
The monthly sanitation fee of "one rice stall" is 600 yuan, whether the convenience and guidance point has "changed the taste"

author:Wah Seng Online

Huasheng online all-media reporter Yang Jiegui

In order to solve the problem of occupying the road and maintaining the appearance of the city, the Zhuzhou Tianyuan urban management department piloted the "convenient diversion point" in the jurisdiction, which was originally a practical matter of people's livelihood, but some stall owners reported that in actual operation, the company charged 600 yuan per month for the stall about one meter wide, and the location was better and the area was larger.

The monthly sanitation fee of "one rice stall" is 600 yuan, whether the convenience and guidance point has "changed the taste"

The stall owners questioned that the convenience point "has changed its taste", when the entrance fee of the convenience point has repeatedly "risen", can it still be regarded as convenient?

The stall owner: "One rice stall" charges 600 yuan for sanitation, which is unbearable

At 18 o'clock on May 14, located in the "Xiangshan Road Convenience and Evacuation Point" near Xiangshan Road, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou, there were a few diners in front of snack stalls such as fried rice and fried noodles and lo-mei.

The monthly sanitation fee of "one rice stall" is 600 yuan, whether the convenience and guidance point has "changed the taste"

The stall owners told reporters that in early May, the urban management department began to rectify the "street market" and asked the stall owners to enter the diversion point. Zhuzhou Shunteng Environmental Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shunteng Environment), which is responsible for the operation, began to attract investment, saying that it could only set up stalls after paying fees, and the monthly fees ranged from 800 yuan to 1,600 yuan.

After some haggling, the fee was reduced to 600 yuan to 1,000 yuan per month. Good location, bidding to 2000 yuan per month.

According to the agreement signed between the stall owner and Shunteng Environment, the market does not charge rental fees, but must pay a deposit of 1,000 yuan, which can be refunded after the contract is terminated; In addition, a monthly hygiene management fee is charged. The term of the agreement is one year.

The monthly sanitation fee of "one rice stall" is 600 yuan, whether the convenience and guidance point has "changed the taste"

(A letter of agreement signed by both parties.) )

"Although there is no need to move around to set up stalls now, it costs 600 yuan a month for more than one meter, which is really unbearable." Some stall owners complained that the market is a convenient and convenient point, and although the fees are understood, they cannot be compared with the night market with a large flow of people. A small business can't make a few dollars a month excluding costs. In addition, the operating company did not invest in the construction of diversion points, but only regulated the street vendors from the road to the sidewalk, "which may be a little more difficult to clean." ”

"Is this kind of convenient diversion point 'changed its taste'?" Another stall owner said bluntly: "When the entrance fee of the convenience point has been repeatedly 'raised', can it still be considered convenient for the people? ”

Response: The fee is voluntary on both sides, and labor expenses account for a large proportion

In this regard, a person in charge of Shunteng Environment, surnamed Yi, responded that the company has obtained the operation qualification of "Xiangshan Road Convenience and Evacuation Point" in accordance with laws and regulations, and currently plans 10 booths. The fee is based on the location and size of the booth, charged at 400 yuan to 800 yuan a month, "the fee follows the principle of mutual voluntariness, there are some good locations, and there are more than you are willing to have." ”

Mr. Yi said that the fees collected are mainly used for labor expenses, and at present, three people are arranged every day to clean and manage the convenience points, "and now the labor wages have not been recovered." ”

It is understood that the validity period of the convenience diversion point is only one month, from May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024, but Shunteng Environment has signed an agreement with the stall owners for a period of one year.

"It's impossible to do it for a month, and if the follow-up operation can't continue, we will take the corresponding responsibility." Mr. Yi explained.

The reporter also noticed that the "Future City Night Market" previously operated by this company also signed a one-year agreement with street vendors, and was banned not long ago because it did not pass the approval of the urban management department.

Department: Handed over to a third party for market-oriented operation, no fixed fee standard

Deng Rongfeng, deputy director of the Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City, said that starting from 2023, they will begin to explore the form of setting up convenient diversion points to regulate the road market and eliminate traffic safety and environmental health hazards.

After receiving the approval applications of the night market of many companies, through the comparison, 5 pilot convenient diversion points were selected in Xiangshan Road and Xingziao Road, and Shunteng Environment was only one of them.

The monthly sanitation fee of "one rice stall" is 600 yuan, whether the convenience and guidance point has "changed the taste"

(Permit issued by the urban management department.) )

Does the intervention of enterprises in the operation of the diversion point lead to the loss of control of price management?

Deng Rongfeng said that government departments cannot invest in the construction of these diversion points, and can only hand them over to third-party companies to implement market-oriented operations, and the local government has not yet issued relevant charging standards. Therefore, the principle of benefiting is who sets up and who benefits by collecting sanitation fees, "and we (chengguan) do not charge any fees in it." ”

"At present, it is only a trial run, so it has only been approved for a month." Deng Rongfeng said that the convenience service point is currently in the trial operation stage, and relevant suggestions and opinions are being collected, and subsequent improvements will be made, such as raising the entry threshold for operating companies and strengthening supervision.

Reporter's Notes:

Manage convenient and convenient diversion points, and don't forget the original intention

The original intention of setting up convenient evacuation points is to give special care to the needy groups, which is a good thing for the sake of livelihood. It can be said that with these convenient diversion points, mobile vendors have a fixed business address, and there is no need to "you chase me away"; It is also a good prescription to solve the stubborn problems of urban management such as road markets and road occupation operations, which not only realizes the unity of social benefits and environmental benefits, alleviates the contradiction between "face" and "stomach", but also enhances the inclusiveness and harmony of the city.

However, in reality, some convenient and distorted points have changed and distorted, and may even become a tool for a few people to accumulate money. Therefore, after the introduction of convenience measures, follow-up management should keep up, and relevant departments should draw inferences from one case to another, and check how many convenience points are not convenient. Only in this way can we maximize the effect of policies that benefit the people and truly facilitate and benefit the people.

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