
Women, the first to perceive the coming of spring on this planet, who can first perceive the arrival of spring? Of course, the first is the "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", followed by the first "stupid."

author:Mobile phone users already know

Women are the first to perceive the coming of spring

Who on this planet can first perceive the coming of spring? Of course, the first to bear the brunt is the "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", followed by another kind of "foolishness" first, I am afraid it is a woman!

Women have a congenital "allergy" to beauty, and it is very serious, even doctors can not do anything, but the amazing women have a very "stupid" method, she said that only when she herself personally experienced it, this strange disease will be cured immediately.

It is said that men can't withstand the temptation, in fact, women are the real "fragile", only then there is a "weak can't help the wind" said. When the wind in the waxing moon has just blown, the woman says that she feels the message of spring from the wind, and the man says how do you feel it? The wind in this cold winter ice day, the hula is all cold air whizzing, there is no trace of warmth to speak of, unless the woman has a special function! Not to mention that women are born with a special function in terms of "stinky beauty"! "Women are made of water", water knows cold and warm best. When the snow-capped ice covers or freezes the surface of the water, the water at the bottom is still surging and they may have already sensed the approaching of spring, and in time, all the winter scenes will melt away, and the babbling water will immediately return to the busy time of the past.

Women are yin and afraid of the cold! Especially in winter, this is the most difficult time for women to survive. Although I wrapped myself in the shape of a large rice dumpling, looking at the phenomenon in the mirror, I was eager to slap "that person" a few times. Although it is cold enough to grit its teeth, it can never hide a heart that loves beauty, and always yearns for the appearance of spring. When a wind blows, women with a unique sense of smell, keenly capture that there is a trace of wind from the East, although mixed in the cold wind, but the women are genius deciphering experts, the information in the wind is like Morse code, after all, can not escape the woman's mind, they yearn for spring!

Look at the women around you, which one is not thinking about the arrival of spring? Spring is coming, the wilderness is dressed in new clothes, the flowers are blooming, the trees are crawling with tender leaf buds, a scene full of life! The women can't wait to take off the bloated inner three layers and the outer three layers, eager to show their beautiful posture, and they want to compete with the peacock...

It's a dazzling day, an unstoppable spring, an unconcealed emotion, a woman who yearns for spring!

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Women, the first to perceive the coming of spring on this planet, who can first perceive the arrival of spring? Of course, the first is the "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", followed by the first "stupid."
Women, the first to perceive the coming of spring on this planet, who can first perceive the arrival of spring? Of course, the first is the "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", followed by the first "stupid."
Women, the first to perceive the coming of spring on this planet, who can first perceive the arrival of spring? Of course, the first is the "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", followed by the first "stupid."

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