
The "golden correction period" of children's myopia, parents must know.

Take good care of your child's eyes together

Let them have a bright future

When the child has just been myopic for a period of time, most of them are pseudo-myopia and mixed myopia, this period is the golden period of vision recovery, it is easy to recover, we call it the "golden correction period" of pseudo-myopia.

How important is this stage? We can learn from the three stages of myopia development.

Three stages of myopia development:

1. Pseudomyopia stage

The "golden correction period" of children's myopia, parents must know.

The pseudo-myopia axis is normal, and the true myopia axis becomes longer

Pseudomyopia is functional and reversible. If a certain scientific eye vision training method is adopted to relieve the spasm of the child's ciliary muscle and restore the eyeball to its original state, it can prevent the formation of true myopia and block the development of myopia. However, if it is not well prevented and treated at this time, the retina will stimulate the continuous development of the sclera, causing the growth of the eye axis and gradually evolving into true myopia.

2. True myopia stage

True myopia is that after the pupil is dispersed, the degree is still there. Before the age of 18, it is known as the myopia susceptibility period, because the adolescent eye adjustment function is powerful, the vision itself has a certain compensatory ability, so it is more difficult to find myopia, and with the deepening of the degree, when the vision is greatly reduced, most of them have developed into true myopia. There are many causes of true myopia, environmental factors (long-term close eye use), genetic factors (myopia in both parents), developmental factors (excessive growth of the eye axis) and so on are easy to cause.

3. Stages of high myopia

The development of myopia in young children is characterized by rapid development, with an average annual growth rate of 50 to 150 degrees, until the age of 18. Some even have an annual growth rate of more than 200 degrees, and those who reach more than 600 degrees are called high myopia. Due to the length of the eye axis and the thin wall of the eyeball in highly myopic patients, the retina will also become fragile, which will seriously cause pre-retinal detachment and other pre-lesions

High myopia develops

Therefore, in the whole process of myopia, the "golden correction period" is particularly important. When the child checks out "false myopia", we need to sound the alarm bell for both parents and children, if you do not pay attention to the use of eyes, in the long run, it may be "fake and true".

The "golden correction period" of children's myopia, parents must know.

How is pseudomyopia treated?

At present, there are many methods of pseudomyopia treatment, mainly to relax the adjustment and achieve the purpose of treating falsehood and preventing truth. Commonly used methods are:

1. Improve the learning environment, reading and writing attention to keep eyes and books 30 cm away and correct sitting posture. Pay attention to natural light and ensure adequate lighting indoors.

2. Combine work and leisure, change bad learning habits, and rest for 10 to 15 minutes every hour of reading, and do not lie down or walk to read. Pay attention to strengthening physical exercise.

3. Myopic patients may lack chromium and zinc, myopic patients should eat more foods containing more zinc. Foods such as soybeans, almonds, kelp, lamb, yellow fish, tea, beef, liver, etc. contain more zinc and chromium, which can be increased in an appropriate amount.

4. Drug treatment, through mydriasis relaxation adjustment, to achieve the purpose of treating pseudomyopia.

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