
If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

So-called: "Lady, gentleman is good." ”

Every boy hopes to catch up with the girl he likes, and it is the most beautiful thing to go into love with the girl he likes.

However, in the eyes of many boys, girls who want to chase after their hearts are always missing the point, they can't read the minds of girls, they don't understand the behavior of girls, and they feel that it is too difficult to pursue.

Therefore, boys do not dare to rush to pursue, or on the way to pursue, they always make low-level mistakes, and eventually take advantage of the excitement and return home.

So, is it really hard to chase girls? In fact, as long as you understand the minds of girls and master the timing and methods of pursuing girls, you will be able to successfully capture the hearts of girls and harvest the love you want.

In this article, I will talk to you about some common sense issues related to the pursuit of girls.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

One: What do girls want in love?

Boys want to catch up with the girl they like, first of all, we must understand the girl's mind, to clarify what she wants, only by mastering this, in order to achieve the "right medicine" and smoothly move forward.

In fact, any girl, when love comes, they really don't want much. Not a boundless romance, but a man who loves her wholeheartedly, with bits and pieces closely related to the breath of life and each other.

When getting along with men, it is enough to be respected by men, have a sense of security and necessary companionship, etc., and based on true love for each other, so as not to let her suffer from gains and losses.

To sum up, what girls want most in their hearts is the following three things.

When you do this and deliver your heart to her, she will gladly accept your pursuit and choose you firmly.

In reality, some men can successfully chase after the woman they like, which is nothing more than understanding her psychological needs and actively meeting this need, and naturally being able to get the favor of women.

Therefore, this part of the content, regardless of the age of men, can be learned and mastered in order to have a deeper understanding and understanding of girls.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(1) When in love, there is the breath of life, which can give her warm companionship

Girls are eager to be accompanied, as long as you are willing to spend time on her, she will feel valued, and her heart will naturally let go of her worries.

Once the heart recognizes you, she will give you more opportunities to quickly close the distance between the two people.

Therefore, if a man wants to pursue a girl, he must give her the texture of love and let her feel the breath of life in love.

For example, you can often take time to spend time with her, let her have dependence, care for her, and give her companionship.

Cooking together, washing dishes together, brushing dramas together, talking about interesting topics together, etc., can make her feel loved.

For example, when you have time, you take her out with you, walk through the path of fresh wind and leaves, and the road rings a loudspeaker "fried melon seeds, fried peanuts".

She follows you closely, looks at your tall figure, feels the breath of life, feels that everything is very real, and this is what moves her.

Therefore, men should understand what the girl wants, so that when pursuing, they can make the right response, and not always make mistakes and disappoint her.

Men should understand that in the eyes of girls, the most beautiful love words are not "I love you", but "I have been", which is the bits and pieces that you can accompany her and are closely related to her life, which is very real.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(2) In love, have the most solid sense of security

Many men have a misunderstanding, always think that the girl's sense of security is to have money.

In fact, although love needs to have a certain material basis, money is by no means the sense of security that girls want.

In the eyes of girls, the so-called "sense of security" is nothing more than your full trust in her, and when she needs you, you do not ignore her, but appear around her for the first time.

In short, it's "please don't ignore me when I need you", which is simple, but most men can't do it.

So, a lot of men can't catch up with the woman they like, and that's why you ignore her presence too much.

To really touch the girl's heart, we must pay attention to her, care about her, let her have some dependence, some thoughts, she will give herself to you.

Secondly, men also have to give her trust. If you really love a woman, then please don't limit her social circle and don't make her feel too lonely.

Some men see girls with other members of the opposite sex, they think they are ambiguous, and they fiercely count women without boundaries.

You don't love her, but don't trust her, treat her as your "exclusive item", how can she be touched by you?

In fact, girls really don't want you to have much money, but you can give her a piece of the sky, let her fly freely, feel solid, can feel happiness, and can see hope.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(3) You need to respect her and make her feel confident

Every girl needs to be respected, and if you say you love her and don't respect her, it's not really love.

A girl, from strange to date, will go a long way from strange to date, if she can't feel your sincerity, can't get respect, will certainly not continue with you.

In any relationship, once there is no respect, all good emotions will go with it.

Therefore, if a man wants to successfully catch up with a girl, he must learn to respect her, and only by giving her enough respect can she have confidence and rest assured that he will deliver himself to you.

In reality, many men are too macho, no matter what they do, they do not care about the feelings of girls, often chill her heart, how can she be with you?

Therefore, if you want to pursue a girl, it is best to know how to respect her, tolerate her small temper, small shortcomings, and let her have a little confidence.

Because, when she feels that she is valued enough, she will not worry about gain and loss, so that she has confidence in love.

In addition, the greatest respect a man gives to a girl is to respect her wishes and not to have a relationship with her so quickly.

