
Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period

author:Bright Net


Many parents in Shenzhen said

My baby was diagnosed with scarlet fever

Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period
Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period

The comment area resonated with many parents across the country

Some people said that the child's temperature was more than 39°C

"The child suffers greatly"

Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period
Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period
Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period

May 21

Guangdong CDC issued an urgent reminder:

The weather is getting hotter and hotter

It's scarlet fever season again

In general

High season for scarlet fever

In the spring, summer and winter of each year

Attention to the general public:

Children aged 2~10 years are susceptible to scarlet fever

Please take precautions

Coughing and sneezing can spread it

Children aged 2~10 years are susceptible to infection

Scarlet fever is an acute respiratory infection caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus, and patients with this disease are the main source of infection.

(1) Droplet transmission

The main route of transmission is droplet transmission, such as coughing, sneezing and other behaviors.

(2) Spread by contaminated equipment

Accidental contact with utensils contaminated with bacteria can also lead to infection.

Children aged 2~10 years old are susceptible to infection, the early symptoms of scarlet fever are atypical, mainly fever and sore throat, after 2~3 days of fever, there will be fever, sore throat, general rash and other common symptoms and myocarditis, sinusitis, otitis media and other complications.

(1) Diffuse needle-sized rash all over the body

The rash begins within 24 hours of the child's fever, starting behind the ears, on the neck, and then rapidly spreading to the trunk and limbs;

The typical rash is evenly distributed on the skin, faded by pressure, accompanied by an itchy sensation, and the skin will peel after it subsides.

(2) Strawberry tongue

Let the child open his mouth wide, focusing on the child's tongue, whether the tongue is like a strawberry or bayberry;

Observe your child's tonsils for inflammation, congestion, or purulent exudation.

Over 39°C, diagnosed one after another! Official emergency reminder: There is no vaccine, and it has entered a high incidence period

(3) Flushed complexion and pale around the mouth

The child's face is congested, and the area around the lips is not as pronounced as the face, and the area around the lips looks like there is a white circle.

Most symptoms of scarlet fever are mild, but a small percentage can cause heart, kidney and joint damage!

Dealing with scarlet fever

Medication + nursing care is indispensable

(1) Antibiotic therapy

If you have scarlet fever, you should seek medical attention in time, choose appropriate antibiotic treatment according to the doctor's instructions, and follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine according to the full course of treatment in order to treat it thoroughly.

(2) Rest + isolation + ventilation

Patients with scarlet fever should be isolated at home or in hospital until symptoms disappear, and the throat swab culture is negative or not less than 7 days from the date of treatment before they can be released from isolation.

Pay attention to rest, ensure adequate sleep every day, and open windows for ventilation in the room.

(3) Oral care

You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water 3~4 times a day.


There is no vaccine to prevent scarlet fever

Do the following:

It can also be effectively prevented

(1) Manage the source of infection

If your child is diagnosed with scarlet fever, he or she should avoid going to school, seek medical treatment in time, and return to school after he or she recovers.

The utensils contaminated by the patient can be boiled and disinfected, the furniture and desks should be scrubbed and disinfected with soapy water or disinfectant, and the items that cannot be scrubbed can be exposed to the sun outdoors for 1~2 hours.

(2) Cut off the route of transmission

Pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently, and ventilate the room frequently.

During the high incidence of scarlet fever, try to minimize taking children to crowded and poorly ventilated places, and wear a mask if you need to go out.

(3) Improve children's immunity

Exercising outdoors, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep can all boost immunity!

Comprehensive: Guangdong Disease Control, Shenzhen Events, Guangzhou Daily

Source: Hangzhou Daily

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