
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus

author:Eastern Cloud


Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in sunolactone, ionone, brassyl oxide and other aromatic substances, is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus wine, is made of osmanthus, wheat, glutinous rice, etc.

Osmanthus tea smoked with osmanthus flowers has a refreshing effect and is a common drink for folk hospitality. Osmanthus is slightly boiled with boiling water to dry, stained with white sugar, sealed in the bottle can be used as dessert spices, such as "osmanthus chestnuts", "osmanthus sugar taro", "osmanthus sugar porridge", etc., so that it is fragrant, refreshing and pleasant, osmanthus pure lotus powder and white sugar to prepare, it becomes osmanthus root powder. Take the finest jujube and add sugar to cook, and when the soup is about to run out, add osmanthus to become an appetizing osmanthus date. The preparation of osmanthus soup is particularly simple, 25 grams of fresh osmanthus flowers, baked in a wok, a little with dried ginger licorice salt, and a little dried ginger licorice salt, and evenly put into a bottle to seal, brew when eating, can enhance appetite osmanthus soup. The folk also make osmanthus soup, osmanthus rice balls, osmanthus lotus, osmanthus cake, osmanthus whole duck.

Osmanthus is also a natural medicinal herb, Chinese medicine believes that osmanthus is warm, spicy, boiled soup, brewed tea or immersed in wine can dissolve phlegm and disperse stasis, loss of appetite, phlegm drinking cough and asthma, has a certain effect. Spend a good full moon, full moon people reunion, today's Mid-Autumn Festival, do you eat osmanthus flowers?

#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus
#Miaobi Flower Creation Challenge#Osmanthus has high edible value, rich in aromatic substances such as sunenolactone, ionone, brassinol oxide, etc., and is an excellent food seasoning, such as appetizing osmanthus

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