If you only want to get her, not give her heart, it will be a big hurt to her. There is no woman who doesn't want to be given wholeheartedly, but only if you are genuine enough with her.

In short, if you want to pursue women, men must first understand the importance of respecting girls. When you decide to chase a girl, please do not trample on the dignity of the girl, this is the bottom line that love must keep.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

Second, what is the best time to chase girls?

When a man decides to pursue a girl, he must first figure out this problem, do not blindly pursue, so as not to waste time, and can not impress her heart, there is no meaning.

So, in the pursuit of girls, what kind of timing should be chosen to be easy to succeed?

Based on my experience and past cases, I think the best time to chase girls is nothing more than this time:

That is, within one month or more than three months. During this time, the changes of girls are different, the results are different, as long as men seize the opportunity, success is inevitable.

Men should understand that chasing girls can not be too hasty, but also can not always procrastinate, only by mastering the right time, can we do more with less.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(1) Within one month, it is not appropriate to confess

If you have only known a girl for less than a month, then you can't be too anxious at this time, and you can't rush to confess. Otherwise, most will be rejected.

Because, at this time, the girl has not fully understood you, nor can she let go of her concerns, and it is impossible for you to catch up with it so easily.

No matter how you give and how you move her, basically she will get used to rejecting and will not accept you.

Even if she has a good feeling for you in her heart, she can't confirm a relationship with you so quickly, and in her subconscious, there will be a strange thought: "I just can't make you feel good to chase." ”

Therefore, during this period, it is best for men not to blindly confess first, it is better to maintain a certain relationship with her first and enhance their relationship with each other.

When girls are pursued by men, they will have a lot of considerations, such as how is your character? Are you self-motivated? Are you a man with a single affection? Wait a minute.

If she doesn't fully understand you and trust you, she won't easily accept your pursuits and confessions.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(2) Within one month or more than three months, this is the best time to confess to girls

If you have known a girl for more than a month, less than three months, then seize this opportunity.

In this time, you go after her, confess to her, and it is easiest to succeed.

The reason is that girls have been dating you for a while, have a full understanding of you, and will not reject you.

As long as you are sincere with her and pursue it with your heart, she will feel your love and will naturally give you more opportunities.

Usually, at this stage, girls will observe you to see if you are a match for her, whether your character is good or not, whether you are self-motivated, etc., once she feels that you are reliable, she will put down her reticence and accept your overtures.

An important skill is that within three months, you must create the look that the girl expects, so that she will feel very at ease and will naturally acquiesce to your pursuit.

Therefore, if a man wants to pursue the woman he likes, it is best to grasp the opportunity within three months, take the initiative, and impress her with sincerity, believing that he will successfully capture her heart.

It should be reminded that a man should never delay too long, once three months have passed, you have not yet confessed, she may lose patience and feel that you are not her ideal object.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

(3) More than three months, it is difficult to pursue success

Why is it so difficult to pursue success for more than three months?

Because in the eyes of a girl, you have been with her for three months, and your impression may have changed a lot before and after, and she will not be able to see your sincerity even more, and then she will become very hesitant.

Once a girl has questioned you and wants to touch her heart again, it will become extremely difficult.

At the beginning, the girl has a good impression of you, but after three months, she will suddenly find that you have a lot of problems, so she will reconsider whether to associate with you.

At this time, you want to confess, she is likely to refuse, will not give you too many opportunities.

In itself, the feelings are fresh, and when time has passed, she is a little tired of you, and may not want to fall in love with you.

Moreover, in three months, it is easy to expose your shortcomings, and no matter how well you disguised yourself before, you may not be able to hide it at this time.

Girls see that you have so many shortcomings, naturally they will be very repulsive in their hearts, and feel that they are more and more inappropriate with you.

Therefore, at this stage, men should be cautious in pursuing women, and if there is no new way of thinking and methods, it is basically difficult to succeed.

If you want to catch up with the woman you like, do the following points, and you can basically get it done

Ye Feifei yff emotional summary:

Through the above introduction, men need to be clear about the place, there are two main points:

One is the need to understand the minds of girls, and the other is to grasp the opportunity to pursue and confess girls.

If you decide to pursue a girl, it is best to understand these contents and methods first, only by knowing it in your heart can you successfully catch up with the woman you like.

Reading the girl's mind, you will not take too many detours, but also know how to cater to her psychology, naturally get her favor.

And master the timing of pursuing girls, you can be more calm on the road of pursuit, smoothly confess success.

Back to the opening question: Is it hard to chase girls? In fact, it is not difficult, as long as you read the girl's mind and use the right method, you can successfully chase the woman you like.

Finally, I hope that every man can catch up with the girl he likes, go to a beautiful love with her, and live happily.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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