
Yesterday morning, I had the honor to accompany the county hospital expert group to Laipo Village in Jiangzhuang Township to provide free consultations for the poor people. After completing the task, I asked Huang Fengchan, the permanent secretary of the county hospital in Laipo Village, to take me to the village for a big transfer

author:Medical blind Wei Naiqiang

Yesterday morning, I had the honor to accompany the county hospital expert group to Laipo Village in Jiangzhuang Township to provide free consultations for the poor people. After completing the task, I asked Huang Fengchan, the permanent secretary of the county hospital in Laipo Village, to take me to the village for a large circle. I saw that the village was full of cement roads or asphalt roads, and there were no dirt roads. On both sides of the road are the homes of the villagers, most of which are two-story houses, and only a few homes are ordinary brick and tile houses. I asked Secretary Huang Fengchan, "What are the reasons why these dilapidated brick and tile houses have not been rebuilt?" Secretary Huang Fengchan said, "Most of these families have moved out of the country and no longer return to the village to live, and the rest is due to the family supply of college students, people with disabilities or long-term serious chronic diseases." I think, does poverty alleviation solve the problem of poverty in this part of the latter? When it comes to poverty, I talk to a poor old man in his eighties, who said to me, "Although I am poor now, it is not the same as the poverty of my youth." When the old man talked about poverty in those years, I immediately remembered the scene of my childhood. My home is Qianweizhuang Village, Fanhu Township, which belongs to the old Dongpo of Xiangcheng County with Jiangzhuang Township. At that time, due to climatic and environmental factors, there was too much rain, and there was a saying that described the rainy old east slope, "the frog urine bubbles were flooded." At that time, most of the houses of the villagers were earthen tile houses, and they fell into disrepair, when it rained, in most cases, it was big outside and small inside, especially when it rained for ten days and a half (it was common for ten and a half days to rain continuously, and there was also continuous rain for more than a month), even dry firewood for cooking, and eating hot meals was a problem. In this case, the villagers stay at home to do some indoor work, and if the villagers need to go out, they often wear a coat. Many fellow villagers, who can't afford rubber shoes, walk barefoot on muddy roads, and if they are not careful, they may fall in the water and mud roads. In order to protect the cold in winter, the villagers use bean stalks or wheat straw as quilts and lay thickly; in summer, in order to escape the heat, they sleep in the open garden, and when they wake up in the morning, they are full of small red dots bitten by mosquitoes. In this way, like my fellow countrymen, I lived year after year. Because of the closed environment, he spent his childhood "simple", "happy" and "happy". Speaking of his childhood, there are two fellow villagers in the village, who have a great influence on their later lifestyle and life. One was Wei Lan, one of the few learned people in my village at that time. At the end of the Cultural Revolution, she said, "Neither the rebels nor the conservatives are good, they are still the middlemen." At that time, he didn't understand what it meant, and later he learned that this was the category of moderation; the other was a very simple Wei Guangqi, who said, "You see who is in our village, people often drink alcohol, but people have the ability, and they have never bought their own wine." A really uncultured fellow who speaks the true meaning of the world. Looking at today's Laipo Village, our own former Weizhuang Village, although there are also poor households and poor people, we need to help them with a compassionate heart. But do we need to help them change their thinking (for example, when they met a 40-year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis during a free clinic, who said that their erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein were not high, and there was no deformity in the small joints, they still sought medical treatment everywhere, spending more than 20,000 yuan), the government increased civil relief, and improved civil charity?


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