
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch


Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated.

"Canadian goldenrod", also known as yellow warbler and unicorn grass, can grow from hillside woodland to swampy areas, commonly found in urban and rural wastelands, hillsides, river slopes, along highways and railways, and farmland edges.

Every year in March began to germinate, mid-to-late October flowering, the end of November to mid-December fruit ripening, an average of more than 20,000 seeds per plant, with super fecundity, can be spread through wind, birds and other ways, but also through rhizome propagation, natural vegetation and ecosystem has a strong destructive power, a spring transplanted seedling can form more than 50 independent plants in two years.

It is understood that "Canadian flower" will secrete a substance sugar machine seedlings grow, underground rhizomes walk across the territory of other weeds, compete with surrounding plants for sunlight, fertilizer, until other mulberry land, nursery plants and farmland crops die, not only destroying the local ecological balance, but also threatening local biodiversity, so it is called "ecological killer" and "overlord flower".

It is understood that the management of "Canadian goldenrod" has two key periods every year. The first is from March to April every year, when the main time is to uproot the seedlings and their root systems. The second is to uproot it from September to November every year before it spreads.

At present, the most common and simple treatment method is to dig up the roots, and then burn the plants to destroy them in a concentrated manner, blocking the maturity and spread of their seeds to eliminate the seed source.

Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch
Canada is flooded with goldenrod and has been included in the list of invasive alien species for key management since January 1 this year. It is currently in the early flowering stage and is now best treated. "A Canadian branch

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