
The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

You can grasp everything big and small in the venture capital circle

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Tencent Venture | ID:qqchuangye

"But in the end, what grasps the right to explain life is destined to be our own understanding and creation of life."



"Woo whine recently water reverse, everything is not going well, look forward to the rapid transfer of it ~"

"Why do you think my room is messy, you can't be a cleanliness fetish, right?" No, you're a Virgo, right?! ”

"Are you a Cancer?" Scumbag! ”

"I'm a Scorpio!" Don't mess with me easily. After all, I will remember the revenge for a lifetime, the 360-degree kind. ”

I believe that whether it is surfing the Internet or when networking with colleagues, the collision of such constellation impressions has become a common discourse that enriches the "conversation content and individual cognitive dimension".

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

However, in 2022, things are changing.

When you open all kinds of social apps, especially dating mini programs and APPS for the purpose of marriage and love, when you face the post-95s and post-00s young people. From personal profiles to chat content, MBTI appears much more frequently than in constellations.

As a result, the editor who was eager to take off the list and tried to disguise himself as a post-00s had to become a "person in the alphabet circle".

Therefore, as a fledgling, I began to diligently brush up on the topic of "MBTI meme".

"Indomitable INTP, let me see who you really are."

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

"It's okay, come and see me, I'm full of empathy cells," ENFJ said.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Although the stem is interesting, it can be expected that when the combination of 8 letters undergoes 16-like changes, it is easy to lead to "outside the circle fans".

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Everyone's first reaction may be a heartfelt cry: "Riddler get out of the Chinese Internet!" Or sarcastically ask, "What is lsp BT?" ”

A few days ago, 11 years ago, the "Biography of Zhen Huan" also earned tens of millions of yuan for LeTV every year, rushing to the hot search. Not surprisingly, the MBTI type analysis of the characters in this popular series has long been overwhelming on the Internet.

Among them, regarding the type of Zhen Huan, even insiders are arguing, some say ENTJ, some say INFJ, and some divide it into two stages of personality.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

As the saying goes, a generation has a generation of black words, and a group of people have a group of people's style.

After 85 and 90, they embraced the non-mainstream and constellation culture in the PC Internet era;

After 95 and 00, it began to move towards the deconstruction of ghost animals and the MBTI system, which are more in line with the characteristics of the mobile Internet.


MBTI, the god of Internet people!

In the Internet era, one of the interesting scenarios of human society is:

The computer asks you: Are you an AI?

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

You ask the computer: What the hell am I?

If we say that asking the heavens and asking god to worship The Buddha is a primitive superstition of man.

Then, the personality analysis culture from the constellation to the MBTI becomes a typological product that is more in line with the human narcissistic temperament.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

In the PC Internet era, on the QQ personal profile, everyone notices nicknames, avatars and constellations.

Now, if you enter an Internet crowd gathering community like Instant, you'll find that the hashtags of personal profiles are getting richer.

From the endorsement of Tsinghua, Peking University, and a 985 college, to the work history of dance factories, goose factories, and boiling water troupes; from the job introduction of products, operations, and market workers, to the slash youth of JK enthusiasts, photography enthusiasts, and podcast producers, highlighting the social underpinnings of contemporary Internet young people.

The most conspicuous and unique is a string of four-word codes such as intp, infp, infj, enfp, and entp.

The collective name of these codes is MBTI.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

The MBTI, also known as the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, is a set of personality tests that have exploded in recent years.

It summarizes your personality attributes from multiple dimensions by letting you answer a series of questions, dividing them in a dichotomous way and synthesizing judgments.

Originally, in his "Psychological Types", the psychologist Jung deduced that human psychological tendencies will also show similar action strategies in all dimensions of psychological performance based on the Western dualistic philosophical speculative tradition.

Jung believed that many of the differences that manifested themselves between people were not accidental, but were due to each person's psychological preferences.

What is the first thing people give back after they accept information, or which feedback path is more relied upon?

Jung believed that one is sensation (S), that is, sensory experience, experiential consciousness, etc.; the other is intuition (N), that is, the surge of the unconscious.

For example, if you see a product interface, if the most attractive thing to you is pictures, copywriting, then your sensory feedback is more acute; if what attracts you is a vague, general psychological interaction, as if searching for whether it has a signal to attract you, it is more similar to intuitive judgment.

