
Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, and today I will share with you the correct conditioning sequence of spleen deficiency!

Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also causes problems such as yellow face, oily hair, and dull skin. In autumn and winter, it is even more important to regulate the weakness of the spleen and stomach.

The following will introduce you to a tea recipe sequence diagram, you can like and collect.

First of all, it is suitable for people who are always in a bad mood. You can choose ingredients such as sour jujube kernels, bergamot, fried malt, tangerine peel, lily, wolfberry, and rose.

The next is Tongzhong Jiao, which is suitable for people who are weak and not replenished, and the upper body is hot and the lower body is afraid of cold. You can choose ingredients such as shredded ginger, burnt dates, fried black beans, and burdock root.

Then there is the spleen and stomach, which is suitable for people with poor resistance and easy to catch colds. You can choose ingredients such as five-fingered peach, longan, fig, barley, gourd, and dried Huaishan.

Finally, it is to replenish qi and blood, which is suitable for people who are deficient in qi and blood and have poor spirits. You can choose red dates, wheat winter, wolfberry, angelica, jade bamboo, ginseng slices, astragalus, codonopsis and other ingredients.

Spleen deficiency does affect a person's state and appearance, and hopefully this conditioning sequence can help you. If you have similar problems, you might as well try these tea recipes!#TCM# #清风计划#

Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin
Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin
Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin
Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin
Spleen deficiency really affects a person's state too much, today I will share with you a correct conditioning order of spleen deficiency! Spleen deficiency not only makes people look old, but also may appear yellow and acne, oily hair, and skin

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