
"Boxing patriotism, Yin Yin's dream of strengthening the country" - our community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out Taijiquan learning activities

author:Huimin District Steel Road Office

In order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the physical and mental health of residents in our community, and give full play to the sports and healthy life of residents, on the morning of May 20, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of our community organized Taijiquan enthusiasts in the jurisdiction to carry out the Taijiquan learning activity of "Patriotism in Boxing, Dream of Strengthening the Country" in front of the Party and Mass Service Center of our community.

"Boxing patriotism, Yin Yin's dream of strengthening the country" - our community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out Taijiquan learning activities

At the event site, with the sound of soothing music, the momentum rises, the wild horse splits its mane, the white crane shows its wings, and the knees are reluctant...... The boxers made a perfect interpretation of the 24-style Tai Chi boxing and Tai Chi Kung Fu fan, etc., with slow victory over softness, rigidity and softness, smooth movements, elegant and chic, and the charm of Tai Chi was vividly expressed. Gusts of breeze are blowing, waving fans, beautiful and masculine, Tai Chi fans open and close between the spirit and style of sports, attracting endless applause from onlookers.

"Boxing patriotism, Yin Yin's dream of strengthening the country" - our community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out Taijiquan learning activities

During the teaching, Aunt Wang, a volunteer, demonstrated by example, and taught enthusiasts to play a set of 24-style Tai Chi by decomposing movements, explaining, and demonstrating. Residents study carefully, from rusty to proficient, carefully figure out one move at a time, and carefully experience the physical and mental relaxation brought by Tai Chi, and feel happy. In the end, everyone neatly and perfectly displayed a set of 24-style Taijiquan, one move and one style flowing water, both rigid and soft, showing the inherent beauty of Taijiquan.

"Boxing patriotism, Yin Yin's dream of strengthening the country" - our community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out Taijiquan learning activities

Through this activity, the residents experienced the unique charm of Taijiquan, and provided a platform for Taijiquan enthusiasts to show their style, learn skills, and cultivate their sentiments. At the same time, it promotes the communication and interaction between community residents, and enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the community. In the next step, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of our community will continue to adhere to the guidance of party building, establish a scientific and fitness lifestyle in the jurisdiction, create a good atmosphere of national fitness and love of life, and further improve the cultural soft power of our community.

Contributed by: Dong Yue

Editor: Zhang Mengjiao

Review: Chen Da

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