
In ancient times, a man obeyed the words of the fox fairy, took all the silver she had to help him, bought a batch of Gebu to sell in the capital, originally thought that he could make a lot of money, but did not expect to lose more than a dozen

author:Kite caress

In ancient times, a man obeyed the words of the fox fairy, took all her silver to buy a batch of Gebu to sell in the capital, originally thought that he could make a lot of money, but he did not expect to lose more than a dozen silver.

The man's name was Wang Cheng, and he was a son of a family, but because he was good at eating and lazy, he consumed the family property, and finally only left a few broken houses to stay with his wife.

One summer, Wang Cheng and his neighbors rested in the pavilion outside the village, and only slowly got up and went home on three poles in the day, when passing the barren grass pile, they picked up a gold noodle, which was engraved with the four small characters of "Yibin Fu System", Wang Cheng knew that this was originally his family's thing, because his grandfather had been a Yibin of the Hengwang Palace, and the old objects in the original home were also engraved with such marks.

When Wang Cheng was hesitating on the side of the road, he saw an old woman come looking for the golden noodles, and after asking for clarification, he returned the gold noodles to her, the old woman found the lost gold noodles, very happy, and kept thanking him in her mouth, when she learned that this object was the relics of the old woman's ancestors, Wang Cheng asked more questions, and when he learned that this old woman was the fox wife that his grandfather had married, he invited her to go home.

When they got home, Wang Cheng asked his wife to come and see his grandmother, and the old woman saw that Wang Cheng's wife was wearing a torn robe, her face was yellow and thin, and she was very emotional, so she gave the gold noodles to Wang Cheng's wife, asked her to go and buy rice, and said that she would come back in three days. After the old woman left, Wang Cheng explained the reason to his wife and asked her to serve well. Three days later, the old woman did come and brought them some silver two and rice and wheat. At night, the old woman slept with Wang Cheng's wife, and at first Wang Cheng's wife was very afraid, but later she saw that she was very sincere, and slowly let down her guard.

After a few days, the old woman said to Wang Cheng: "Don't be lazy anymore, you can do a little business, so how can you sit and eat the mountains and the sky?" Wang Cheng said that he had no capital, and the old woman took out the pollen money she had accumulated, a total of forty taels, and handed it to him, asking him to take it all to buy Gebu. He also told him that as long as he arrived in the capital in time, he could make a profit. After Wang Chengyi bought back fifty horses of gebu, he listened to the old woman's words and immediately got up and went to the capital. Before going out, the old woman repeatedly told him not to be lazy, and he must rush to the capital in time, otherwise he would regret it. Wang Cheng respectfully agreed. But this time, Instead of making money, Wang Cheng also lost more than a dozen or two, and almost couldn't even go home.

It turned out that Wang Cheng encountered heavy rain on the way, was drenched very badly, he found a hotel to rest, did not want to rain for two days before stopping, and when Wang Cheng arrived in the capital, the price of Gebu not only did not rise, but began to fall. This is because the first two days of the royal palace urgently need Gebu, and the southern road is not open, Gebu can not be transported in time, so the price has risen three times, the merchants with inventory have made a lot of money in these two days, but now the royal palace Gebu has been purchased, plus the southern road has been passed, Gebu transported more and more, so the price has fallen a little more than usual. And Wang Cheng looked at the profit less, so he did not ship the goods, until more than ten days later, the coil was exhausted, and he had to sell this batch of goods at a loss of more than a dozen or two cheap.

The next day, when Wang Cheng got up and wanted to leave for home, he found that all the silver left over from the sale of cloth had been stolen, so he hurried to tell the shopkeeper, who did not know who did it, and he was helpless. The people who heard him next to him asked him to sue the shopkeeper for compensation, but he refused, saying that it was because of his bad luck and could not blame the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper was very touched after hearing this, so he sent him five or two pieces of silver to make travel expenses.

Wang Cheng thought that not only did he not make money, but he also lost all his silver, and he really had no face to go back to see his grandmother and wife, but he did not know where to go and what to do, so he had to stay in the hotel. Later, I overheard that the bucket quail had a bet of several thousand taels of silver, and it cost a hundred copper coins to buy a quail. Wanting to give it a try, calculating that the money on his body was only enough for the quail seller, he told the owner about the idea, and the owner was very supportive and expressed his willingness to save him from the cost of food and accommodation for a period of time.

Wang Cheng was very happy, and immediately went to buy a quail to come back, planning to sell it the next day, but it was very unfortunate that it encountered heavy rain for several days in a row, which flooded the streets, and the quail that Wang Cheng bought also died in these days.

Wang Cheng had no choice but to train it for a while and then make a living as a quail fighter. Unexpectedly, this quail was very good at fighting, and won him more than twenty taels of silver in half a year, and Wang Cheng also regarded it as fate, and treated it as a good life every day.

On the First Yuan Festival, Wang Cheng and the shopkeeper went to a prince's mansion to participate in a quail fighting competition. On the way, the shopkeeper told him: "If you lose the fight, you think you are unlucky, if you win the fight, the prince will definitely have to buy your quail, and when the time comes, he will look at my face and ensure that you sell it for a good price." Sure enough, Wang Cheng's quail not only won the first place in the competition, but even the most powerful jade quail in the Wang Ye Palace was defeated by it. Wang Ye was very fond of it and immediately said that he wanted to buy it. After hearing this, Wang Cheng first pretended not to sell, and then pretended to be afraid of Wang Ye's authority and agreed to give in, but the price was one thousand taels. Wang Ye refused, and then the two bargained, and finally the price was six hundred taels, Wang Cheng was already satisfied in his heart, he agreed, and then took the silver out, and after coming out, the shopkeeper complained: "If you listen to my card in a card, eight hundred and two will arrive." Wang Cheng didn't think so. Back in the shop, Wang Cheng put the silver on the table, and at his repeated request, the shopkeeper took a few pairs of silver and counted it as meal money. Then Wang Chengcheng set off to go home.

When he arrived at home, Wang Cheng took out the silver and told about the events of this time. Then the old woman asked him to use the silver to buy land, build a new house, and add utensils. He also urged him to manage the land, his wife to rule the family, and the slightest laziness to scold, and his husband and wife did not complain. Three years later, the old woman saw that their lives were more prosperous, and she also changed her lazy nature, so she quietly left.

@Kite's care

The story is adapted from "Liaozhai Zhiyi" As the saying goes: Rich is not more than three generations. Wang Cheng in the early stage should be the best example. Because of laziness and the failure of the family business, Wang Cheng's fox immortal grandmother told him the most not to be lazy, even after he made money back, she also urged him to manage diligently and urge his wife to work hard to govern the family. Diligence is the foundation for the rich to guard their families and the poor to start their families.

In ancient times, a man obeyed the words of the fox fairy, took all the silver she had to help him, bought a batch of Gebu to sell in the capital, originally thought that he could make a lot of money, but did not expect to lose more than a dozen

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