
The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Your allergic reaction may be caused by some underlying problem in your body. When Chen Si entered the emergency room and underwent a quick check-up, the doctor told him.

He had planned a sunny weekend camping, but had to rush to the hospital because of itching and rashes.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

Chen Si, 46, is an engineer who lives a regular life and eats a healthy diet.

One of his hobbies is to drive to the countryside on free weekends to camp on the grass.

However, this camping made him realize that there may be hidden health risks under the seemingly peaceful life on weekdays.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

At the hospital, Chen Si was scheduled to have a series of tests, including blood sugar and blood pressure tests.

The results were unexpected—his blood sugar and blood pressure had changed significantly and were not within the normal range.

This reminded him involuntarily that in recent months he had a small habit of eating two pieces of hawthorn after a meal to help with digestion.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

Many people believe that hawthorn can improve digestion and lower blood lipids, but few people know that some of the ingredients in hawthorn may actually affect the body's blood sugar and blood pressure.

The doctor explained to Chen Si that although his dosage is not large, it may also have health effects over a long period of time.

This discovery aroused great interest in Chen Si, who decided to learn more about the specific effects of hawthorn on blood sugar and blood pressure.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

By consulting a large number of medical studies, he found some research data on hawthorn.

For example, a study involving more than 1,000 adults showed that about 15% of people who consistently consumed hawthorn showed significant changes in blood sugar levels.

Another study in people with high blood pressure found that hawthorn, while helping to relax blood vessels, can also cause blood pressure fluctuations in some cases.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

To further confirm the authenticity and relevance of these data, Chen Si consulted several professional doctors and consulted more papers on the relationship between hawthorn and blood sugar and blood pressure.

Doctors provided some actual cases of one patient who had become unstable in both blood sugar and blood pressure due to long-term consumption of hawthorn.

Through the analysis of these cases, Chen Si realized that even foods that are considered healthy need to be consumed reasonably under the guidance of doctors.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

After this unexpected check-up, Chen Si began to adjust his eating habits, reduce his hawthorn intake, and regularly monitor his blood sugar and blood pressure.

At the same time, he also initiated a lecture on food safety and health knowledge in the community, hoping to share his experience with more people.

After several months of hard work, Chen Si's blood sugar and blood pressure gradually returned to normal.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

He realized that people should have a more comprehensive understanding and appropriate intake of any food, even those traditionally considered beneficial.

However, it all changed when it all started on that sunny camping trip. When Chen Si recalled that trip, he couldn't help but smile.

Sometimes, life can lead you to discover something new in a way you can't predict, even if it's through a less pleasant experience.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

The next question is, if certain foods that are traditionally considered healthy may have negative health effects in some cases, how do we come up with a dietary recommendation that is both scientific and suitable for the general public?

This requires an in-depth analysis of the complex relationship between food composition and human health, and the design of a set of personalized dietary guidance based on extensive data and individual differences.

In this regard, more research and data analysis is essential.

The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

How to balance traditional wisdom with modern medical research to ensure that everyone has access to dietary advice that is truly beneficial to them is a question worth pondering.

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The 46-year-old brother has two pieces of hawthorn every day after meals, and an unexpected physical examination found that blood sugar and blood pressure have changed!

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