
Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

author:Funny breeze pY

Zhang Yixing's gorgeous appearance in Cannes

Zhang Yixing appeared at the Cannes dinner, wearing a black bright diamond suit and blonde hairstyle, which simply attracted the attention of the audience.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Although he had just experienced a long-distance flight of more than ten hours, he was still in good spirits after landing, as if the long-distance flight was just a piece of cake for him. On social media, everyone is amazed at his energy and state, and some netizens quipped, "Zhang Yixing's state is simply a noble son walking around Vanity Fair!" Indeed, this kind of aura and temperament can't help but make people wonder if he has his own aura. Someone said in the comments, "This is simply a full score of ascetic aura, and people can't help but take a few more looks." ”


Zhang Yixing's appearance in Cannes is not only to show his style and temperament, but also a perfect social event. He interacted with celebrities from all walks of life at banquets and seemed to be at ease. Someone joked, "This must be the state of flying for more than ten hours in a row, and immediately going downstairs to run for fitness after landing for a moment?" "Obviously, his energy and form are impressive. Zhang Yixing is not only an actor and singer, but also an advocate of a healthy life, and his self-discipline and perseverance are indeed breathtaking.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Extraordinary state after a long-haul flight

After a long-distance flight for more than ten hours, I started to work out and run as soon as I arrived at my destination, and this kind of physical strength and willpower was amazing.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Zhang Yixing's fans have said that it is indeed a rare example to be able to maintain such a good condition under such a high-intensity schedule. Some fans said in the comments, "Zhang Yixing's state is amazing, this physical strength is really admirable!" 'It's true that his physical strength and form are surprising, especially in an occasion like Cannes where you need to be at your best at all times.


Zhang Yixing's performance at the Cannes dinner was even more impressive. His delicate countenance and good condition once again put him in the spotlight. Someone joked in the comments, "Zhang Yixing's little face is simply a glowing beauty at the banquet!" Indeed, his beauty and temperament make people have to sigh at his maintenance and self-discipline. Whether in terms of appearance or state, Zhang Yixing is an example worth learning from.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Extraordinary results from fitness habits

In his busy work schedule, Zhang Yixing still insists on fitness, and this self-discipline keeps him at the best level.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Many people sighed at his perseverance and self-discipline, and some netizens said, "The delicate little face has not changed, but the temperament is getting better and better." Indeed, Zhang Yixing's temperament has become more and more mature and attractive over time, which is inseparable from his living habits. Insisting on fitness not only makes his body healthier, but also makes his temperament more outstanding.


Many people are curious about how Zhang Yixing maintains such a good state and temperament in his busy work. Someone joked in the comments, "This is simply Zhang Yixing at the Cannes dinner, after flying for more than ten hours, he is still the beauty that shines at the banquet!" The maintenance of this state is inseparable from his usual self-discipline and persistence. Zhang Yixing is not only strict with himself at work, but also in life, this kind of self-discipline and perseverance allows him to show his best self on every occasion.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

The relationship between self-discipline and success

Zhang Yixing's success is inseparable from his self-discipline and hard work. His living habits and work attitude allow him to show his best on every occasion.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Whether it's a workout after a long flight or socializing at a dinner party, he's got it all. The maintenance of this state has made him stand out among many stars and become the focus of everyone's attention. Someone said in the comments, "This is Zhang Yixing, always so self-disciplined and excellent!" This kind of evaluation is not only a recognition of him, but also an encouragement to him.


Many people believe that success is inseparable from self-discipline and hard work. Zhang Yixing's example is the best illustration of this view. He holds himself to the highest standards, both at work and in life, and this attitude allows him to look his best on every occasion. Many people believe that his success is not accidental, but the result of long-term perseverance and hard work. This self-discipline and persistence have allowed him to succeed in every field.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Zhang Yixing's healthy lifestyle

Zhang Yixing's healthy lifestyle is indeed admirable. He is not only strict with himself at work, but also in life. Someone joked in the comments, "Zhang Yixing's state is simply a noble son wandering around Vanity Fair!" "Indeed, his lifestyle and work attitude allow him to look his best on every occasion. The maintenance of this state has made him stand out among many stars and become the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Zhang Yixing's lifestyle is worth learning and learning from. He is a role model to learn from, both in terms of health and work attitude. His success is inseparable from his self-discipline and hard work, and this lifestyle allows him to succeed in every field. Many people believe that his success is not accidental, but the result of long-term perseverance and hard work. This self-discipline and persistence allow him to bring out the best in every field.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Funny comments from netizens

Zhang Yixing's appearance in Cannes sparked heated discussions among netizens. Everyone expressed their love and appreciation for him in the comments, and some netizens quipped, "Zhang Yixing's state is simply a noble son walking around Vanity Fair!" This kind of comment not only expresses his love for him, but also shows the sense of humor of netizens. Someone else joked, "This is simply Zhang Yixing at the Cannes dinner, after flying for more than ten hours, he is still a shining beauty at the banquet!" This kind of humorous comment made everyone appreciate him while also adding some light-hearted and pleasant atmosphere.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

The funny comments of netizens not only increased the fun of the discussion, but also made everyone pay more attention to Zhang Yixing's performance. This kind of interactivity makes everyone feel more fun and involved in the discussion. Many people said that Zhang Yixing's state and performance were indeed surprising and admirable. His success is inseparable from his self-discipline and hard work, and this attitude and spirit are worth learning and learning from.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

Controversial summary at the end

Zhang Yixing's performance in Cannes once again proved the importance of self-discipline and hard work. His success is not only the result of talent and luck, but also the result of long-term perseverance and hard work. Some people believe that his success is inseparable from his appearance and temperament, but more people believe that his self-discipline and hard work are the key to his success. Whether it's working out after a long flight or socializing at a dinner party, he can look his best. The maintenance of this state allows him to stand out on every occasion and become the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

However, some people questioned whether Zhang Yixing's success was too dependent on his appearance and temperament. This view, although somewhat one-sided, also reflects the views of some people. In any case, Zhang Yixing's success is inseparable from his self-discipline and hard work, and this attitude and spirit are worth learning and learning from. Whether it is appearance or temperament, only on the basis of self-discipline and hard work can you truly show your best state. This kind of controversial summary hopes to trigger more thinking and discussion. I hope that everyone will actively participate in the discussion in the comment area and share their views and opinions.

Zhang Yixing's Cannes moment: full score state after a long-distance flight, abstinence aura bursts!

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