
The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

My daughter went to kindergarten earlier, because there was no old man to help bring, so she went to kindergarten at the age of two and a half, the first month she was still quite adaptable, but after going to a month later, I found that every time I picked her up, she would say: "Mom, I want to pee", or " Mom, I want to pull the cane".

Every day as soon as she got home, she immediately ran to the toilet to pee or pull the poop, and every time she came out of the toilet, she would touch her small belly, looking very comfortable.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

After this situation lasted for two weeks, I felt that there was a problem, patiently communicated with the child, and after communication, I learned: it was originally said by the teacher, her rice was very smelly, since then, she did not dare to pull the rice in the kindergarten, and developed to hold urine all day, and I slowly solved the problem after communicating with the teacher.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

In fact, not only my daughter, many children will always encounter a lot of situations in the process of going to kindergarten, even if the child can adapt at the beginning, but once some unexpected situations occur, it is possible for children to have a fear of kindergarten, so as parents, we should do these three things well, so let the children adapt to the life of the kindergarten as soon as possible.

01 Give enough children a sense of security, and pick up and drop off on time in the first month of kindergarten

When a child first enters kindergarten, she cries because she is facing a new environment, knows nothing about kindergarten life, and has a sense of fear.

Therefore, before going to kindergarten, we should give our children a sense of security and let her know that her parents have always loved her! Usually take more time to play and play games for children, and give children high-quality companionship, so that the ability of children who grow up in the environment to adapt to the new environment will generally be very strong.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

After the child goes to kindergarten, most of them will ask: "Mom, remember to pick me up after school, you can't be late, you have to be early." "I think parents often hear children make these requests, then we promised the children that things must be done, especially in the first month of kindergarten, we must eliminate all difficulties to pick up the children on time, so that the children know that as long as the parents and mothers will come to pick me up on time after school, these small things can make the children accumulate a sense of security little by little, so that the children can adapt to kindergarten life faster."

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

02 Guide children to communicate with their parents more and find problems to solve in time

First, make good use of the time it takes to pick up and drop off your children from school. I have a habit of asking my child about his or her day in kindergarten every day after school and on his way home, for example, what did you eat today, was it delicious? What fun games have you done in kindergarten, and which children have you played with? Every time I asked, my daughter would answer my questions in a milky voice, and through a simple question and answer, in the short time of ten minutes of going home, she could roughly understand the situation of the child in the kindergarten.

Second, think of the ten minutes before bedtime as a secret sharing meeting between mother and daughter. By sharing in this way, you can get a deeper understanding of her deep emotional problems in kindergarten, which are often not known by simple conversations during the day.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

First of all, I usually share with my daughter that I am happy or a little depressed these days, and then my daughter will also tell me some "little secrets". For example, she said to me one night, "Mom, I don't want to go to kindergarten, but I'm afraid to say that you're not happy!" ”

When I heard it, I was shocked, this kind of thought she had never mentioned, nor did she show it, but I still asked her very calmly: "Why?" Can you tell your mother? ”

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Because the teachers don't praise me, they all praise other brothers and sisters!" ”

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

Later, as soon as I learned about the situation, I learned that because my daughter was the youngest child in the class, she was not as good as other children in all aspects, and she often did not get praise, and after a long time, she felt uncomfortable!

So, I thought about letting her study in the small class for an extra year, and now it seems that this decision is still very correct, she is very happy to live and learn in this class, and she often gets praise from the teacher, saying every day that she super wants to go to kindergarten!

03 Prepare for kindergarten entry in advance and learn about kindergarten in all directions

If you want your child to better adapt to kindergarten life, you must be prepared to enter the kindergarten in advance.

First, learn to eat on your own

After the child goes to kindergarten, he should first learn to eat independently, there are at least 20 children in a class of kindergarten, and the teachers cannot take care of them one by one, so the child must learn to eat independently.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

Second, learn to go to the toilet independently

What kind of child the kindergarten teacher likes the most is to be able to go to the toilet by himself, including teaching the child to take off his pants (especially in winter), wipe clean and wear pants on his own (especially in winter), and learn this series of actions, so that the child can really learn to go to the toilet independently.

The daughter holds the urine in the kindergarten all day, and the parents need to do three things as soon as possible to adapt to the kindergarten life as soon as possible

Third, understand the environment and life of the kindergarten in advance

Before choosing a kindergarten, it is best to understand the environment of the kindergarten on the ground, including the child's future classrooms, sports venues, diet and the cultural concept of the school, especially the overall quality of the kindergarten teacher, only by understanding all aspects can you know whether it is suitable for your child.

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