
Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

author:Liu Zheng, Department of Urology and Andrology, Provincial Hospital

When night falls, most people are immersed in sweet sleep, but there are always some people who break the quiet night by an unexpected wakefulness at 3 or 4 a.m. They tossed and turned in bed, confused: Why do I always wake up at this time? Why are my dreams so chaotic and even disturbing? This phenomenon may not be new to you, maybe it is affecting you or someone close to you.

Sleep, this seemingly simple physiological process, is actually the cornerstone of our health. A good night's sleep is not only related to the next day's mental state, but also has a profound impact on our physical health and emotional balance. However, due to the fast pace and stress of modern life, sleep problems have quietly become a major challenge in many people's lives.

Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

Unraveling Sleep Disorders — Unraveling the story behind waking up during the night

Sleep, a vital part of our lives, is often shrouded in mystery. In this part, we'll delve into the heart of sleep disorders, specifically those that cause us to wake up in the wee hours of the morning.

The Sleep Cycle: A Night's Journey

Sleep is not a static state, but a cyclical process made up of multiple phases. This cycle is usually divided into rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. NREM sleep is further divided into several stages, from light sleep to deep sleep. Normally, a person goes through several complete sleep cycles during the night, each lasting about 90 minutes.

Nocturnal Awakenings: Physiological or Psychological?

Waking up in the early hours of the morning can stem from a variety of reasons. On the one hand, it may be part of the natural variation of the physiological sleep cycle. As we age, the deep sleep phase may become shorter, leading to more frequent nocturnal awakenings. On the other hand, psychological factors such as stress and anxiety often play an important role. Psychological stress can interfere with sleep by affecting the chemical balance of the brain.

Behind the Dream: A Mapping of Psychological Stress

Polydreaminess usually occurs during the REM sleep phase. When we are in this phase, certain parts of the brain are very active, leading to vivid dreams. Emotional issues such as long-term psychological stress, anxiety, or depression may lead to more dreams during the REM sleep phase, which tend to be clearer and more active.

Environment and Xi: External Influences of Sleep

Sleep quality is also affected by the external environment and personal Xi. For example, irregular sleep times, use of electronic devices before bedtime, light and noise levels in the sleeping environment, etc., can all contribute to sleep disorders. In addition, late dinners or consumption of caffeinated beverages may also affect sleep.

By understanding sleep cycles and recognizing the various factors that affect sleep, we can better grasp how to improve the quality of sleep at night. In the next section, we'll explore TCM's view of sleep disorders and delve into how soaking in water can help you get a better night's sleep.

Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

Sleep Disorders from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine - "Behind the Night Awakening and Dreaming: Wisdom Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine"

In traditional Chinese medicine, sleep is seen as the result of the balance of yin and yang, qi and blood. When this balance is disrupted, sleep disturbances such as frequent awakenings and dreaming during the night occur. Traditional Chinese medicine theories suggest that sleep problems are often associated with dysfunction Xi of internal organs, emotional instability, and inappropriate lifestyle habits.

Visceral function and sleep

Liver function: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is responsible for the release of emotions. If the liver qi is stagnant, i.e., the emotions are not channeled effectively, it can lead to night awakenings and dreams.

Heart and spleen function: Disharmony between the heart and spleen is also a common cause of sleep problems. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart hides the mind and the spleen thinks dominantly. If the heart and spleen function are not coordinated, it may affect the peace of mind and lead to sleep disturbances.

Mood regulation and sleep

Emotional impacts: Long-term emotional stress, worry, and anxiety can lead to restlessness and interfere with sleep. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes regulating emotions and relieving psychological stress through meditation, relaxation training, and other methods.

Lifestyle & Sleep

Eating Xi: Irregular diet and excessive fatty food can lead to spleen and stomach dysfunction and affect sleep.

Regular work and rest: Irregular work and rest time, such as staying up late, will interfere with the natural yin and yang rhythm of the human body and affect the quality of sleep.

