
Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

Lan Shengguo; Word: Taishanlan; No.: Word idiot; Orchid: Lord of the House; People from Tai'an, Shandong. Born in 1970. Influenced by his father since childhood, and taught by his father, he has fallen in love with calligraphy ever since, and has persisted to this day, although he has not achieved much, but he likes it quite much. Calligraphy can cultivate self-cultivation and cultivate emotions! I can't give up! The so-called endless learning of the sea will definitely be studied for life, and with my modest efforts to publicize and carry forward the national essence of our Chinese nation - calligraphy and painting culture!

Write Chinese characters well and do a good job of Chinese!

He is now a contracted artist of China Education Television's "Ink Danqing" and "Famous Lecture Hall"; and a member of CETV Ink Danqing Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

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Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

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Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

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Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

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Chinese Art Heritage Figures - Lan Shengguo - Tencent News

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