
This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~

author: Longnan Wen County released

Figs, perhaps not well known to many people, are not commonly found in the market. However, it has extremely high medical value and is known as the "patron saint of human health in the 21st century".

The fruit of figs is rich in sugar, protein, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of minerals. Among them, it contains 18 kinds of amino acids, 8 of which are essential for the human body. In addition, the fruit of figs contains a lot of pectin and vitamins, which are able to absorb a variety of chemicals after the fruit absorbs water and expands.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~

Eating figs can help adsorb harmful substances in the intestines and subsequently excrete them from the body, thereby purifying the intestines, promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, inhibiting the rise in blood sugar, maintaining normal cholesterol levels, and quickly removing toxic substances from the body.

Fig tea drink - nourishing blood and detoxifying

The next fig tea drink to be introduced is helpful for blood replenishment and detoxification.

Fig date tea

Ingredients: figs, monk fruit, dates and apricots.

The steps are as follows:

1. Wash all the ingredients, break the monk fruit in half and put it in the pot;

2. Pour 3 liters of water;

3. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours before serving.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~

Eat more figs for a lot of benefits



Figs are rich in malic acid, citric acid, lipase, protease and hydrolase, which help in the digestion of food and increase appetite. At the same time, it contains a variety of lipids that also help to moisten the intestines.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~


Assist in lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary heart disease

The lipase and hydrolase in figs can reduce blood lipids and decompose intravascular fat deposits, thereby lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary heart disease.


Anti-inflammatory and swelling-reducing

Figs have the effect of reducing inflammation and swelling, and can effectively relieve sore throat.


Assist in cancer prevention and anti-cancer, improve immunity

Active ingredients such as psoralen and citrus lactone in unripe figs, as well as benzaldehyde, an aromatic substance in ripe figs, have the effect of preventing cancer and enhancing the body's ability to resist diseases, help prevent a variety of cancers, and can promote the degeneration of cancer cells, but are harmless to normal cells.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~


Suitable for pregnant women

Figs are not only rich in nutritional value, but also help in the treatment of hemorrhoids and galactics.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~

Tips: Fig pork tendon soup, can clear heat and moisten the lungs, cough and phlegm, and is of great benefit to the body. However, patients with fatty liver, cerebrovascular accidents, diarrhea, and patients with normal potassium periodic paralysis should not eat figs, and people with loose stools should not eat figs raw.

This inconspicuous little fruit soaks in water with dates every day to replenish blood, detoxify, and laxative~

Source: Health Talk

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