Among them, the rise of feeling is a whimsical, uninhibited idea, and the rise of intuition is what we usually call inspiration, the seventh sense, understanding and other more mystical unfathomable senses.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

After the information reaches the psychological subject according to a certain path, it is necessary to process and judge. At this time, the main program of processing and judgment has two options: rationality (T) and emotion (F).

That is, when you make a judgment of things according to the dominance of priority and belief, whether reason is pulling or emotion is pulling, it will also form a difference.

For example, if your lipstick or digital courier arrives, do you want to share it for the first time, or try it for a while to write a review. The former is emotional decision-making, full of passion and emotional desire to transmit; the latter is a rational style, full of prudence and a reproduction of cognitive logic.

At the same time, Jung argues that after the completion of the mental program, how to eventually relate to the outside world, and where to reconstruct the decision of the subject projection, there will be two directions: extraversion (E) and inward (I).

The former is to project himself onto the public stage; the latter, it is to jump in the intracranial KTV.

For example, if you want to share, you are only willing to share privately with a few friends or when asked, it seems to be more introverted; and you can't wait to share everywhere, naturally more outward-leaning.

When Jung proposed these tendencies, he did not use them as theoretical support for "personality traits", but believed that a specific person could develop a dynamic psychological tendency of immediacy in the treatment of different things.

Just as you may see one type of product more interested in copywriting, while the appeal of another type of product comes from your intuitive judgment; at the same time, you may be inclined to share something privately and another type of thing to be positively publicly output.

Jung's followers derived the "Jung Eight Dimensions" functional model based on this theory.

Namely Se: extraverted feeling, Si: introvert feeling, Ne: extraverted intuition, Ni: introvert intuition, Te: extraverted thinking, Ti: introverted thinking, Fe: extraverted emotion, Fi: introverted emotion.

On the basis of the initial personality type judgment, Cainelyn Briggs, as a psychological enthusiast, and her daughter Isabelle Briggs Miles injected two secondary dimensions of judgment (J/conclusive expression) and perception (P/organized expression) into the decision-making output of this type, and took reason (T) and emotion (F) as the secondary dimensions of feeling (S) and intuition (N), and then divided sixteen personality types.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

The input feedback + handling process in the back-end consciousness field, and the output tendency + display form in the front-end performance field constitute a more complete interpretation closed loop.

In this regard, the MBTI system was officially born.

After nearly 80 years of iterative changes, this character analysis template in the industrial era has not only become one of the most frequent talks in Internet social networking, but also gradually shaped the identity tendency of Internet people.

In addition to the Internet community, you will come across MBTI-related information. In all corners of the Internet industry, MBTI's tentacles have also become omnipotent.

NetEase Cloud Music's circle of friends marketing that brushes the screen several times a year, such as "your Jungian psychological prototype" and "test your personality dominant color", etc., have more or less references to MBTI, and its core communication population is also mostly believers in MBTI.

In the recruitment and talent screening of technology Internet companies, MBTI has become a popular tool for examining the reliability and differentiation of talents.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

In the book "Yu Jun's Product Methodology", it was disclosed that 60 product managers participated in the MBTI personality type test organized by didi product group. Among them, INTJ (introverted intuitive thinking judgment, expert type), INTP (introverted intuitive thinking perception, architect type), ENTJ (extroverted intuitive thinking judgment, leader type) accounted for 60%.

This density also verifies the effectiveness of the MBTI test to a certain extent.

In addition, whether it is in Weibo, Douban, Zhihu and other graphic content communities, or video content communities such as Douyin, B station, and Xiaohongshu, active MBTI bloggers, enthusiasts, and popular science adherents are all in droves.

The Weibo topic #MBTI# has been read by about 1.3 billion people and discussed nearly 300,000 times; the topic #mbti meme# has been read more than 2.1 billion times, and the short videos related to Douyin mbti have also been played more than 1 billion times.

Not only that, topics such as #infp#, #mbti human illustration # and other topics have been repeatedly searched, and have also impacted people's cognition and curiosity about MBTI time and again.

Even some entertainment IP has been swept up in the whirlpool of discussion.

