
When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

author:Starfire Life

Xu Xiaoyu (not her real name) is an office worker who has to face painful periods every month, which not only affects her work efficiency, but also makes her life full of trouble. She has tried various methods to relieve menstrual cramps, but the results are not ideal.

A month's menstrual period is coming again, and Xiaoyu feels anxious. In the past few days, not only did she have a splitting headache, but she also had a sharp pain in her abdomen, which made it almost impossible for her to continue working. Looking at the piles of work on her desk, she felt helpless.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

During a chance dinner, Xiaoyu heard a friend's suggestion, she said: "I used to have the same problems as you, but then I tried some dietary therapy methods, and the effect was not bad." ”

01 Dietary advice for daily menstruation

If you feel unwell, it is best to start with your daily diet. Not to mention, diet has a great impact on the body! If you want to live comfortably during menstruation, you can't be sloppy in your diet. Here are some practical daily diet tips to hopefully help you have a comfortable period!

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Light and easy to digest:

In your daily diet, try to choose light and easy-to-digest foods, such as stewed soups, steamed vegetables, etc. This not only reduces the burden on the stomach and intestines, but also helps the body absorb nutrients better.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits:

Vegetables and fruits are our best friends, they are rich in various vitamins, minerals and fiber, and are very beneficial for managing menstrual discomfort. In particular, fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges and lemons, can help improve the absorption rate of iron.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Avoid spicy and irritating foods and raw and cold foods:

Keep away from spicy foods such as chili peppers and peppercorns, as well as raw and cold foods such as ice cream and iced drinks! These foods can irritate the uterus and cause menstrual discomfort to worsen, so don't let them get close to your stomach!

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Control strenuous exercise and heavy physical activity:

During menstruation, the body is already in a fragile state, and excessive exercise can aggravate pain and even cause other physical discomforts. So, exercise in moderation, but don't go overboard!

Increase iron-rich foods with vitamin C:

If you are a woman with heavy menstrual flow, then foods rich in iron and vitamin C are your intimate little padded jackets! Red dates, lean meat, spinach, etc. are all good choices to help you replenish iron and prevent anemia.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Relax and rest:

Don't forget, mood is also one of the most important factors in menstrual comfort. Maintaining a happy mood and relaxing your mind can help relieve the symptoms of menstrual cramps. In addition, pay attention to adequate rest and give yourself a good rhythm of life.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Warm and topical warm compresses:

In addition, if you encounter menstrual pain, you may wish to try a topical hot compress, which can effectively relieve the symptoms and make you feel warm and soothed.

While Xiaoyu was adjusting her diet, she also began to try some herbal conditioning methods. She bought some motherwort and angelica, and at the suggestion of a friend, boiled eggs with motherwort and insisted on eating them every day. She also drank some angelica ginger water and felt some relief from her body.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

02 The correct usage of motherwort, angelica, and ejiao

Motherwort, Angelica, and Ejiao are commonly used Chinese herbs and supplements for many women during menstruation or after childbirth, and proper use of them can help relieve problems such as irregular menstruation and menstrual pain. Let's take a look at how to use them correctly!

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

1. Motherwort:

Motherwort, just listen to the name and know that it is for mothers. It is mainly used for menstrual regulation, pain relief and blood replenishment. You can boil motherwort in water and drink it, or you can add other ingredients to cook it into a medicinal meal. But remember, not everyone is suitable to eat motherwort, especially pregnant women and people with liver and kidney disease.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

2. Angelica:

Angelica can be described as a "health product" for women, which has the effects of blood replenishment, menstrual regulation, blood circulation and pain relief. You can boil angelica with other herbs and drink it, or use it to stew soup and porridge. However, it should be noted that some people may be allergic to angelica and should be used with caution.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

3. Ejiao:

Ejiao is a good product for women's blood and beauty, and is also often used to regulate menstrual irregularities and postpartum weakness. You can choose to boil water with ejiao and drink it, or you can stew it with other herbs in soup or make food. However, it should be noted that Ejiao is warm in nature, and some people with hot constitution or strong liver fire should not eat too much.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

Suggestions for use

Before choosing to use motherwort, angelica and ejiao, it is best to consult a doctor or TCM practitioner to determine whether it is suitable for your body constitution and symptoms.

Every time you use medicinal herbs, you should use them in accordance with the correct dosage and method to avoid adverse reactions caused by overdose or frequency.

When the "big aunt" is not good, how to use motherwort, angelica, and ejiao correctly?

If you experience any uncomfortable symptoms during use, such as dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, etc., you should stop using it immediately and seek help from a doctor.

Whether you're facing menstrual cramps or other friends with menstrual discomfort, don't give up easily. Try these simple treatment methods and maybe bring you unexpected results. If you have other effective menstrual management experiences, you may wish to leave your comments and share them with everyone, so that we can learn from each other and spend a more comfortable period time together.

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Note: The health suggestions in the article are for reference only Some of the pictures are from the network Infringement contact deletion

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