
If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

On the road to weight loss, we often hear the saying that as long as you control your diet and reduce your calorie intake, you can easily lose weight. Because the daily calorie intake is less than the calories burned, the body will create a calorie deficit, and you will naturally lose weight.

If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

However, although diet control is an important part of weight loss, why do we still strongly recommend that you exercise more to lose weight in order to achieve your ideal body?

First of all, diet to lose weight is not an easy thing to stick to. Many people can't stand the hunger pangs in this process, the desire to eat will become strong, you are prone to overeating, and it will become more and more difficult to control your diet.

If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

Secondly, excessive diet management will make the body antagonistic. If your basal metabolic value is 1500 kcal, but your daily caloric intake is less than the basal metabolic value, it will make the body fall into famine mode, so as to open the energy storage mode, that is, the body eats less and consumes less, you will have muscle loss, hair loss, fatigue and other problems, the basal metabolic value will further decline, and the fat-prone physique will patronize you, your weight loss efficiency will become worse and worse, and it is easy to fall into a weight loss plateau.

Third, excessive dietary management, a single diet, such as the behavior of not eating meat and only eating vegetables, can lead to malnutrition and insufficient metabolic power, which is not conducive to health.

During weight loss, we need to diversify our diet and replenish the protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals needed by the body, so that the body can function more efficiently and lose weight healthily.

If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

So, what are the benefits of exercise and fitness for weight loss?

First of all, exercise can speed up metabolism, further promoting calorie expenditure. Diet control alone can reduce calorie intake, but metabolism may slow down, resulting in lower calorie expenditure.

Adding exercise can activate various organs and systems of the body, increase the level of metabolism, so that the body can continue to burn calories while resting, so as to achieve a better slimming effect.

If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

Secondly, exercise helps to build a toned body line. Simple diet control can often only reduce weight, but it is difficult to change the shape of the body, and the body will be too shriveled and invisible after slimming.

The addition of exercise, especially the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise, can strengthen various muscle groups in the body, making the muscles more compact and shapely, and the body curves more smooth and graceful.

Thirdly, exercise can also improve the body's health. Moderate exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function, strengthen bone density, improve immunity, and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

If you can lose weight by controlling your diet, why exercise more?

Fourth, insisting on exercise can also relieve stress, and the body will secrete dopamine factor, which will help you improve your mood, so that you can have enough resistance to stress, maintain an optimistic attitude, and be full of vitality.

Summary: Although diet control is the foundation of weight loss, diet alone is prone to various health problems, and the efficiency of weight loss will become worse and worse. During weight loss, diet combined with exercise can effectively increase the calorie deficit, and at the same time help you strengthen your body, reaping multiple benefits, so that you can have a healthier body and a firmer body line while losing weight.


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