
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Li Pengyao

From now until the Spring Festival, children will have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!

1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach, especially suitable for children with indigestion.

2. Eat more dried yams

Yam is a homology of medicine and food, mild in nature, very suitable for daily spleen and stomach, usually used to boil water for children to drink, mild tonic to nourish the spleen and stomach, transport body qi and blood, help children grow taller, improve immunity.

3. Eat more steamed apples

Eating steamed apples, raw apples produce phlegm, and steamed apples have a good effect on the spleen and stomach.

Method: Scrub the apple peel with salt, cut it into small pieces to remove the core, steam it in the pot for about 20 minutes, and it can be removed from the pot without burning your mouth.

4. Boil the prince ginseng in water

Prince's ginseng is also known as: child ginseng. It can nourish the spleen and lungs, invigorate qi and rejuvenate the body, and is used for weak spleen and stomach and insufficient stomach supply.

Dietary Prescription:

Pseudostellaria ginseng, Poria cocos, linzi, gourd, tangerine peel, and figs can be boiled and drunk together.

5. Eat more lotus seeds

Li Shizhen called lotus seeds the fruit of the spleen, for the spleen deficiency and dampness caused by sleep problems, lotus seeds are a good choice, lotus seeds have been recognized since ancient times for all ages to nourish the best food.

6. Drink more tangerine peel water

Tangerine peel is used well, and the spleen and stomach are getting better and better. Tangerine peel + Poria cocos is also known as a dehumidifier, and tangerine peel + hawthorn is also known as the best to strengthen the spleen.

7. Eat more seeds

It is also a folk tonic and has the reputation of "ginseng in water". It can be combined with yam, poria and lotus seeds to make soup.

8. Eat more poria cocos

There is a saying "one or two poria cocos and one or two gold", which is enough to prove that the ancients recognized the value of poria cocos, and it is often found in recipes for spleen deficiency and moisture, such as the well-known Sishen soup.

Here are six things that are not recommended:

1. Don't eat spicy

Spicy food harms the health of the stomach, affects digestion and absorption, and then interferes with the spleen's function.

2. Don't eat fried

Fried food is a high-calorie and indigestible food, and children with weak spleen and stomach are not suitable for this kind of food.

3. Don't eat sweet and greasy

Sweets will cause phlegm and dampness in the body, and eating too many sweets will easily lead to a decrease in the spleen's ability to process dampness, which may aggravate spleen deficiency.

4. Indigestion

Eating indigestible food, the spleen and stomach need to spend more time to transport, which is easy to accumulate food, resulting in indigestion, and will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach for a long time.

5. Don't eat greasy

Greasy food will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, affecting the digestion of the spleen and stomach, especially try not to eat too greasy for dinner.

6. Don't eat cold

Eating too much food is more likely to hurt the spleen and yang, affect the movement of the spleen and stomach, and easily cause weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Have parents remembered all of the above?


Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach
Six kinds of food strongly recommended by pediatricians! From now to the Spring Festival, children have a good spleen and stomach, strong physique, and grow tall!1. Eat more yellow millet: Millet has the effect of nourishing, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach

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