
"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

A few days ago, a friend sent a private message to Xiao Wei, and Xiao Wei found that he had promised him to introduce Dr. Strange with the Power of Dreams a few months ago, as well as Eternity and cosmic cube, and Xiao Wei had forgotten everything.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

So today I'm going to talk about this Dream Power Doctor Strange. The so-called Dream Power Doctor Strange is the Strange Doctor who has the Nightmare Dimension Lord Nightmare Power. As for the six-issue mini-comic "Marvel" from 2021 to 2022.

Marvel is made up of multiple stories, and the first and last pages of each issue (sometimes increasing to pages 2-3) are about Doctor Strange of the Power of Dreams. The story totals 16 pages, and Doctor Strange's dream power is in the last 3 pages.

Dr. Strange's only achievement is to reshape the universe and defeat the Dimensional Lord Nightmare.

Previously, Nightmare defeated the Court of Life, Eternity, Death, Lord of Order, and Lord of Chaos, but this does not prove the specific strength of Dr. Strange of the Power of Dreams, because cosmic entities including the Court of Life have different projection twins in different parallel universes, and it is not possible to confirm whether the Court of Life defeated by Nightmare is a weak doppelganger or a real Court of Life.

The origin of Dr. Strange of the Power of Dreams

The first thing to start with Nightmare, the Dimension Lord Nightmare, who captures Doctor Strange and imprisons him in the Nightmare Dimension.

Because Doctor Strange is the Supreme Mage, he has the ability to link every life. Through Doctor Strange, Nightmare connects the dreams of all life on Earth, absorbs power from their dreams, and controls them in their dreams.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

As Nightmare grows stronger, he begins to change reality and challenge cosmic entities such as the Planet Devourer, the Celestial Group, and Iago. (In fact, Iago is not a cosmic entity, and the manga description is wrong)

Nightmare is not content to absorb power not only from the real world, but to absorb the power of all dimensions. He defeated cosmic entities such as the Planet Devourer and the Celestial God Group, and became more and more powerful. Nightmare has the power of omnipotence and begins to change reality.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

Eventually, Nightmare begins to confront the most powerful cosmic entities, the Court of Life, Eternity, Death, the Lords of Order, and the Lords of Chaos.

These cosmic entities trembled in front of nightmares, which possessed the infinite power of a universe and prepared to destroy the earth.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

Doctor Strange controls his magic belt and uses misleading magic to unlock the chains that imprison him. After that, Dr. Strange also understood the power of dreams, and it was even more powerful than nightmares, because nightmares did not understand the true power of dream power, only dreaming without acting was just an emptiness, and the power of dreams lies in acting to realize dreams, so having dreams can have unlimited possibilities.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

So Doctor Strange, who possessed the power of dreams, changed reality, defeated nightmares, and restored the universe to its original state.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

About the Court of Life

Nightmare of Dreamforce defeats the Court of Life, and Dr. Strange of Dreamforce defeats Nightmare, but even this does not confirm that Dr. Nightmare Power Strange is stronger than the Court of Life.

In the 2004 comic strip The End, Thanos gained the power of the Heart of the Universe, absorbing the Court of Life, Eternity, and Infinity.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

But it doesn't prove that Thanos of the Cosmic Heart is stronger than the Court of Life, because this Court of Life is just a clone of the Court of Life of the parallel universe Earth-4321 that takes place in this comic, as are the Eternals and Infinities. This was confirmed by Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort, who said the comic had no effect on continuity and said the comic was just an "imaginary story." Therefore, the power of the Cosmic Heart is not the most powerful artifact in the Marvel Universe originating from this.

There is only one court of life in the Marvel Multiverse, but it can exist on multiple levels of reality at the same time. In the 2015 comic strip New Avengers #30中通过蚁人的调查发现每一个平行宇宙中的生命法庭分身都被超越神族杀死, the body fell on the moon.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court
"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

Dr. Strange of the Power of Dreams is similar to Thanos of the Cosmic Heart, and the life court defeated by Nightmare is most likely just a doppelganger, rather than the only life court in the multiverse. Because there's a detail in the comics that Nightmare says he has the power of a universe and creates a universe, he uses universes instead of Multiverse.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

Universe refers to a single universe, that is, the main universe or a parallel universe.

But there are many authors in both Marvel and DC who have had many mixed uses of universe and Multirse, so the small peril is just a high probability rather than a certainty.

This life court is most likely a doppelganger, so the strength of Dr. Strange of dream power may not be able to break through the single universe and reach the multiverse level.

And here if the author has a mixed use, universe actually refers to the multiverse, then this life court is the guardian, overseer and arbiter of the multiverse Life Court Buddha-figure, the strength of Dr. Strange of Dream Force breaks through the multiverse level, then the strength of Doctor Strange of Dream Force is the first person below the supreme god of the Marvel multiverse.

painted eggshell

There are many doppelganger projections of the Life Court, which are generally identical to the Life Court, but in the 2020 comic strip Valkyrie: Jane. Foster #6-7 appears as a very special doppelganger, Death within Death.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

In the 2019 comic book X Royale, Hope. Somers and other mutants formed a team of "five" people, who, through their different abilities, combined together, were able to perfectly resurrect the dead mutants, whose bodies and memories were preserved at the moment of death.

In the 2019 comic book "Immortal Hulk", Marvel created the OBA and green gate under all things, and OBA can resurrect gamma heroes at will through the green gate.

The Fivesome and the Green Gate have greatly harmed the cosmic entity "Death", destroying the basic logic of the existence of death. Thus a doppelgänger of the Court of Life appears ready to kill death, because it believes that the existence of death has lost its meaning.

"Dream Force" Doctor Strange and life court

Death in Death, like the Court of Life, has three faces and wears a golden turban. Its golden long-distance running color also coincides with the skin color of the Court of Life.

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