
Where are the compound licorice tablets? Why can't you buy the miracle medicine that used to be cough suppressant?

author:Doctor Qingbin

In many people's home medicine cabinets, compound licorice tablets used to be an indispensable "savior". However, in recent years, many citizens have found that this cough medicine that was once readily available is now difficult to find. What kind of secret is hidden behind this?

Where are the compound licorice tablets? Why can't you buy the miracle medicine that used to be cough suppressant?

1. The "Past and Present Life" of Licorice Tablets

Licorice, an herb with a high status in traditional Chinese medicine, is highly regarded for its unique medicinal properties. Licorice tablets are Chinese patent medicines made with licorice as the main ingredient, which has a long history and definite curative effect, and is deeply loved by the masses.

The licorice extract is effective in relieving cough mainly due to the licorice flow extract powder, opium powder, camphor and star anise oil in its ingredients. These ingredients work together to have an antitussive and expectorant effect. However, it is the opioid powder in it that makes compound licorice tablets bring certain risks while bringing curative effects.

2. Why did compound licorice tablets "disappear"?

However, in recent years, compound licorice tablets have become increasingly difficult to find in the market. The reasons behind this are actually not complicated.

First of all, compound licorice tablets contain opioid powder. Although opioid powder has a potent antitussive effect, long-term use is prone to dependence and addiction. Once the drug is stopped, patients may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms, such as runny nose, cold sweats, irritability, etc. Therefore, the NMPA classifies it as a prescription drug and needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Secondly, the adverse reactions of compound licorice tablets have also been gradually revealed. Long-term use in large quantities may lead to serious problems such as high blood pressure, low blood potassium, and may even lead to life-threatening complications such as kidney failure and heart failure. These potential risks make doctors and patients more cautious when choosing cough medicines.

Where are the compound licorice tablets? Why can't you buy the miracle medicine that used to be cough suppressant?

The third and fourth groups of people need to use compound licorice tablets with caution

In addition to the above-mentioned addiction and adverse reactions, there are four groups of people who need to pay special attention to the use of compound licorice tablets.

1. Infants and the elderly: their bodies have a weaker metabolic capacity and are more sensitive to drugs. Opioids are metabolized more slowly in their bodies, which can lead to high blood levels and dangerous conditions such as breathing difficulties.

2. Patients with peptic ulcer: compound licorice tablets may aggravate the condition of ulcers, which is not conducive to the healing of ulcers.

3. Diabetic: Some components in licorice may affect the stability of blood sugar, leading to aggravation of the condition.

4. Patients with high blood pressure: The glycyrrhetinic acid in licorice may inhibit the activity of certain enzymes, thereby affecting the stability of blood pressure.

4. Contraindications to the use of compound licorice tablets

In addition, when taking compound licorice tablets, it is also necessary to pay attention to interactions with other drugs. For example, the combination of strong antitussive drugs may increase the risk of addiction, the combination of cardiac glycosides may induce cardiac glycoside poisoning, and the combination of antihypertensive drugs may reduce their efficacy. Therefore, when taking compound licorice tablets, you must follow the doctor's instructions and do not mix other drugs at will.

5. How to use compound licorice tablets correctly?

Although the use of compound licorice tablets has been limited to a certain extent, it can still be used safely and effectively under the guidance of a doctor. The key is to follow your doctor's instructions, use it in the prescribed dosage and usage, and be careful not to use it for more than a week. At the same time, during use, the body reaction should be closely observed, and if there is any discomfort, it is necessary to seek medical consultation in time.

1. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine for 3-7 days, please seek medical attention in time to avoid long-term dependence on the drug.

2. Avoid using it at the same time with other strong cough suppressants to avoid increasing the risk.

3. Patients with high blood pressure should closely monitor blood pressure changes during the period of taking the drug.

4. Because the drug may affect the urine test results, athletes should use it with caution during competitions.

Where are the compound licorice tablets? Why can't you buy the miracle medicine that used to be cough suppressant?

5. What should I do if I have a cough?

Coughing is a protective reflex of the body to clear the airways of foreign bodies and secretions. Therefore, we do not need to panic and be anxious too much when faced with a cough. Mild coughs can be relieved by adjusting your diet, increasing your fluid intake, etc. If the cough persists or is accompanied by other symptoms (such as fever, chest pain, etc.), you should seek medical attention in time to identify the cause and receive targeted treatment.

In addition, for patients with mild cough, some non-pharmacological treatments can also be tried. For example, cough symptoms can be relieved by adjusting your diet, increasing your water intake, and keeping your indoor air moist. Although these methods have a slower onset of effect, they are safe, have no side effects, and are suitable for patients with mild cough to self-remedy.

In short, although compound licorice tablets used to be "regulars" in our lives, they now require us to be more cautious. It should be used under the guidance of a doctor to ensure the safety of medication. At the same time, we should also understand the possible side effects and risks of drugs, and use drugs scientifically and rationally. #复方甘草片##复方甘草片为何如今难以购得呢?#

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