
What are the consequences of your baby's love of sweets

(1) Sugar can increase the acidity in the mouth, which is a good environment for bacteria to grow. If acidophilus increases, the teeth are corroded and caries teeth appear prematurely.

(2) Sweets contain a lot of sugar, which will make the glucose in the blood rise rapidly and appear supersaturated, so that the baby has no hunger, does not think about eating, and causes poor nutrition.

(3) Too much sugar cannot be consumed in the baby's body, and it is converted into fat storage under the skin, making the baby obese. However, due to insufficient intake of other nutrients, the baby is not well developed, malnourished, fat, and lax muscles.

(4) The baby's sensitivity to sweetness is reduced, and the general sweet food is tasteless and difficult to enter when he eats it, resulting in a vicious circle, and the more he eats, the sweeter it is.

(5) Too much sugar will increase the triglycerides in the blood, so arteriosclerosis appears prematurely. Studies have shown that the early stages of arteriosclerosis occur in children around the age of 10, while the aorta of children aged 3 has a fat layer.

It can be seen that it is necessary to control the baby's sugar intake and correct his bad habit of loving sweets. Children eat a variety of foods every day, the sugar content can fully meet the needs of children, generally do not need to add additional sugar.

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