Harry Potter, for example, was an adventurous ISFP, and Hermione was the radical manager ESTJ.

Iron Man is an extroverted entrepreneurial personality ESTP, Spider-Man is the cute puppy ENFP, and Doctor Strange is naturally an INTJ with a high IQ.

However, although the MBTI is like a spark in some Internet people, it has the potential to burn.

Negative discussions such as "just another kind of entertainment similar to the constellation", "MBTI are pseudoscience, psychological professionalism is dead", "these labels are all X sharp weapons, which are not helpful for people's personalization", etc., are also pervasive.

More importantly, because THE MBTI is more complex than the constellation of the cognitive threshold, it is difficult for its spread trend to become popular at once.

More typically, it is #Gu Ailing mbti is intj# on the hot search.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

"Rubbing" Gu Ailing's IP out of the circle, only set off a few waves of discussion, perhaps itself shows that MBTI is not a novelty known to the public.


A constellation IP is valued at 200 million, but what about MBTI?

Beginning in the 1940s, Miles, operating under the umbrella of intermediaries, sold test templates to industry leaders in urgent need of modernization, including General Electric, Standard Oil, and New York Life Insurance Company.

They will evaluate candidates, employees, as one of the weights of admission or appreciation, or as a statistical tool to distinguish user portraits.

Since its inception, the MBTI has been inseparable from commercialization, highlighting the market characteristics of the industrial age.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

In 2018, Merve Emre, an associate professor of literature at the University of Oxford, mentioned that there are 89 Fortune 100 companies that assess the personality of their employees at different stages.

In the United States, more than 10,000 companies, 2,500 colleges and universities, and 200 government agencies are currently using the MBTI test.

The huge market demand has also formed a professional training industry. Tens of thousands of people are certified administrators throughout the United States, and the industry is worth as much as $50 billion.

At the same time, CPP, which holds the rights to the MBTI personality test, sold for $49.95, which brings in $20 million in annual revenue.

But perhaps because of copyright issues, the domestic MBTI market cake is not large.

Search for MBTI online and you'll see ads for various websites at the top of the list under the banner of free testing. When you rush to complete dozens or even ninety-nine questions, and then you receive a fee notice ranging from 9.9 to 29.9 to get detailed analysis results, it can be said that you are very disappointed.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Similarly, on e-commerce websites such as Taobao and salted fish, there will also be some small shops and low retail prices, which display the "MBTI Professional Personality Test", and the number of buyers ranges from 1 to 1000, which is not popular.

In addition to these fragmentary commercial speculations, in the douyin, B station, Xiaohongshu, Douban and Zhihu and other drainage platforms, there will also be some self-media bloggers to do some popular science to absorb fans, but their fans are more than 100,000 or less, and have not produced a head KOL that can break the circle and have a large number of fans.

However, some "MBTImemes", "MbtiTT" and other accounts that publish meme content have gained 300,000 and 1.7 million fans, but these sticky fan groups are difficult to bring a wide and profound commercial influence to bloggers.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Correspondingly, the commercialization of the constellation industry has become more mature.

According to Ene Cow data, a total of 45 companies are in the divination track in 2021. Among them, the number of companies focusing on constellation business has reached 23, accounting for more than 50%. And of the 23 companies that focus on constellations, 12 have already received financing, accounting for nearly half.

In the KOL market, from the IP of the same uncle with a valuation of 200 million yuan to Tao Baibai, who has emotional positioning, rose tens of millions of fans in a short period of time and quickly exploded, it is a powerful demonstration of the circle-breaking of the constellation audience.

On the other hand, unlike the concept of constellations, which everyone can quickly accept and quickly understand, MBTI's complex personality divisions and letter shifts can easily confuse people who do not touch this cultural circle.

Some insiders brush the collection of stalks and stereotypes, and it is difficult for everyone to feel instant memory and empathy for the same impression of the constellation.

For bloggers, because the MBTI system is deeply integrated with professional personality, it has a strong organization rather than being known for its predictive power like a constellation, which is more testing the blogger's ability to sell concepts and the patience of fans.

At the same time, the requirement to have an MBTI certified tester threshold also hinders the determination of most wild bloggers to enter.

This makes the popularity of MBTI as limited as the audience of knowledge payment, and it is difficult to get popular love like the constellation.

