
What should I pay attention to during pregnancy preparation?

Now many couples will prepare for pregnancy before pregnancy, because they think that scientific pregnancy preparation is better for the baby, and it is easier to give birth to a healthy baby. If you want to successfully prepare for pregnancy, you need to pay attention to many aspects. The reason why many women can't get pregnant has a lot to do with their daily living habits. Today's young people feel that they are young, so they like to stay up late and smoke. These are bad living habits, each of which may have an impact on pregnancy preparation, let's look at what to pay attention to during pregnancy preparation.

What should I pay attention to during pregnancy preparation?

What to pay attention to during pregnancy preparation

Be aware of during pregnancy preparation

Staying up late will lead to lack of sleep, which is not conducive to the functioning of major organs, and long-term this will cause premature aging of organs. The ovaries are important organs of the human body, and if they enter the ranks of premature aging, they will inevitably affect ovulation. If there is a problem with ovulation, it is naturally not conducive to pregnancy. Therefore, during the pregnancy preparation, you must not stay up late, you must go to bed around 22 o'clock to brew sleep, to ensure that around 23 o'clock, the body has entered a deep sleep.

Cigarettes contain not only nicotine, but also a large amount of tar, which, when ingested into the body, can impair the normal development of the fetus. Even if you have successfully conceived during the pregnancy preparation period, if you do not quit smoking, it is likely to lead to miscarriage. Even if the fetus can be kept from miscarriage, it may lead to deformities in the fetus born, such as the appearance of rabbit lips.

If a woman is planning to have a baby and is trying to conceive, it is recommended to maintain a reasonable weight in order to increase the probability of a successful pregnancy. Because weight is too light or too heavy is not conducive to conception, increasing the difficulty of conception. Therefore, women should gain weight or lose weight according to their weight.

Reasonable weight gain is needed, such as increasing food intake and eating some high-calorie foods. Because people who are too light weight often lack nutrients in the body, the nutrients that provide their own operation are not enough, and there are excess nutrients to nourish the fetus. Therefore, even if the pregnancy is successful, the fetus may be miscarried due to malnutrition.

What should I pay attention to during pregnancy preparation?

Be aware of the pregnancy preparation

Yancheng Dexin Hospital Bu Lingxia tips: pregnancy is a complex process, the need for a combination of factors of many factors, men should also participate in the preparation for pregnancy, more care and consideration of women's feelings,

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