
"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

Everyone in life needs a partner who can accompany them throughout their lives, and the ancient hand of the son and the son with the old man also mean this, which shows that the ancestors of the Chinese nation have understood the importance of a partner thousands of years ago.

In other words, the importance of a partner is actually the gathering of a family, and each of us needs to make ourselves better, but the premise is that our family is good enough to support us to pursue our own ideals.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

When we are tired of struggling, we want to go home, of course, to have a good rest, and at the same time chat with our partners, talk about our hearts, and say what we are hiding in our hearts to reduce our burden, in fact, this is what we want to get in life the most, which is why we need a partner, but this partner is not something that can be made up casually.

Why is the divorce rate high now? It is not because today's young people like flash marriage, but also do not like to understand the other party is not suitable for their own people to choose to marry, such a result is either one party changes or unhappy and disperses.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

Because everyone is an independent individual, each of us has our own independent ideas, no matter when we should understand and understand what we really need, and if there is no harmony between husband and wife, it is actually very easy to be seen, and thus it will also be left behind, pointing out that we may get together after tea and dinner to talk about things between you. So in order to avoid the occurrence of these things, in fact, people have long known how to distinguish.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Husband and wife are not compatible, often have these three signs, be vigilant!

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

First, I don't love to go home all year round

The reason why we don't go home for many years is not to say that those soldiers and brothers do not go home because they carry the responsibility of the country on their shoulders and carry our heavy burdens forward, so we cannot question this. Of course, there are no researchers who went out to sea for scientific research.

What we say here about not loving to go home all year round is that we are ordinary people, people who live around us. These are actually the people who are really the most likely to have problems between husband and wife. When ordinary people have a family but do not love to go home, it means that there is a contradiction between husband and wife.

Because home is our warm harbor, here should be a very warm and relaxing place, and in this pressure and fast-paced social environment, no one will refuse to get such an environment, so when a person does not love to go home but he has a family, in fact, it is nothing more than because he does not want to face the partner at home.

A lot of divorce actually starts here, and what we need to know is that not going home shows that the relationship is basically irretrievable.

Because a couple who have chosen to separate must have actually negotiated, but because the negotiation has no effect, they can only separate themselves from each other in the end, which is often said to be calm and calm, but is this kind of calm really useful?

The answer is certainly no, after all, after two people have been temporarily separated, then it means that there is an indelible crack in their relationship.

Second, do not let the other party look at their privacy

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

We all say that two people together should actually have no secrets, after all, the most important things of two people are given to each other, and what is the use of two true hearts being together so secret?

It's just that due to the current social situation, many people are actually reluctant to share their secrets with their other half, which has also produced a hot topic now, that is, the crisis of trust.

To know that once the crisis of trust arises, it will make people become suspicious, thinking that people are primates, and nature is naturally doubt, so once the crisis of trust arises, then the doubtful nature of the human heart will arise, then there will be something that obviously did not happen, and because of human imagination, it can lead to the belief that this thing has happened.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

Then at this time, especially your other half is not willing to give their secrets to them, then naturally there will be a rift.

Third, sleep in separate rooms

In fact, there is a difference between this and separation, most people who do this are not so serious between husband and wife, but this is actually very easy to see, after all, not sleeping together will always sometimes slip their mouths, so this is actually one of the manifestations of marital discord.

These are the good words of the ancestors, even if hundreds of years have passed, this wisdom is still applicable to today.

In life, I should read the I Ching.

If we understand the great truths of the I Ching, we will strengthen our ideals and convictions. Understand the basic principles you need to master in order to survive the hardships of life's path. At any time, the I Ching has a very great influence on us. Lao Tzu and Confucius were born together during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and they both shared a common preference - to respect the I Ching.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

Understanding the truth of the I Ching can help you get through the hardships you encounter.

After reading the I Ching, I found that there are not only profound truths in it, but also a lot of wisdom in life! Each one allows us to apply it practically to the workplace, business and life.

"Husband and wife are not compatible, there are early signs": Between husband and wife, once these 3 signs appear, be vigilant

Reading the I Ching can really make us take charge of our own destiny! You can combine the cases in your life and compare them with the 64 gua in the I Ching, one by one. After I read it, I was able to solve the confusion I encountered in the business field many years ago!

Therefore, in order to have more good luck in life, read the "I Ching" as soon as possible to better grasp the future! The I Ching can tell you: according to the current conditions, how to choose how to do it can magnify the chance of success by 20 times!

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