
Two people who truly love each other have cause and effect


The ancients said: "Planting melons to get melons, planting beans to get beans." ”

Who you can meet, who you fall in love with, and who you spend the rest of your life with, may seem accidental, but it is inevitable.

Smart people actively change themselves and increase their cohesion; ignorant people, resigned, also complain that the old man does not match himself.

No matter how good the fate is, the key is that you have to be worthy of each other and worthy of the fate, otherwise what you get will be lost.

There is a sentence in "The Surprise of the First Shooting": "If it is not divided before death, how many times have there been reunion after death?" ”

The book also writes a couple, the man worships the life, the woman is lost, their love, almost escape from death, but the ending is still happy and happy, amazing, enviable.

Two people who truly love each other have cause and effect


True love needs to be right.

During the Reign of the Yuan Dynasty, there was an official named Polo, who built a large courtyard and often invited relatives and friends to gather.

One day, a young man named Bai Bao, riding a horse through the courtyard, suddenly heard the sound of women playing inside, he stretched his neck to look, and found several beautiful girls inside. When he got home, he said to his parents, "The girl in the courtyard is really beautiful." ”

The mother who worshiped the house would understand and said, "How difficult is this, your father is also an official, he is also very famous, and the people in the courtyard are right, just ask a matchmaker to say it, and make sure that you will marry your daughter-in-law." ”

Polo heard the matchmaker talk about the family situation of Baizhu and immediately decided to give the most beloved little girl, Brother Solishi, to Baiju.

In real life, we often hear stories of poor boys climbing rich families and Cinderella marrying princes, but there is still a lot of resistance to getting married.

After all, the idea of being poor and loving the rich has existed since ancient times. Poverty alleviation marriage, although it exists, is difficult to be optimistic. Some couples, after getting married, found that the original families of the two sides had a big gap, resulting in incompatible ideas, knowledge, etc., and later had to be separated.

Good love is "I am excellent, you are not bad", although it will not be absolutely balanced, but can appreciate each other and know the roots. What will happen in the future, I don't care, but the current situation is clear, and everyone knows it.


True love needs to be inseparable.

The love between Byson and Suogo was recognized by everyone and they chose to get married on a day.

"The sky has unpredictable storms, and people have bad luck." Some time before the wedding, Bysei's father was jealous of the people in the court, saying that he had committed corrupt behavior. While his father was in prison, he contracted an illness. After that, the family fell ill and died one after another.

In just a few months, The Bysei family failed, and he became a lonely person.

Sogo's mother believes that according to the current situation, it is better to repent. As a result, Su Ge lost his hand and was promised to the Zhang family and asked for a quick marriage.

Brother Su's lost heart had long been taken away by Baisheng, but now she could only marry against her will, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and on the wedding day, she secretly untied her shoelaces and hanged herself in a palanquin.

The happy event turned into a funeral, and the parents of the lost brother cried heartbroken. Temporarily placed her daughter in a nearby temple, and stored a lot of funerary items at the same time. Prepare for a sunset burial.

Truly loving someone is love at first sight, goodbye and love, if you can't meet each other, then you can only fight with your life. The two words "martyrdom", although very cruel, show that the feelings of the two people are deep.

Many couples can enjoy happiness together, but they cannot suffer together. Only two people who truly love each other can bear the suffering together and find a way to survive together.

In ancient times, as a woman, she had no autonomy over her marriage. However, as long as a woman moves the truth, she will become fierce and disobey her parents' orders.

Nowadays, if two people grit their teeth and keep their love, then they can definitely be together. If not, it means that love is not deep enough.

Two people who truly love each other have cause and effect


True love needs to be convinced.

The "news of the death" of The Lost Brother soon reached the ears of the worshippers. He suddenly felt that it was dark and rushed to the temple.

He knelt beside Suge Lost and cried for a long time, no matter how much others persuaded him, he did not want to leave.

When the people around them had dispersed, Baizhu suddenly heard a sentence: "I am still alive." ”

Surprised, he found the monk in the temple and said, "She's still alive, I'm going to take her away." ”

The temple keepers thought that he was insane, how could he do something strange? Bai Zhu firmly believed that his judgment was correct, and after some rescue, Su Ge Lost Really woke up.

After that, Bai Zhu took The Speed Brother to the distance and flew away, and quickly built the coffin, sealing everything, creating the illusion that "nothing happened".

There is a love mentor who said, "Trust is a lifetime." ”

Whether it is a couple or a couple, if they are jealous of each other, they are doomed to not be able to accompany each other until they are old. Their quarrels are not because of who has made a mistake, but because they are suspicious of gods and ghosts, and there are often extraneous things.

If you trust a person, even if it is unfounded, you believe; even if it is a fantasy, if you can accept it calmly, then love will create many miracles.


True love requires empathy.

What is empathy?

It means that two people can consider the problem from the other's point of view and understand each other's feelings. In terms of love, it is that each other has a sharp mind, and anything can have a faint resonance. Moreover, the parents of both parties can also perceive their love, which is profound and eternal.

Baizhu and Sogo Lost Li settled in Kaiping Province, sold the gold and jade in The hands of Sogo Lost Li, bought a house and land, and then seriously managed it, and the family slowly became rich.

As the saying goes, "There is no impermeable wall in the world." ”

Su Ge's father, who came to Kaiping Province to become an official, heard that there was a very talented man in the local area. So he made a special trip to visit, but unexpectedly, this person was worshipped.

The ending of this love story is that the love between Baizhu and Suogo has been blessed by everyone; their practices have been forgiven; and their families are becoming more and more prosperous.

We often say that we must be reasonable. As long as you can talk calmly, the families of both sides can also calm down and discuss, and the bumps in love will become happy "knots". Unfortunately, many people will not do this.

Xu Zhimo said: "I understand you as deeply as I understand myself. ”

If you can understand each other, then you will always think about each other, and such love, even if it has experienced extreme disasters, will still become very sweet. For example, the story of the Queqiao meeting makes us understand that even if the husband and wife meet once a year, they can grow old together.

Two people who truly love each other have cause and effect


There are a few lyrics in "Fireworks Easy to Cold": "Dreams are cold, tossing and turning for a lifetime, love debts and several books, such as your default, life and death dry, etc., dry and wait for a circle of annual rings." ”

True love is a kind of love debt. If you want someone to love you longer, then you will do more for him, so that he will never be able to pay off this love debt, and if not in this life, then the next life will be together.

Because you are good enough and give enough, he will do the same to you. That's the best cause and effect.

Insist on becoming excellent, and the fate will continue to get better.

Insist on giving true feelings, and love will be sweeter.

Only by adhering to the same happiness and suffering can we rely on each other and accompany each other until we are old.

Stick to the original intention unchanged, and those who missed will come back.

May you and I meet a man with a white head, and choose a city to grow old.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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