
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise

author:Cheerful chatter

#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary# I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting.

Now weighing less than 105 pounds, I will shape myself through exercise, and stick to it until the New Year, and my complexion and body shape will be very good!

Not too skinny, I'm looking for the slightly fleshy kind, but not fat!

The 5-day fasting is very simple, the first 3 days are a little harder, I diverted my attention by playing mahjong, and the next two days are very easy, if you want to lose more scales, you can extend the time accordingly.

Here's how I spent my 5 days of fasting:

Catty. Ate more than a pound of beef all day.

On the first day, the liquid was broken, and the weight was 3.7 pounds

The next day, the egg broke and weighed 0.4 pounds

On the third day, the corn weighed 0.6 catties

On the fourth day, beef, weighed 0.7 catties

On the fifth day, the fruit weighed 1.1 catties

The foods to eat separately are:

On the first day, 4200 ml of soy milk, 1400 ml of red dates and wolfberry water.

The next day, 18 eggs, stewed, omelette, boiled eggs, water

On the third day, 3 and a half corns, two dumplings, red dates and wolfberry water

On the fourth day, 1.2 catties of beef, red dates and wolfberry water

On the fifth day, apples, red dates, wolfberries, ginger boiled soup to drink, cucumbers and tomatoes

During the fasting period, I ate when I was hungry, ate the prescribed food, did not drink simple warm water, I used red dates and wolfberry water instead, and I did not work, did not work, and went to sleep when I was so hungry that I was tired. Sleep well at night, go to bed before 11 p.m., get up around 7 a.m., and sleep in the afternoon.

I spent 5 days like this, I lost 6.5 pounds on fasting, and I felt much more comfortable.

#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#I succeeded in losing weight quickly before the Chinese New Year, and I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 days of fasting. Now I weigh less than 105 pounds, and then I will shape myself through exercise

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