
#Musk elected to the National Academy of Engineering #Musk is a complex personality, both innovative and a scrooge, with a strong ability to focus on innovative things

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#Musk elected to the National Academy of Engineering # Musk is a complex personality, both innovative and a scrooge, with a strong ability to focus on innovative things and untamed. However, the National Academy of Engineering is still very tolerant of him, and people are only right about things and not people. In the 2022 U.S. Academy of Engineering by-election, Ellen Musk was successfully elected.

This month is the highest honor for technical implementation talents with practical experience and practical ability. Recognize the inductees for their "significant contributions in engineering research, practice, education," "pioneering work in emerging fields of technology and significant contributions to traditional engineering fields," and "innovative contributions to the development/implementation of engineering education."

So the reason for Musk's selection this time is the development and utilization of recyclable rockets. This point Musk's contribution can not be denied, only he first innovatively proposed the recycling of launch rockets, and only he did it, and at present, only Musk's rockets in the world can be recycled, realizing the possibility of flying to space at low cost. With these contributions no one should be able to deny.

Congratulations to Musk! I also hope that Musk can make greater contributions to mankind in the future. Tesla is only a small contribution to human mobility, and what we hope to see is landing on Mars and flying into the universe. Can Musk, as an unborn talent, do this? Headlines hit list

#Musk elected to the National Academy of Engineering #Musk is a complex personality, both innovative and a scrooge, with a strong ability to focus on innovative things

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