However, MBTI also has its own unique side.

The March 2022 crowd portrait shows that 29.82% of people searching for MBTI are under the age of 19, almost twice the constellation. Meanwhile, among people aged 30-39, the number of search signs is nearly 3 times that of MBTI people.

This means that the new generation of Internet young people may be more receptive to the MBTI concept.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Although THE MBTI lacks imagination, that is, a metaphysical and predictive component similar to the constellation. This is the reason why the current development system is not mature and people's demand is not strong enough, but it also means that the potential of MBTI tools is tapped and there is a lot to be expected.

For example, John Beebe, a school of analytical psychology archetypes, proposed the Bibby model in the book "Types and Prototypes". The theory of the eight dimensions of Jung was unified with the functional intensity and functional status, resulting in two divisions: the four dimensions of the yang side and the four dimensions of the yin side.

Thus, not only does each type of MBTI personality have dynamic eight-dimensional traits, but the order and status differences of different traits will also bring about the flexibility of personality changes and encounter feedback, which allows MBTI to obtain a more mysterious interpretation similar to the astrolabe.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Relevant media statistics show that there are more than 300 apps on divination, fortune telling, constellations, MBTI, feng shui, ziwei bucket number, name prediction, etc. in the iOS client.

According to industry estimates: "China has about 1.4 billion people, 16 to 50 years old target users accounted for about 45%, of which about 16% of the paid users, their average annual divination and fortune telling minimum consumption of 1,000 yuan, a total of more than 100 billion yuan market." ”

In the ever-expanding market of metaphysics of fate or character analysis culture, it seems that it is only a matter of time before MBTI has a piece of the pie.


Metaphysics to science, why the end is "fortune telling"

From the ancient bone, astrology, and numerology of the guaxiang, to the "Character History" of the five elements metaphysics; from the ancient oracles such as constellations and tarots spread in the West, to the MBTI system based on psychological typology in the industrial era.

It seems that the end of everything is inseparable from "fortune telling".

According to the "Third Chinese Public Sample Survey report on unknown phenomena" released by the China Association for Science and Technology, at least 1 in every 4 Chinese believe in metaphysics.

The divination industry in the United States is also quite mature, ibis data shows that the divination industry in the United States reached $2 billion in revenue in 2018, and about 15% of Americans have divination experience.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

Behind the group numerology divination and personality analysis hobbies, what is driving? What are the factors that can provide a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon?

1. The "superstitious" psychology of the public

Perhaps, as popular psychology suggests, groups need a "God" or "Providence" before they need anything.

Although Nietzsche said that "God is dead", in the era of media communication, people's infatuation with more and more objects.

As a result, the pious and single-minded belief complex at the social level is dispersed and decentralized. In the past, faith had only the option of seriousness, but in modern society it has the feasibility of distributing it at various levels.

As a result, an entertaining, neutral, centralized issue of faith like the constellation and the MBTI becomes more prominent.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

At the same time, groups tend to succumb to stimuli, unlike individuals who have the restraint to control their own reflexes.

As mentioned in The Ragtag, it is not the facts themselves that stimulate the imagination of the crowd, but the way they arise and are noticed.

For example, magic shows, people know that this is a kind of "blindfold method", but they will also appreciate it with relish, and even stubbornly think that the magician is done through complete training rather than props.

Therefore, the intrinsic drive of group reasoning is that the average of the logical level drives consensus.

Therefore, the characteristics of group reasoning are more inclined to associate things that are different from each other and superficially similar, and to quickly generalize specific things.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

This makes specious constellations, MBTI and other trends have a credibility that is difficult to falsify in the framework of group-oriented interpretation.

2. The cultural composition of the production organization of the enterprise

Personality tests don't just represent personal preferences, they also herald an emerging white-collar work culture.

When the deviation between the worker's intention to live and the production behavior is too large, such as the desire to lie flat, it is obviously not in line with the interests of the main body of the enterprise to expand production.

Therefore, it is more important to convince people that they can always find some kind of job role that is more suitable for them, rather than always hoping to spend time and energy looking for value in unproductive interests.

Especially in consumerist societies, hedonism is rampant, so a certain symbolic norm of production that exists outside the scope of corporate culture, based on socialization, and which is collectively recognized by the workers, becomes very meaningful.

