
Chinese Mother 10 Great Kindness: Give birth to me, bow me, care for me, care for me

Chinese Mother 10 Great Kindness: Give birth to me, bow me, care for me, care for me

Mother's kindness to us is heavier than the earth, higher than the mountains. The closest person in the world is his mother. What is the mother's kindness to her children?

First, the grace of the pregnant guardian

"In October, the pregnant woman suffered and could not sit still and sleep restlessly."

After the mother is pregnant, although the body is becoming heavier and heavier, such as carrying heavy burdens, often fidgeting, not thinking about eating, sleeping badly, still doing everything possible to take care of and protect the fetus, for the growth of the fetus in the abdomen, what you want to eat is strongly resisted not to eat, and what you don't want to eat as long as it is beneficial to the fetus, you also force yourself to swallow.

The mother is nourishing a small life with the essence of the body's blood, and as the fetus grows up, every move of the hand in the mother's womb will bring pain to the mother, but the mother does not care.

2. Grace who suffers in childbirth

"Pregnant in October, born in a day", after the pregnancy of october pregnancy, the mother finally has to suffer severe pain, and even risk her life to give birth to the child.

When the child was born safely, although the appearance of the child when it was first born was extremely ugly, the mother was also very happy as if she had received the most precious treasure.

As the saying goes, "The birthday of the child, the day of the mother's suffering", so in some places in the past, people were reluctant to celebrate their birthdays, and only began to "live a big birthday" after reaching the age of sixty, so as to remember the suffering of their mother's childbirth.

3. The grace of breastfeeding

After the birth of the child, the mother cares hard and takes good care of it. When the child is hungry, he feeds with his own milk; when the child is cold, he prepares soft and warm clothes and warms the child with his own body temperature; the child is sick and the mother is anxious and sleeplessly takes care of it.

Human excrement is very dirty, but the mother does not care, often using her hands to wipe the child. Since the birth of the child, the mother can no longer sleep in peace, in order to protect the child's growth, even completely lose the space of freedom.

It used to be said, A handful of pulls a child up with a handful of pee, which is not an exaggeration.

Fourth, the endowment of educating adults

The mother is the child's first teacher in the world.

Mothers teach their children to talk and walk, eat and dress, and when the children are older, they teach some principles for people to behave.

In order to raise her children to adulthood, mothers will not hesitate to let themselves be starved and frozen, running and toiling, and preparing everything they need for their children.

The mother of Tao Kan, a famous general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, cut her hair to sell money for rice in order to entertain her son's friends; removed a few house pillars and split them as firewood; and cut off half of the seats as hay for horses. Thus leaving a good story of "truncated hair Yanbin".

The happiness of the child in this life is paid a huge price by the mother. The mother's kindness is immeasurable.

5. The grace of exhortation

When the child reaches adulthood, the mother will still be a supervisory role, and once the child is found to have wrong words and deeds, she will be disciplined and admonished in time.

In addition to the above-mentioned allusion to the "truncated hair Yanbin", Tao Mu also has a widely praised story of "sealing the altar and retiring the carp".

Once, a subordinate sent a pot of fish (pickled fish) to Tao Kan, and the filial Tao Kan immediately remembered his loving mother who had lived in poverty all his life, and asked the villagers to bring it to his mother.

Who knew that my mother had returned the altar fish intact and wrote in her letter: "You have become an official and given me public property, which not only does not benefit me, but also increases my worries."

After Tao Kan read the letter, he felt guilty and hurriedly returned the fish to the people.

Chinese Mother 10 Great Kindness: Give birth to me, bow me, care for me, care for me

Sixth, the kindness of long-distance remembrance

Although it is said: "Parents are here, not far away", but in order to live, it is inevitable to go out, no matter how far you go, there is always a thread in the hands of your mother.

"The child is worried about the mother", the child is far away from home, and the mother worries and worries every day, until she sees the safe return, she will let go of her uneasy heart.

The Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao's "Wandering Zi Yin" has been recited through the ages, "The mother has a thread in her hand, and the wanderer wears a shirt." The seams are tightly sewn, and I am afraid that I will be late. Whoever says anything will repay the three Chunhui!"

Seventh, deeply sympathetic kindness

"Song of Exhortation to Filial Piety": "The former loving mother is here, and the prodigal son does not feel cold."

The philosopher said, "There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, and that is the call of the mother."

In this world, the one who loves us the most is no one but our mother. If we are sick or in danger, it is our mother who does not hesitate to hope to take our place.

When a child encounters adversity, the mother is willing to suffer on behalf of the child, and this infinite attitude of compassion and compassion, the deep compassion of kindness, shows the sacred selflessness of maternal love.

Viii. The endeavour of love

"Song of Filial Piety": "The old mother is one hundred years old, and she often reads eighty children."

The mother's heart for her children will not weaken with age, and she will always be happy with the happiness of her children, suffering from the pain of her children, not only worrying about her children's diet, but also worrying about her children's clothing, and always having the grace of endless love.

"The debt of the white-haired children, the deep marks of the years", from the birth of the child to the time when his eyes are closed, he can no longer take care of the child, and the mother's love is endless and endless.

IX. Grace that comes from nature

As the saying goes, "Mother and child are connected."

In ancient times, there was a very famous filial piety Zengzi (Zeng San), once he went up the mountain to cut firewood, just when his friends came to him, ancient friends may have walked for two or three days to arrive.

His mother was particularly loyal, thinking that her friends had come so far, and if she hadn't seen Zeng, she would be embarrassed to be a friend.

So she put a needle in her hand, and this needle went down, and ZengShan, who was far away on the mountain, immediately felt heartache, thinking that there must be something wrong with her mother, so she stopped chopping wood and hurried home.

Mother-child nature. Mother's love moves the world, there is no other love in the world that can be surpassed, and maternal love is actually a kind of kindness that comes from nature.

10. Like the grace of the earth

In "Zhou Yi", Kun is the mother and the earth. The mother is like the earth, carrying things with great virtue.

In ancient times, a mother went to visit her son who was an official, and when she saw her son outside the city ordering the execution of prisoners, she refused to enter her son's mansion.

The son came to see his mother, and the mother rebuked the son: "I have not heard that you have educated your people with benevolence, but only by punishment and killing, and want to establish your majesty in this way, can you last?"

The mother concluded by saying, "I don't want to see my strong son under criminal law in old age!" Then go back to your hometown.

More than a year later, the son lost his official position and was punished. At that time, people praised their mother for her virtuousness and foresight.

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