
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these

author:Pediatrician Zhang Li

The child has a weak spleen and stomach, coughs on fire, and does not grow body nutritious soup

Children's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or becomes hot and hot, poor resistance and easy to catch a cold and fever, which is very annoying

[Flying Kiss] collected 6 kinds of nutritious soup packs for children with different physiques to nourish their spleen and stomach and let them live a healthy childhood.

There is morel lily soup in Huaishan

Ingredients: morels, dried chestnuts, lilies, Huaiyam, red dates

Morels are nutritious and rich in zinc, which can increase children's appetite; Yams, red dates and chestnuts nourish the spleen, and when the spleen deficiency is regulated, the child's appetite also improves.

Suitable for: Children are partial food, weak spleen and stomach, indigestion after eating, poor nutrient absorption resulting in thin facial yellow muscles.

[Ma Sichun's smile] has children's four god soup Ingredients: Qianshi Shi, Poria, Lotus Seed, Huohe:

Children's nutritious soup for nourishing the spleen and stomach, Qianshi and Poria, nourishing the spleen and invigorating qi, calming the spirit, lotus seeds clearing the heart and heat, nourishing the stomach and spleen, yam starch is highly nutritious, nourishing the spleen and nourishing the stomach. Shishin soup can be made for breakfast in the morning or drunk in a daily soup.

Suitable for: children have a weak spleen and stomach, picky eaters do not like to eat, are thin, can not eat fat, and slow development.

[Rainbow fart] yam malt soup

Ingredients: Huaishan, Poria, Hawthorn, Malt, Grain Bud, Date

Huaiyam, poria is to nourish the spleen and appetize, hawthorn increases appetite, malt and grain sprouts can dissipate food, and dates regulate the spleen and stomach.

Suitable for: Children have food accumulation, eat less stomach indigestion, long-term hoarding of some food incomplete digestion, resulting in internal heat, breath.

[Zuoji] There is overlord almond soup tiger milk fungus

Ingredients: Overlord flower, lily, fig, almond, jade bamboo

Overlord flower moisturizes the lungs and clears heat, which is good for internal heat, figs,

North and south apricots can moisturize the lungs, moisturize the intestines, laxative, and relieve cough.

Suitable for: hot weather makes children cough, irritability, constipation is not smooth, you can boil soup and drink for a week or two, moisturize the intestines and laxative, clear the heat. Fit:

[Tongue out] Dried scallop soup

Ingredients: poria, hundred, child green, land mountain, cow qi,

Zhuxun can nourish the body, supplement nutrition to enhance physical fitness, dried scallop protein, improve immunity, Huaiyam nourishes the spleen, this is a very delicious soup to moisturize the lungs, moisturize the intestines, laxative, cough

Suitable for: hot weather makes children cough, irritability, constipation is not smooth, you can boil soup and drink for a week or two, moisturize the intestines and laxative, clear the heat.

[Cool] Dried scallop soup

Ingredients: Poria, lily, bamboo sun, Huaishan, dried scallop and shi

Bamboo sunflower can nourish the body, supplement nutrition to enhance physical fitness, dried scallop protein, improve immunity, Huaiyam medicine nourishes the spleen, this is a very delicious soup bag

Suitable for: Children have low resistance, poor physique, and are prone to illness. The spleen and stomach are weak, eat little, have little spirit and do not like exercise.

[Licking screen] There is tiger milk mushroom clear moist soup poria lotus seed

Ingredients: tiger milk mushroom, dried apricot from pear, jade bamboo, figs, dates

Tiger milk fungus is warm, used for children's cough, Sydney has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, children have a cough after fever is suitable for this soup tongue

Suitable for: Children often have dry cough on hot days, lungs are on fire, hot air, frequent cough and phlegm. The child has a weak spleen and stomach, picky eaters do not like to eat,

The above is for reference only, food can not replace drugs to eat not fat, slow development

I am pediatrician Zhang Li, such pediatric diseases as pediatric spleen and stomach, food accumulation, constipation, hyperactivity tics, picky eating, anorexia, poor sleep and so on are my specialties, I want to use my clinical experience accumulated for more than 20 years to help you solve problems. In the above situation, welcome to buckle "1" in the comment area, I will help the child dialectical # pediatric # # spleen and stomach # #育儿事务所#

The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these
The child's spleen and stomach are weak, on fire and cough, not long body nutrition soup, the child's appetite suddenly deteriorates, does not like to eat, or is on the fire and lungs are hot, poor resistance is also easy to catch a cold and fever, these

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