"The worker will be in a job that is inherently right for him, one that will allow him to give him all his strength and do the most creative things, give him the greatest personal satisfaction, make him loved by his boss and colleagues, and in turn encourage him to embed his sense of self more deeply in his nine-to-five job."

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

For example, Zhaopin Recruitment's "MBTI Workplace Personality Type Big Data Report" statistics show that from the distribution of personality types that account for more than 9% of enterprise managers in the past 5 years, the personality types of managers are mainly concentrated in the five categories of ENTP (Zhiduoxing), INTP (Scholar), ENTJ (Commander Type), ESTJ (Butler Type), ISTJ (Prosecutor), accounting for nearly 50%.

The typical personality type of the technology research and development group is ISFP (artist), and the typical personality type of the marketing group is ENTP (Wisdom Multi-Star).

Second, when employers are sheltered by abstract type language, hiring, firing, promoting, and layoffs are easier to talk about.

When employers say, I don't think you're a good fit for the job, it tends to be too subjective and lays the risk of a possible labor conflict.

But when the employer says, "I'm sorry, you didn't pass the job's psychological test," it seems legitimate and necessary, and it is easier to be recognized.


At present, Facebook, Google, Tencent, Huawei and other companies will use personality tests in the recruitment and training process, and even develop a more personalized personality assessment system.

3. The fulcrum of collective stress reduction and community communication of contemporary young people

In 1982, a study by psychologist Graham Tyson stated that "people who consult astrologers are usually in response to the stresses of life." The greater the pressure, the more people are willing to ask for solace from astrology. ”

Driven by the dual pressure of fast-paced production and life and internet virtual social networking, young people are bound to need a decompression topic with the effect of "group cohesion".

The character analysis of the MBTI system, to a certain extent, assumes this function.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

At the same time, the most striking feature of a psychological group is as follows: whatever kind of people make up the group, whether their life patterns, occupations, personalities, or IQ are the same, the fact that they have become a group gives them a collective mind, which makes their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors different from the state they were in isolation.

In particular, the suggestive hallucinational satisfaction of the "Barnum effect" is easily addictive.

It's like an infatuated person, facing a scumbag and a scumbag, when facing an inexorable emotion: "Even if you are lying to me, as long as you are willing to deceive me, my heart is yours." ”

As long as the object of speech can provide themselves with enough sense of security, fun, and presence, whether it is a lie or a fallacy will be ignored and will be accepted in a positive way.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

The specious words of personality analysis are superimposed strictly according to their suggestive and reasonable characteristics.

This is similar to brushing vibrato, analyzing language like a personality algorithm, extracting the most intuitive and common stimulus descriptions in human nature to show, making people more and more addicted.

And those who are plagued by many life problems such as career orientation, life direction, social roles and dating and love, and are slightly confused, will be temporarily alleviated in the happy gossip atmosphere discussed by MBTI meme.

And, in order to fit in, to appear less noble, arrogant, narcissistic, or stupid, we also unconsciously mask some of our extraordinarily individualized strengths and weaknesses to make ourselves look like "normal people" rather than maverick "pigs."

Therefore, when facing the reference object, consciously tilting one's self-judgment to it has also become an instinct.

Just like when people go shopping at will, it is difficult to go out of a straight line, but always walk in a curve.

The personality analysis of the constellation or MBTI gives a reference for walking in a straight line, so everyone is happy to claim that they have the ability to "walk out of a straight line", and do not care too much about whether this rigid way of walking in a straight line is your daily performance.

You say I have a sense of distance, and if I say that I am like this, I will seem a little willful and arrogant. But if I say, because I'm an ISFJ, it makes a lot of sense.

Moreover, the density of social fear groups highlights the sense of powerlessness under the social complexity after the gradual collapse of humane society.

When socializing, if you directly discuss the personality, life, etc. of the individual, the two parties will often fall into the conflict of privacy exposure and the difficulty of background understanding.

The topic of MBTI is not so much about finding social distinctions between tastes as it is about establishing a consensus on personality.

