
Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!


Zhang Yixing shines in Cannes

Zhang Yixing, the magician on the stage, is like a dark horse, shining at the Cannes dinner.

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

A bright black diamond suit enveloped him, and his blonde hair shone in the light like stars in the night sky. His appearance is like a beautiful scenery on Vanity Fair, attracting everyone's attention.


Immediately go downstairs and run for fitness

After flying for more than ten hours, Zhang Yixing didn't wait for a moment as soon as he arrived at his destination, and couldn't wait to start his fitness journey.

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

Such a state is simply breathtaking! As if the long-distance flight was just a piece of cake for him, the posture of running downstairs reminded people of the "running men" in the happy base camp.


Flying for more than ten hours, it still shines

Flying for more than ten hours is already exhausting for ordinary people, but for Zhang Yixing, it seems to be just a small episode.

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

At the Cannes dinner, he was still the beautiful presence that glowed, as if the hard work of flying had been swept away. Netizens said: This is not scientific! Did you change the battery or something?!


Delicate little face

His face, like a carved work of art, is undoubtedly synonymous with beauty.

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

Netizens mischievously commented: "I feel that my face has not changed but my temperament has changed", as if implying that his aura has transcended the cognitive scope of ordinary people and has become a mysterious force.


Controversial summary

In Zhang Yixing's body, we see an incredible energy, and his mental state and physical strength are amazing.

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

However, some netizens ridiculed: "Is this guy from an alien?!" "I can't help but spark a discussion, is it talent or hard work? In any case, Zhang Yixing used his actions to show us what it means to be an "out-and-out king".

Long-distance flight + fitness running, Zhang Yixing's Cannes dinner is high-energy, this noble son is hanging!

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