
Some people are not suitable for marriage at all

Marriage is such a thing, as long as both people are willing, then they can be together.

In this world, everyone is the same and has the same right to marry.

Many people will get married, but after marriage, different people, the quality of marriage, but also not at all the same.

Some couples, living happily with each other, feel that meeting each other is a kind of luck, some couples, although the days are bumpy, some are not so good, most of the time it is still quite good.

They all feel happy, which of course is good, and it is also fortunate to be able to be plain.

However, there are also many couples who feel very painful, either do not know how to get along, or one person does his best, and he can never cover the heart of another person, from beginning to end, only he is working hard.

It's really, not all people are suitable for marriage, or there are always some people, in some state, who are really not suitable for marriage at all.

Some people are not suitable for marriage at all

Too poor, not at all too down-to-earth.

What kind of family we will be born into is something we simply cannot choose.

Therefore, when a person's family is average, then in his twenties, his economic conditions will naturally not be much better.

If a person's conditions are not good, if he can be more motivated, know how to look for opportunities, know how to be down-to-earth, make money well, and work hard for the future, then even if the family is not well-off, temporarily compared with embarrassment, in fact, can also be considered.

In the current environment, as long as a person is willing to work hard and work seriously, then the days will not be too bad, and work hard with him, in the future, in fact, can still be expected, the future can still be better and better.

And if a person is not only poor, but also not willing to do something well, no matter what he does, he feels that the money is too little, he feels that it is too hard, and he will only complain about it, then we had better stay away from him.

A person like this, not only does he have no present, but he has no future, let alone support his family, he can't even support himself.

Choose him, no matter how hard we try, he will only keep beating us back to the original form, so that we can't turn over at all.

From beginning to end, he really only drags us down, does not bring us any help, and only makes our days more and more desperate, and there is no dawn at all.

Some people are not suitable for marriage at all

If you are not single-minded, you like all kinds of chaos.

No matter what era, people's concept of marriage actually has the same side.

For example, they will hope that they can be loyal to each other, and they will hope that no one will interfere in their feelings.

In a relationship, but anyone is disloyal, the relationship will not actually have any trust to speak of, and there will not really be any happiness, it is easy to have problems, directly collapse.

Therefore, choosing the other half, of course, we have to find a more sincere, but also more dedicated.

Knowing that a person is very careful, has countless predecessors, has a lot of ambiguous objects, likes to pick flowers and weeds, and has never thought of keeping a person to live a good life, then even if you like it again, it is best not to have expectations.

Don't always think that you will be very different for him, he will definitely change because of us, in fact, we are no different from other people to him, and he will not easily accept because of anyone.

He will not accept our hearts because of us, nor will he accept them because of children, he will only always pursue freshness, has been obsessed with entanglement with many people, has undeserved feelings, and can never make us feel solid.

We don't always have to think about who to change, and we don't always have to think about who will change, although directly find someone who treats feelings very seriously, is more single-minded, and can be like us, just keep the opposite sex of the people around us.

Some people are not suitable for marriage at all

Selfish, always only think about themselves.

In many marriages, each other clearly becomes a whole, but one of them will always guard against the other, no matter what, he will always only consider his own feelings and his own interests.

I don't know how to empathize at all, and I don't have any thoughts about the other party at all.

Many things, even in the eyes of others, are obviously his fault, he is too much, he can always find reasons to excuse himself, feel that he will not be wrong at all, the wrong is only the other party.

A person who is too selfish and only has his own eyes is actually not suitable for living with anyone.

This selfishness, invisibly, will really always make us feel that in the eyes of the other party, we are just an outsider, and it turns out that no matter what we do, we can't enter each other's world at all.

Not only that, in daily life, we will always have endless grievances, and we will not feel half a pity at all.

Two people together, each other should maintain a self, this is true, but each other can be more considerate, more accommodating, know how to think from each other's point of view, can empathize with each other's behavior, this is also crucial.

People who can be less selfish and can see their other half in their eyes are suitable for living together, otherwise, it is really only suitable for one person to live, not suitable for entering anyone's world.

Some people are not suitable for marriage at all

Liking someone is an innate instinct.

But loving someone, marrying someone, getting along well after marriage, is an ability.

That requires a sense of responsibility, a person who knows how to maintain a reverence for marriage, and a person who is willing to pay for each other's family and make some sacrifices appropriately.

If you can't do this, if you can't recognize this reality, then for the time being, a person is really not very suitable for marriage.

Even if you get married, you won't be able to live well at all, it will only be very hard.

Getting married, it's never about getting a marriage license, having a wedding, it's so simple.

We must be able to ensure that we can guarantee the materials that maintain the marriage, have the attitude of getting along well with a person, and can constantly adjust ourselves to make ourselves more comfortable with each other.

Text/Tan Meng


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