In this era of rapid change and extreme efficiency, when everyone shows this label with a certain "consensus", people can quickly understand a stranger, saving time and energy for greetings and temptations.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

And an open, reasonable and interesting differentiation mechanism can be a good entry point for social topics.

This social approach also gives contemporary young people a certain sense of community belonging, allowing them to achieve self-immersion in the social game of "looking for the same kind and the same frequency".

4. Narcissistic temperament and equal value

In secular narratives, the difference between geniuses and ordinary people is extremely obvious. This puts everyone under the pressure of distant idealized self-actualization.

But in population performance, these differences are masked by the dynamic equilibrium properties of mean reversion.

Although gold always shines, the "color" of the worldly cause is removed, and gold and sand are very similar in the yellow tone of "personality traits". This gives sand an empathetic sense of satisfaction that it is "gold".

The most typical is the type analysis of social celebrities and historical celebrities, which will become the kols that are bound to promote.

If you're an INTJ, you and Musk are in the same category.

If you're an ENFJ, you're in the same category as Obama.

If you're an INTP, congratulations, you're in the same category as Einstein and Newton.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

In addition, it also highlights people's inner expectations for forgetting the hierarchical difference based on power and fame and fortune, and pursuing simple human resonance.

The MBTI is like a totem that is collectively recognized, telling the story of "you have a very outstanding and unique side, and you have the possibility of becoming a very strong personality advantage." ”

This hint satisfies people's desire for equality and encourages believers to tap into their potential.

Like the fantasy that Santa Claus brought to people, human beings have preserved the fragile and childish sense of expectation of childhood, facing the outside world.

People's narcissistic instincts make us keen to label ourselves, such as badges on the shoulder cuffs of our student days.

This is also why social community software such as QQ and Zhihu will design some badge mechanisms to encourage users to output content; it is also why young people like to flaunt themselves as various types of slash youth.

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

When it is projected into the structure of production, it gives rise to narcissistic complexes such as the common trust in predestination ideas in the ancient small peasant economy to comfort their own humble fate.

Watching the sky and eating made people at that time believe that when encountering a node of fate or avoiding bad luck, the "heaven" would convey its protection to itself through some mysterious signal such as a gua elephant.

In fact, this is the epitome of a utilitarian "unity of heaven and man" narcissistic complex contained in the life of a traditional individual.

The iterative upgrading system of MBTI, which is constantly refining its functions, is very much in line with the social preference of the precise and analytical logic of instrumental rationality generated under the production structure of the industrial era.

The tradition of "being a questioner" has made this generation of young people have a psychological tendency to find out the correct answer to everything through question tests and paper guidance.

Internet workers who struggle on the front line of production show a more urgent belief in narcissism based on group production for this kind of personality analysis map that is more closely related to the category of psychological science than labeling, acquired rather than innate.


Write at the end

Character determines destiny and has become a cliché. But personality analysis seems to be difficult to use as a cryptographic tool for personality control.

After all, probably only the protagonist's personality will remain unchanged for a lifetime, because he only lives in film and television dramas.

"The Ragged Crowd" criticizes that the masses are not good at argumentation, but they are eager to achieve results. Psychologists also questioned the psychological science of the MBTI, and did not even recognize the reliability of the personality psychology pioneered by Jung.

But that doesn't stop people from needing consensus topics like MBTI for psychological divisions, rather than the facts of a rigorous psychological science process.

Like introverts and extroverts, they are not scientific, but they do not prevent them from being used as a categorical category tool for the communication of discourse in everyday life.

In essence, THE MBTI does not belong to the research category of psychological science, but is a market commodity of group psychological culture. Just as health supplements may not be as rigorous and effective as medical research, they are by no means useless.

The rationality of the commodity lies in whether it can bring the audience the ease of use, practicality or functional value of labor condensation under the premise of avoiding hazards and risks.

After decades and several iterations, the MBTI system has initially acquired such characteristics.

Still, as Jung put it, "Humans can be divided into eight types, but everyone should be an exception." ”

The whole network of more than 5 billion onlookers MBTI why did not have tens of millions of fans of "Tao Baibai"?

If THE MBTI just allows us to find the self that is effectively preset, it is difficult to be the "real self".

It simply gives us the anxiety of life where we have nowhere to go, a superficially reliable explanation. This can be explained, which means that our lives can be understood.


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