
A person will not do anything, you will make money and you will do everything. - Dawei is not me, which is why many celebrities are actually a life idiot, that is not surprising. Because of the time of the stars

author:-Dawei is not me-

A person will not do anything, you will make money and you will do everything.

- Dawei is not me

That's why it's no surprise that a lot of celebrities are actually life idiots. Because the time of the stars is used to shoot dramas, and it is used to make money. Instead of going to make friends, going to socialize, going to eat and drink, going to travel, going to visit a shop.

Poor people will care about very small things, such as whether you can cook, whether you will do hygiene, whether you will change a light bulb or something. In fact, these are small things, as long as you will make money, you make more money, then there will be someone to help you, someone to teach you. You don't work out and you have money, you just go find a fitness personal trainer.

It's that simple. There is no need to have skills that are too complex. You don't need to learn too much. Because you have money, others will teach you, even if you are a little white in life, you find someone, go to live in your house for a month, you will do anything.

This is an extremely low-cost way to learn.

Relative to the income of the star, you spend ten thousand yuan to buy someone else for a month, or you find a full-time nanny who can do anything to help you do things, you can't do anything. You have money and you can.

Even if you can't drive, you can find a full-time driver. You don't need all of them in life, as long as you can make money, then all the little things will be taught to do. Because there are very few people who will make money, there are many people who will not make money. There are many people who will naturally live.

There are also many people who can cook, and there are many people who can clean. You don't clean, you spend 50 bucks an hour and someone will come to you to serve you until you're satisfied.

Of course, if you want to make money, you have to suffer. A lot of people are lazy, so they can't make money.

Lazy people can't make money – always remember that phrase.

If you want to make money, you have to work 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and that lasts for at least 5 years – because that's the only way you can pull away from others.

White-collar workers who work 5 days a week, rest 2 days, and have more than 100 days a year, they can't make money in their lives. Because they see work as enjoyment, not as their own business. You can work part-time, but don't work continuously. If you do it for 2 years, you have to do it yourself.

Only then can you not be assimilated by the migrant workers around you.

So most people don't really like them because others don't like them, but because they don't make money, others don't like them. You will do anything, you will not be liked by everyone, because you do not make money, then others will think that you will be what you deserve.

I also don't think that a person who can cook and cook is a person's advantage, unless he makes money by cooking for others and opens a restaurant by his own cooking skills. Put it this way, skills that can't be monetized are all garbage skills.

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