
Introduction to dessert ingredients figs

author:Chopsticks production line

Fig is a small deciduous tree of the genus Ficus mulaceae, native to the Mediterranean, West and South Asia, growing mainly in tropical and temperate zones.

Introduction to dessert ingredients figs

Fig trees can grow up to 7–10 m (23–33 ft) tall and have smooth white bark. Its large leaves have three to five deep lobes. The fruit is tear-shaped, 3-5 cm long, has a green rind, may turn purple or brown when ripe, the flesh is sweet and reddish, contains many crunchy seeds, and is a fruit. The fig has a small hole in the tail and the flower grows inside the fruit. Because of the special nature of the flowers of the fig tree, the ancient Indians believed that the tree would not bloom, so it had the name "fig".

Introduction to dessert ingredients figs

Figs have been cultivated for more than 5,000 years and have a lot to do with religious stories. In the Bible, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and covered their bodies with fig-wide leaves in the Garden of Eden. Buddhist and Hindu scriptures sometimes use the phrase "finding flowers in a fig tree" to describe things that are meaningless, impossible, or non-existent. Chapter 95 of the Islamic Qur'an is named Fig because it opens with "Swear by Fig and Olive." Muhammad is said to have loved figs. In the Hadith, the al-Bukhari hadiths record that Muhammad said: "If I had to mention a fruit from heaven, I would say that it is it, because the fruit of heaven has no pit... Eat these fruits because they prevent hemorrhoids and gout. ”

Figs can be eaten fresh, dried in the sun, or made into jams and pastries. In mainland China, dried figs are usually used to make soup or sugar water. Figs on the market are generally dried figs because they are easy to preserve and transport.

Introduction to dessert ingredients figs

Figs contain a lot of glucose and fructose, with up to 20% sugar. It also contains protein and various vitamins (such as vitamins A, C, D, etc.). Figs also contain more than 30 kinds of lipids, most of which are neutral lipids and glycolipids; 68% of the fatty acids contained are unsaturated fatty acids and a small amount of linoleic acid; It also contains a variety of antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols, which have a laxative effect.

Turkey and the North African countries (Egypt, Morocco and Algeria) are the largest producers of figs, accounting for 64% of total production.

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