
Middle-aged people have become the main force of sports and fitness! The latest data is out

author:Elephant News Client

After this year's movie "Hot and Hot" became popular, many people only sighed in the face of Jia Ling's successful transformation: I don't have the perseverance to persevere! Is this a casual complaint, or is there a trace? In the "China Good Life Survey" that will be released today, there is a set of data to see what everyone's leisure time is filled with.

Sports and fitness are reversed, and shopping and eating prevails

The 2023-2024 China Better Life Survey found that compared with the previous two years, the number of people exercising and exercising has declined, and more people spend their leisure time on dinners/supper and night markets/shopping malls. Exercise and fitness can bring health, but also a good way to relax, shopping and eating, I hope people don't neglect fitness.

Middle-aged people have become the main force of sports and fitness! The latest data is out

From the perspective of the seven regions, people in South China love sports and fitness the most in their leisure time, and this year, 15.80% of South China people will exercise and exercise in their leisure time. The laziest to be active are the Northeast people, probably because the weather is too cold for almost half of the year, and only 10.01% of them exercise and fitness.

Middle-aged people have become the main force of sports and fitness! The latest data is out

Middle-aged people are the main force of sports and fitness

According to different age groups, people aged 46-59 have the highest proportion of exercise and fitness in leisure time, reaching 17.05%, followed by people over 60 years old. In contrast, the proportion of young people aged 18-35 who exercise and fitness is not high, with an average of less than 11%.

Middle-aged people have become the main force of sports and fitness! The latest data is out

Judging from the data of the past five years, people aged 18-35 are willing to exercise and exercise most of the time, and now there is a reversal, what is their leisure time taken up? The survey found that the proportion of people aged 18-35 who choose mobile entertainment, dinners/supper and night markets/shopping malls in their leisure time is much higher than that of other age groups this year.

Middle-aged people have become the main force of sports and fitness! The latest data is out

Did you exercise today?

When you're not shopping, you're going to get moving! (CCTV Finance)

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