
wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Does your child love "sweets"?

If you want to list the list of children's favorite foods, I think many parents will list cakes, milk tea, ice cream, and chocolates on the list.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

There are even many "next generation" parents, in order to let their children drink more water, they will add some honey, and even directly change to freshly squeezed juice.

But did you know that the harm of sugar addiction is much more than just hurting your teeth?

Once, there was a news on Weibo hot search: "Girls are 1500 degrees short-sighted due to excessive sweets."

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

What the? Can eating sweets also deepen myopia?

According to experts: the factors that lead to the onset of myopia are multifaceted, and excessive intake of sweets is one of the nutritional disorders, eating too much sugar or partial food can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency, resulting in dysfunction of the optic nerve.

In fact, the harm of sugar addiction is much more than that.

For children, contracting a "sugar addiction" can really ruin the body from head to toe.


Destroyed teeth

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Bacteria in the mouth can ferment sugar and food scraps to form plaque. In particular, sugary carbonated drinks have a certain acidity, and long-term drinking will erode teeth and increase the risk of caries.


Destroy the heart

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

A large intake of sugar affects the microbiota in the intestines, which in turn increases triglyceride levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in the body. Conversely, children who drink one less sugary drink per week can improve their heart health and reduce their risk of future heart disease.


Destroy the eyes

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Excessive sugar intake may also increase the incidence of myopia or worsen the degree of myopia. Because of eating too much sugar, blood sugar increases, correspondingly reduce the osmotic pressure of body fluids, so that the aqueous humor in the eyeball penetrates into the lens body, causing the lens to deform, increase the diopter, and aggravate myopia.


Destroying the "skin"

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

The 11-year-old boy in Changzhou obviously has a dark black neck, and it is useless to rub medicine. After examination, he suffered from "acanthosis black", which was associated with obesity, little exercise, and heavy consumption of carbonated drinks. Doctors explain: Carbonated drinks can cause osteoporosis and can also cause endocrine metabolic diseases.


Prone to obesity

Consuming too much sugar increases the risk of overweight and obesity. Sugar can be converted into fat, and a high-sugar diet is a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Causes malnutrition

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Eating too much sugar is not only easy to cause obesity, but also may cause malnutrition. Because eating too much sugar will affect children's appetite, then, other nutrients are bound to reduce intake, resulting in a lack of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the body, which is very easy to cause nutritional imbalance.

Since sugar addiction has so many hazards, children love to eat sweet, so many parents aim at "sugar-free food" that has both a sweet taste and a lower calorie.

Can "sugar-free food" guarantee your child's health?

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

A toilet massacre caused by a lollipop

When a mother was shopping with her baby, she passed a candy store, and her 7-year-old daughter's eyes were immediately attracted by lollipops.

Bao Mom carefully checked the label and ingredient list, and when she saw that it was a "sugar-free lollipop", she was at ease with her daughter.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health
wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Isomaltullitol in the ingredient list is a common low-calorie sugar substitute.

But the daughter didn't enjoy it for too long, and an accident happened - 3 consecutive times of diarrhea.

But in the 5 hours before eating the lollipop, the daughter only ate one piece of sugar and drank a bottle of water.

Could it be that this sugar causes diarrhea in children?

Turns out, it really is!

According to a gastroenterologist:

Isomaltonetitol in the ingredient list belongs to a very important family of sugar substitutes, sugar alcohols, which are also a sweetener. Common maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, lactitol and the like are common.

These ingredients can be found in many "sugar-free foods" such as biscuits, jellies, yogurt, flavored milk, candy, and pastries.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

The sugar alcohol, on the other hand, remains in the intestine because it cannot be fully absorbed. Their presence increases osmotic pressure in the intestine, increasing the amount of fecal water that accumulates in the colon.

In addition to absorbing water, the microorganisms in the intestines are also idle, and sugar alcohols are their favorite foods. The fermentation effect of microorganisms makes the intestinal gas production increase, and the overactive activity of microorganisms may also cause some reactions in the intestines - simply put, it will make the child bloated and constantly fart.

Therefore, under the dual action of water and gas, the light is bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Of course, this is also related to the difference in everyone's physique, the child's intestines are weak, and these sugar alcohol foods are more likely to cause discomfort.

Adults with 60 kg of maltitol consume more than 48 grams a day to have diarrhea, while children who consume 15 grams may cause diarrhea.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

(Reference for the amount of safety in domestic candy standards)

In addition to the diarrhoea that can cause diarrhea from excessive consumption, "sugar-free drinks" may also be the "culprit" for children's obesity.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Sugar-free carbonated drinks are more likely to gain weight

There are news reports: the same drinking carbonated drinks, drinking sugar-free fat people more, more people with diabetes.

According to the doctor's analysis, 0 calorie 0 sugar drinks contain ingredients that stimulate appetite, but will make children want to eat, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes and so on.

And some products say "no added sucrose" on the packaging, but a careful look at the ingredient list will find that although sucrose is not added, it may add glucose syrup, maltodextrin, etc., and these substances will also produce glucose after hydrolysis, so the heat will not be less.

In addition to "sugar-free carbonated drinks", there is also a "sugar-free drink" that is also the culprit of children's obesity.

That is – freshly squeezed juice.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

Although there is no additional sugar added to the "freshly squeezed juice", the sugar content in the juice can be quite a lot.

A while ago, a 12-year-old boy in Wuhan, Doudou, had a faint pain in his left toe joint. At first, the parents thought that they were injured during the activity, who knew that the next day the pain was unbearable, and Doudou was sent to the hospital to know after diagnosis:

This 12-year-old child actually suffered from gout!

And the "murderer" is the sweet, "healthy" juice. It turns out that Doudou does not like to drink white water on weekdays, only likes to drink freshly squeezed juice and bottled juice in the supermarket, and uses juice to replace the daily water needs.

In fact, although there is no added sugar in the juice, it contains fructose, which is a simple sugar.

What makes it powerful is its sweetness, if the sweetness of sucrose is 100 points, then glucose is 74 points, lactose is 16 points, and fructose is 173 points!

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

It will directly produce uric acid in the process of decomposition in the body, and what is more frightening is that it will also reduce the excretion of renal uric acid, and under the dual action, people's uric acid does not fall but rises.

wary! These "invisible sugars" that endanger children's health

"3 Sugar Control Rules"

Having said so much, many parents may be distressed, "sugar-free" and "sugary" food is not "healthy", but what about the child's "sweet"?


Control of "sugar" by "homemade"

If your child loves sweets, you may wish to reduce your child's sugar intake through the "homemade" method, and you can also add some fresh fruits, dried fruits, etc. to increase the flavor.


Don't use sugar as a reward

Do not use sweets as a reward for children, which will deepen their children's love for such foods and unconsciously deepen their dependence.


Timing + quantification

First, parents can set a time a day for their children to eat sugar.

It is recommended here between meals, so that it will not affect the appetite of the next meal, nor will it eat too much sugar because of hunger.

Second, prescribe the amount and let the child choose the type of sweets by himself.

The advantage of letting children choose by themselves is that it is not easy to stimulate rebellious psychology, otherwise it is easy to cause "stealing" behavior.

Correct guidance + reasonable choice + appropriate arrangement = happiness and health win-win!

Please indicate the source of "Capital Education (ID: bjedunews)"

Some of the materials in this article are synthesized from Lilac Doctor, Scientific Family Parenting, Health Times, Learning Commune, Moms Network Parenting, etc.

Edited by: Lucky

Proofreading: Pleasing to others

Review: Fisherman's Student

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