
The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

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The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

Regarding marriage, we all know that Qian Zhongshu once said a very classic sentence: "Marriage is a besieged city, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city want to come out." ”

During the relationship period, when the relationship reaches a very strong stage, we all think of getting married, and even desperately want to live a happy two-person life.

However, after experiencing the triviality and reality of marriage and feeling various contradictions and differences, we will be disappointed in marriage and even regret the decision to choose marriage in the first place.

The more you can't accept the status quo of marriage, the easier it is to have the idea of divorce. I have heard the saying: "Every couple will have countless thoughts of divorce in their married life."

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

However, some people restrained this idea and persuaded themselves to continue the marriage. And some people can't restrain themselves and finally have to choose divorce.

However, divorce is not as simple as we think, two people who love each other to the point of divorce, even if they do not want to live together, there will still be a lot of involvement, such as money, children, face, and so on.

As Kunita Yasuhito said, "It is much harder for a person to make the choice of divorce than to make the choice of marriage." ”

Therefore, when facing marriage, we cannot be blindly impulsive, and before divorce, we cannot be blindly impulsive. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will regret it in the end, and it is almost impossible to go back to the past.

When you have the idea of divorce, first learn to think about many things and anticipate various situations after divorce. You know, the end after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, or don't choose divorce easily, learn to be cautious.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

01 Regarding the division of property, we should consider it carefully and do not be too careless.

Before getting married, we all have a lot of fantasies about the future of married life, and we also expect that our marriage will be a wonderful trip.

In this trip, we can not only enjoy life well, but also feel the charm of marriage and experience the beautiful meaning of marriage.

However, if you really experience marriage, you will only find that life is not as simple as enjoyment. If you want to live a better life, you need both husband and wife to work together to earn more material foundations for the family.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

Husband and wife have lived together for several years, and many things have long been impossible to calculate. If you come to the point of divorce, the division of property is naturally one of the most important issues to consider.

Some people are actually very impulsive when choosing divorce, only considering their own mood at that time, and not thinking about their future life. They will even give up the fight for interests in order to divorce.

However, after the divorce, I felt the hardships of life and began to regret that I had made the choice of divorce.

We need to know that divorce is not only the end of the relationship between husband and wife, but also various issues of interest. These should be carefully considered, and do not be too careless.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

02 For couples with children, think about the future before divorcing.

Helen Rowland once said, "Marriage is a lottery ticket that cannot be torn up even if you lose a bet." ”

For unmarried people, when faced with marital problems, it is nothing more than the next bet.

If you win the bet, you can enjoy the married life happily; if you lose, you can't give up if you want to give up.

Especially those couples with children, even if they do not consider the friendship between husband and wife, they will consider the future life of their children.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

We often say that it is actually the children whose parents choose to divorce the most. What a couple chooses to divorce and give up is nothing more than a relationship, but for the child, what is lost is a home and the love of the parents.

After divorce, the child will inevitably live in a single-parent family, which will also cause great harm to the child's psychology.

If after the divorce, the child's psychology is wrong, naturally it is also the end that parents do not want to see.

Therefore, before divorce, we must consider the problem of children, if you can't accept the child will be hurt a lot, or don't choose divorce easily.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

03 Divorce will have a certain impact on personal image, if it is not acceptable, it is still necessary to consider it carefully.

Although divorce is everyone's freedom, marriage must be sacred, and in married life, husband and wife will inevitably encounter various contradictions and differences.

For such a situation, our best way to deal with it is to solve these contradictions, so that the husband and wife's feelings are more solid, and only then can a family be more harmonious.

Instead of choosing to escape when encountering problems, not communicating well and resolving them, or even directly choosing divorce as the end.

Before getting married, many people think about it relatively simply, thinking that marriage is a happy world for two people.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

When faced with divorce, they will think more simply and feel that divorce is just a new beginning in life. Whether it is marriage or divorce, we must learn to think about it and then make a careful choice.

When faced with divorce, we all have to accept one thing. That is, after the divorce, your image will definitely be affected by the divorce, and there will be people around you who will often point fingers at you.

If you feel that the misfortune of marriage has reached the point of no return, even if someone points fingers in the future, you must learn to take on your own choices.

If you can't accept such an ending, don't think about divorce easily. Instead of choosing to escape, it is better to think about how to reverse the state of marriage.

The ending after divorce is inseparable from these three, if you can't accept it, don't divorce easily

Nicoltai once said, "The greatest secret of a successful marriage is to see all disasters as accidents, and no accidents as disasters." ”

When there is a problem in marriage, our choice is not only divorce.

Instead, we must first think about whether there is still room for redemption in their marriage, whether the husband and wife really cannot continue to live, or the lack of communication opportunities, and some misunderstandings have occurred with each other.

When encountering problems, we must first correct our mentality, think calmly, and don't impulsively choose divorce and make ourselves regret.

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