
In the new semester, N skills make Baby a social talent!

It's back in school season, and the babies are back in school. Mothers celebrate the time they can get free time, and on the other hand, they worry about whether their children can adapt to kindergarten life and whether they can get along with their peers.

@Cai Cai Mom: My son is going to kindergarten this year, and I am worried about whether he can get along with the children. Because he is an only child, he is usually unrestrained at home, no one robs him of anything, his temper is hot, and he has no rhythm of friends.

@Also early yaya: My daughter too! Usually raised like a princess. She is a bit egotistical, does not like to play with other children, and always plays with dolls by herself.

@September Hello Duck: My son's name is Pippi, he has been in kindergarten for more than a year, but he always does not fit into kindergarten life. The teacher said that between classes, other children were playing slides, carousels, and games such as peek-a-boo, eagle catching chickens, etc. Pippi did not want to play any of them, always sitting on his own wooden horses, watching other children in a daze.

In the new semester, N skills make Baby a social talent!

Image source: @Visual China

When children enter kindergarten for the first time, mommy is all kinds of worries. In addition to some things in life, you should also worry about whether your child can get along with your children.

Moms don't have to worry too much, you can use the following methods to help your children, I believe your children can also become a social expert.

1. Invite children to play at home

If the family is an only child, usually at home will be more "lonely", the mother must create conditions for children to play with children. You can invite the children of relatives and friends to play at home, so that the children become small masters, and at home they can learn how to share toys and snacks to enhance the awareness of the little master, so that after entering the kindergarten, you can also mingle with the children.

2. Take your child to participate in social activities

Usually, bao moms also create opportunities to take their children out and participate in some interesting social activities. For example, participate in some small parties, story meetings, etc., so that children can see the "big scene" in the process of participating in the party, can know more peers, learn some ways to treat people and things, and will not be shy and afraid of people.

3. Cultivate children's good interests

If a child has a wide range of interests, a good personality, and knows how to share, then he will be welcomed. Parents usually cultivate their children's various interests and hobbies, not necessarily how outstanding, but more involved in various fields, so that children can choose what they like to learn, such as singing, dancing, painting, playing the piano, martial arts... When children have their own interests and hobbies, people will be more cheerful, and they will be more prominent in the group and welcomed by children.

4. Let the child exercise his courage as a class committee

Some children are more shy, do not dare to speak in the class, do not dare to communicate with people, in this case, parents should communicate more with the class teacher to see if they can arrange a "small cadre" position for the baby, so that the child can exercise the child's courage, increase the child's sense of existence in the class collective, the child will slowly become more extroverted and lively, welcomed by everyone.

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