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning methods

Herbal therapy: According to the individual's constitution and symptoms, choose appropriate Chinese medicine for conditioning. Such as sour jujube kernels, cypress kernels, etc., they help to calm the nerves.

Acupuncture and Massage: Through acupuncture and specific massage techniques, qi and blood are regulated, and the harmony of internal organ function is promoted, thereby improving sleep.

Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

Jujube kernel - the guardian of the night

In the rich treasury of traditional Chinese medicine, jujube kernels are remarkable for their unique calming effect. This is not only an ancient wisdom, but also an effective weapon in the fight against sleep disorders in modern life.

The pharmacological mystery of jujube kernels

Jujube kernels, or jujube seeds, are one of the herbs commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, mainly used to treat insomnia and anxiety symptoms. It contains a variety of active ingredients, including saponins, flavonoids, and terpenoids. Together, these ingredients regulate the nervous system and reduce feelings of tension and anxiety, thereby promoting sleep.

The correct method of using sour jujube kernels to soak in water

When using sour jujube kernels to soak in water, the correct method is very important. First of all, select high-quality sour jujube kernels and gently grind them into powder. Then, take an appropriate amount of sour jujube kernel powder and add it to hot water to brew. It is recommended to drink it at night before bedtime for best results. It is important to pay attention to the amount and frequency of jujube kernels, as excessive amounts may cause discomfort.

Practical application case of jujube kernel

In practical application, many people have found that soaking jujube kernels in water has a significant effect on improving sleep. For example, a middle-aged woman who has been suffering from insomnia for a long time has seen a significant improvement in her sleep quality after soaking in water with jujube kernels for a week. She no longer wakes up in the middle of the night, and her dreams have calmed down and her overall mental state has improved.

Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

The art of living for a good night's sleep

1. Diet Modification: Guardian of the Night

Good eating Xi is essential for improving sleep. It is advisable to choose foods that are easy to digest for dinner and avoid greasy, spicy or overly sweet foods as they may cause gastrointestinal upset, which can affect the quality of sleep. At the same time, reduce caffeine and alcohol intake at night or before bedtime, as stimulant drinks can disrupt normal sleep patterns. Conversely, some foods that contain tryptophan, such as milk and bananas, may help improve sleep quality.

2. Exercise Xi: Energetic during the day, quiet at night

Moderate daytime exercise can significantly improve the quality of sleep at night. It is advisable to choose gentle exercises, such as walking, yoga or gentle aerobic exercise, to promote the body's natural feeling of fatigue and thus improve the depth of sleep. It should be noted that the exercise time should not be arranged within two hours before bedtime, so as not to overly excited the body and affect falling asleep.

3. Relaxation Technique: Soothing the Soul

Mental relaxation is equally important for promoting a good night's sleep. The tension and stress of the day can be relieved by meditating, taking deep breaths, or reading a relaxing book. Establishing a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as a hot bath or listening to some soothing music, can help the body and mind drift off to sleep.

4. Sleep Environment: Create a haven of tranquility

The optimization of the sleeping environment should not be overlooked. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Use comfortable bedding, as well as pillows and mattresses that fit you. If possible, minimize electronic devices in the room, especially avoid bright screens before bedtime, as blue light can inhibit melatonin production and interfere with sleep.

5. Mindset adjustment: Develop a positive outlook on sleep

Changing attitudes towards sleep is also key to improving sleep quality. Avoid worrying too much about sleep, as anxiety itself is an important factor in sleep. Try to accept occasional poor sleep and trust your body to naturally adjust back to normal sleep patterns.

With these practical tips, we can not only improve the quality of our sleep, but also our overall quality of life. Remember, good sleep Xi takes time to develop, and perseverance will yield healthy and happy sleep.

Why do you always wake up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and still have many dreams? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour jujube kernels are soaked in water to help you sleep well

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