
Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

author:Dr. Xing of the third-class obstetrics and gynecology department
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In the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry has been praised as a holy product that can nourish the liver and kidneys and benefit the shrewd purpose since ancient times.

With the development of modern science, the miraculous effects of wolfberry have gradually been scientifically verified, which is not only rich in antioxidant β-carotene, vitamin C, etc., but also contains polysaccharides that can improve human immunity.

But do you know that when wolfberry meets black sesame seeds, the combination of the two can be described as the "kidney tonic warrior" of middle-aged and elderly health care?

Traditional application and modern value of wolfberry

Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

The long-established wolfberry is not just an ordinary small red fruit. In traditional medicine on the mainland, it has been used for thousands of years and is widely used to treat problems such as liver and kidney loss, blurred vision, etc.

The polysaccharides, β-carotene, vitamins C and E in wolfberry are all effective in anti-aging and improving immunity. Especially for those middle-aged and elderly friends with yellow skin and thin skin and lack of energy, wolfberry is undoubtedly an indispensable and valuable ingredient in daily diet.

The golden pairing of goji berries with black sesame seeds

When it comes to black sesame seeds, many people may think of its fragrant flavor and decorative role for garnishing food, but its benefits go far beyond that.

Black sesame seeds are an excellent kidney tonic and are rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and B vitamins. They can effectively help maintain the health of blood vessels, prevent hardening of the arteries, and also have a significant effect on anti-aging.

Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

When wolfberry and black sesame go together, the nutrients of the two complement each other and work together on the human body, especially for the improvement of kidney function.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidneys are the foundation of innateness, and if the kidneys are good, the whole body is good. The combination of the kidney and eye nourishing properties of goji berries and the nourishing and strong black sesame seeds can help strengthen the body, improve skin tone, and make people look more refreshed.

Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

A scientifically healthy recipe with goji berries and black sesame seeds

In today's advocating health preservation, how to scientifically match ingredients has become a must-learn knowledge. Goji berries and black sesame seeds are two common ingredients, and their correct combination and use have shown excellent health benefits in practice.

A tea made by combining goji berries and black sesame seeds, or adding them to oatmeal for breakfast, can bring out the best in both worlds.

Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

Here's a healthy recipe: Add a handful of black sesame seeds and a moderate amount of goji berries to your oats every morning, boil them in water and cook them over low heat for a nutritious breakfast or a good start to a refreshing start.

Goji berry black sesame porridge is not only sweet, but also added with red dates and walnuts, which can be delicious and increase the intake of a variety of nutrients.

Safe intake and precautions of goji berries and black sesame seeds

Although goji berries and black sesame seeds have many benefits for the human body, moderate amounts are appropriate, and excessive amounts may bring side effects. The recommended daily intake of goji berries is 20-30 grams, while black sesame seeds are recommended to not exceed a small handful (about 10 grams) per day.

Excessive intake of goji berries may increase the burden on the liver, while black sesame seeds may affect gastrointestinal function due to their high fat content.

It is important to note that some people with certain constitutions should be cautious about eating these two ingredients.

People who have a warm and hot body may cause symptoms such as dry mouth and dry mouth if they eat too much wolfberry, while black sesame seeds are good, but because of their slippery nature, people with diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases should reduce their intake.

Goji berry with one thing is "kidney tonic fierce general", energetic, good complexion, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people often drink

Goji berries and black sesame seeds are not only commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, but they also show high health value in modern nutrition.

The combination of these two ingredients is not only a superposition of nutrition, but also a fusion of culture and science. Through daily consumption, we can not only enjoy delicious food, but also gain health and vitality from it.

When promoting healthy eating, we must be mindful of the differences in each person's physique and how they react to ingredients. It's a good idea to consult with your doctor or dietitian before trying a new diet to make sure the ingredients you choose are appropriate for your health condition.

Finally, do you have any experiences and opinions that you would like to share?

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