
Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

Life is diverse, but it also means that people are multifaceted. After Feng Xiaoqin married Gu Lei, she began to wash her hands and make soup, and kept the family in good order. She enrolled her children in various cram schools, hoping that her son would learn more skills. At the same time, she urged her husband Gu Lei to study the examination. As for whether she can get the test or not, she doesn't care, she thinks that men can't be too idle, and it is better to sit down after work than to be idle at home.

Feng Xiaoqin really thought so. She didn't have any hope for her husband. The family's financial conditions are not too good, but no matter what, she feels that this investment is still necessary. If a man is self-motivated, the whole family will prosper. What you want is that spirit. If you can't pass the exam, it's secondary. Feng Xiaoqin is not accustomed to some men, and when she returns home to lie on the sofa, take a mobile phone to brush the circle of friends, or play games. It is better to live like that than to die.

However, Feng Xiaoqin could not persuade Gu Lei to go to class, and Gu Lei felt that he was not the material for learning, and he did not want to go to class, so the two had an argument. After the quarrel, there was the Cold War.

Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

Later, Feng Xiaoqin said that her cousin would return to his hometown when he got married. Gu Lei went out to see her, and fell to her death in the corridor.

Gu Lei died, and Feng Xiaoqin, a housewife, suddenly had no one to rely on. Sister Feng Xixi was afraid that she would not be able to open it, so she slept with her every night and chatted with her.

Although Feng Xiaoqin was bitter in her heart, she did not dare to be depressed for too long, and the two children needed her to raise. The child has no father, her mother is their dependence, she can't make excuses for herself because of the loss of her husband, and she can't be a good mother.

She took care of the housework as usual to send her youngest son to school and cared for her eldest son in her hometown. Later Zhan Xiang gave her the opportunity to work there.

Feng Xiaoqin thought clearly and went. She not only took care of the housework, but also made the elderly club in Zhan Xiang a sound and colorful way. Later, she also went to the clubhouse with Zhan Xiangpan, which became Feng Xiaoqin's beloved profession, and at the same time solved Feng Xiaoqin's worries, so that she still had the ability to support her children after losing her husband.

Gu Lei's contentment with the status quo left Feng Xiaoqin with no way to do anything. No matter what she did, she couldn't activate the man's self-motivation. Such a day makes a woman who yearns for the quality of life live a very depressed life.

Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

How many men have made women desperate in their lives. A woman wants a better life and he just wants to lie flat. The woman wanted to spur him to work hard, but he said that the woman was not satisfied, and her heart was higher than the sky.

When getting married, if you only look at the family conditions, Feng Xiaoqin is not worthy of Gu Lei. An out-of-town sister marries a local man from Shanghai. To work there is a job, to have a house to have a house. This is something that many women envy.

But when you really live your life, only you know the pain in your heart. Is Feng Xiaoqin bitter in her heart? She was bitter, so bitter that she had nowhere to tell. In the eyes of outsiders, it was already a blessing that she could find Gu Lei.

But only Feng Xiaoqin knew that this man had no ability, no ability to count, no self-motivation, no self-motivation, and did not understand the pain of his wife. Feng Xiaoqin was like raising an extra son with him.

It's just that this eldest son is not as obedient as his son, let go to the cram school to go to the cram class, and let him get up to practice the violin and practice the violin.

This eldest son goes to work to play soy sauce, and when he comes home, he is the prince, and he doesn't have to do anything. Feng Xiaoqin only asked him to read, he read, Feng Xiaoqin waited for him to wait until midnight, washed his feet and poured water in front of him, and fed him a supper into his mouth. Just to let him learn something well. But this man can't learn well, and he still has a bad attitude because he doesn't want to learn and always quarrels with Feng Xiaoqin.

Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

Gu Lei did not want to learn to feel that he was not that piece of material, essentially because he was satisfied with his current life, he felt that he did not need to change anything, so he did not want to embarrass himself.

He is different from Feng Xiaoqin, Feng Xiaoqin is a foreigner who married him, but still has a sense of crisis. Because the house she lived in was not his, all she had in her hands was the salary earned by Gu Lei. She needs to plan for her future life, the cost of her children's schooling in the future, where to get married and live when she grows up, all of which need to be considered, all need money. Gu Lei, as the main force of their small family, Feng Xiaoqin naturally hopes that he has the ability to make more money.

And Gu Lei because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet, his family has regarded him as a treasure in his hands since he was a child, he basically has not suffered any hardships, and he does not understand that life is difficult. For him, everything about his father is his, and no matter how bad it is, there is also his sister's help. He was used to the care he had taken care of from his father and sister.

Gu Lei, like most men, knows how to marry his wife and have children, but he does not know how to love his wife and hurt his children. Except for going to work, he didn't care about the big or small things in the family.

The wife was busy in the kitchen alone with a large family's meal, and he couldn't see it, so he didn't help his wife. The child tutors homework, he does not care whether Feng Xiaoqin comes, the child goes to the counseling class, or Feng Xiaoqin's business.

Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

He was just involved in the moment of marrying his wife and having children. He doesn't know how to love. His belief in letting women and him go down disappeared little by little.

Our society requires women to go up and down to the kitchen, and the requirements for men are to start a family. Men know how to start a family, because it is not only their own business, but also related to the face of the family. Older unmarried young men are never a face-saving thing.

Men also want to get married for their own decency. As for how to get along with his wife, this matter cannot be controlled by others. Men are also too lazy to take the initiative to do it, the wife has no requirements for him, he will lie flat, the wife has requirements for him, he feels that it is difficult to do it, or will choose to lie flat.

Feng Xiaoqin thought that choosing an honest person like Gu Lei was choosing a good life. It is only after marriage that I know that honest popularity can kill popularity.

You want to live with others with a lot of energy, but he doesn't do anything, doesn't sympathize with your hard work, and doubts that you have two hearts. It's miserable.

Without Gu Lei's Feng Xiaoqin, is life difficult? It was difficult, and her insecurity in the life of the family was aggravated. She needs to change to break through, even if she's afraid.

Feng Xiaoqin, the original author of "Heart Residence": Married life, spurning men is not as good as working hard themselves

Later, Zhan Xiang gave her a job opportunity, and she tried to seize this opportunity. Her sense of security was reinforced little by little. She has the ability to let the children of her hometown live by her side, even if she leaves the Gu family, she is not afraid. She was no longer locked in a house.

For Feng Xiaoqin, it is much easier to work her own than to spur others. At least the goals you set yourself can accomplish on your own. Tired is tired, but the heart is satisfied. Spur others, spur not to move, and finally suffer a stomach.

Men see marriage as too simple, and marriage is not the completion of the mission, but the beginning of responsibility. A man who is married is to take on family responsibilities, not to keep his wife busy like a nanny.

The family is not a woman alone. It is the combination of men and women that form a family. Men must know how to love and give.

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