are often quality control problems such as excessive pesticide residues and impure taste, which greatly reduces the competitiveness of domestic durian.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Nowadays, a steady stream of high-quality Philippine durians have invaded the country in large quantities, and its impact on local agricultural products can be imagined. Once consumers taste better and abandon domestic varieties, how can our local farmers get a piece of the pie in a homogeneous market environment?

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

It's like a story of a strong opponent: once the gap in strength is widened, the weak will soon be defeated. Once the industrial chain is completely broken, the agricultural power of the year can only helplessly look at other people's orchards. This is obviously a dangerous signal, which needs to be paid attention to and addressed at all levels such as policy, technology, and management.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

In addition to affecting the competitiveness of the industry, the large-scale invasion of Philippine durian may also have a negative social impact. After all, the ensuing price fluctuations and rampant fakes will cause real harm to the average consumer. If we turn a blind eye to this, we will brew an even more serious incident of consumer rights being harmed. At that time, once the contradictions intensify, it will not only affect the social order, but will also inevitably hurt the friendly relations between the two countries.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

We all have the responsibility to call on the relevant departments to formulate stricter access standards and implement full control and supervision of the quality of imported goods. In addition to a sound management system, we need to increase publicity and popularization efforts to educate consumers on how to identify authenticity and how to consume rationally, so as to effectively protect their own rights and interests. After all, cracking down on counterfeit and shoddy products is a war without gunpowder, which requires the participation of the whole people and the co-governance of society.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Let the fragrance of durian float thousands of miles

Of course, everything is a double-edged sword. Although the invasion of the Philippine durian has sounded the alarm bell for us, as long as we assess the situation and take precautions, we will definitely be able to turn the crisis into an opportunity and harvest the rich fragrance from foreign countries.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

It is undeniable that this sudden durian boom has indeed provided an opportunity for Chinese consumers to try fresh varieties and enrich the choice of the market. For foodies who have always had a soft spot for durian, this is undoubtedly a rare journey of delicious exploration before their deaths. More importantly, the entry of a large number of high-quality durians will also force domestic farmers to speed up the pace of technological reform, comprehensively improve their management level, and survive in the homogeneous market competition.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

From this point of view, the crisis brought about by the invasion of durian in the Philippines is also an opportunity for development. We should regard it as a good medicine to promote the comprehensive upgrading of China's agricultural industry chain and win new vitality for local agricultural products. Who wouldn't want to try the most original and purest tropical fruits? Now that we have such an opportunity, we should keep pace with the times and take the initiative to embrace it.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

At the same time, this durian boom is also pregnant with an opportunity for cultural exchange. Durian is not just a fruit, but also a unique lifestyle and aesthetic orientation in Southeast Asia. Through the experience and tasting of durian, we can personally feel the wisdom and unique taste of tropical people, so as to expand our horizons and enhance our understanding and appreciation of foreign cultures. This kind of cultural exchange will also play a positive role in promoting the friendship between China and Southeast Asian countries.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

It is foreseeable that in the future, China's fruit shelves will bring together high-quality fruits from all over the world. The Philippine durian, which is the first to enter, will surely become the opening gong and drum of this international food event. Let's embrace this fragrance warmly, cross thousands of miles, and feel the unique charm of that exotic feeling.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

In short, we should all embrace the new trend of durian with a more open and inclusive mind. We must not only keep our eyes open to beware of fakes and rational consumption, but also open our hearts to appreciate the unique charm of different cultures. Only in this way can we truly taste the bloom of life and the taste of it.

Note! Note! A large number of Philippine durians have been flown to China! Special reminder, buy with caution!

Friends are warmly welcome to speak freely in the message area and share your personal feelings about this Philippine durian craze. Let's explore how to dance harmoniously with the fragrant culture from foreign lands while protecting local agricultural products, and reap the wealth of food and the joy of the soul!

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