
Two men met in the reservoir to fish and were trapped on a steep slope of 40 meters......

author:Zunyi Fire Protection
{"info":{"title":{"content":"危险!两男子相约水库钓鱼,被困四十米陡坡……","en":"Two men met in the reservoir to fish and were trapped on a steep slope of 40 meters......"},"description":{"content":"随着天气变暖钓友们也按捺不住蠢蠢欲动的心纷纷带上装备,前往河边准备“大展身手”不过在享受垂钓的同时也要注意安全不要让自己...","en":"As the weather warms up, anglers can't hold back their hearts and bring their equipment to the river, ready to \"show their skills\", but while enjoying fishing, they should also pay attention to safety, don't let themselves..."}},"items":[]}