
The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired.

The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be weak and listless if he lacks qi and blood.

And the spleen deficiency makes this situation even worse, making people lose their appetite and become weaker and weaker. A vicious circle is formed. If you also have such troubles, then the Four Divine Soup may be able to help you.

Sishen Tang is a traditional Chinese medicine decoction, composed of four flavors: yam, gourd, lotus seed and coix seed, which has a good effect on strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating qi and nourishing blood.

Long-term consumption of Sishen Tang can not only improve the symptoms of spleen deficiency, but also improve the body's immunity and rejuvenate you.

Spleen deficiency is a big killer of health, and if you also have such troubles, you might as well try Sishen Soup. Feel free to share your views and experiences in the comment area!#TCM# #清风计划#

The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood
The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood
The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood
The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood
The terrible thing about spleen deficiency is that it cuts off the body's source of qi and blood, making you tired. The qi and blood in the body are like gasoline in the car, the car cannot move forward without fuel, and the person will be full of qi and blood if he lacks the qi and blood

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