
A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!

Zhang Xiaoxian wrote in "Thank You for Leaving Me": Some things cannot be recovered, and some people cannot be restarted after they have passed. Time has diluted the past, but left a feeling that seems to be more poetic than the original.

In a relationship, the most painful thing is not to meet the person you love, but to miss it for some reason after encountering it. Because many times, the right person, once missed, may not be encountered again in a lifetime.

Many times, men will find it difficult to guess a woman's mind, because most women are passive in their feelings and do not like to actively express their true thoughts in their hearts.

In fact, men and women, sometimes they obviously like a woman, but pretend to be relaxed, in front of women to show a look of no care;

Sometimes they obviously don't like a woman, but they behave very attentively in front of a woman.

This type of man, their true mind is also difficult to guess.

For a woman, to know if a man has real feelings for you, it depends on whether he is willing to talk to you about the following topics.

First, willing to talk to you about his family

Wu Zhihong said in "Why Home Hurts": A very important reason why marriage is easy to become the graveyard of love is that marriage is just a copy of our past family model.

For many people, the original family is a cage that cannot be escaped for a lifetime, and it is also the deepest secret hidden in the hearts of many people.

But since two people love each other, it is inevitable that they will talk about each other's families.

If a man is willing to honestly talk to you about the topic of the original family, willing to introduce himself to you about his family members, willing to uncover the scars of the past, and let you know about his childhood, it means that he has nothing to hide from you, and he regards you as a person he trusts in his life.

On the other hand, if you are in the relationship with a man, every time you talk about the topic of family, he behaves very restrained, or even shuts up, it means that his heart is not completely open to you, and it also shows from the side that he is not ready to let you understand the psychology of his family, to put it bluntly, he does not love you enough.

The man who is really emotional about you, even if you don't take the initiative to ask, he will take the initiative to introduce his family to you, take the initiative to invite you to his home, help you integrate into his family members faster and more comfortably, which is also laying the foundation for you to get along in the future.

Second, I am willing to talk to you about your future

As the saying goes: a relationship that does not have the purpose of marriage is a hooligan.

Two people talking about love together, the best ending is to have a good future.

Even if the man who truly loves you does not express it directly, he will silently plan for your future in his heart and will work hard for your future.

He will pull you to talk about the future at many moments, understand what the future you want is like, and then work hard to earn money for the future you want.

With you in the future, he will feel that no matter how tired he is, it is worth it.

And a man who does not intend to marry you will not talk to you about the future, even if he pretends to talk to you, he is only perfunctory.

This type of man only pays attention to his own feelings in his interactions with you, and never asks you what kind of life you want to live in the future.

He may have really loved you, but that love is temporary, and when he doesn't love you, he will leave you where you are, and then he will run alone to the future without you, without any plans for you.

Third, I am willing to talk to you about money

When it comes to the topic of "money", perhaps many men feel that it is too vulgar, but the real feelings are very secular, and the feelings of not talking about money will not last long.

A man who dares to take the initiative to talk to you about money is the man who is really emotional about you.

Because such a man is mature enough in his heart, he understands that a long-term stable relationship is inseparable from the necessary money as a guarantee, and he understands that he wants to make his beloved woman live a good life, and he cannot do without money as a backing, so he will confess to you his experience strength and prove to you with practical actions that he has the confidence and ability to let you live a good life.

When you fall in love with such a man, you will feel very secure, and he can have no reservations about you on the issue of money, which also shows that he has left all his sincerity to you.

A man who won't talk to you about money is either he really doesn't have the strength or he doesn't trust you and doesn't want to tell you the truth. When you meet such a man, it is better to stay away as soon as possible.

Emotional Conclusion:

Lu Xun once said: If a man likes you, no matter how big your temper is, it is called personality; if a man does not like you, even if you are gentle like a cat, he will dislike you for losing your hair.

You see, whether a man really loves you is so realistic and obvious.

True love is hidden in the details, in the couple's relationship, women should not only care about silly love of men, but also learn to observe men to see if he really loves you.

If a man is willing to take the initiative to chat with you about the above three topics in love, it means that he is really emotional about you;

If he never takes the initiative to talk to you about this, it means that he does not love you so much, you still wake up early and leave in time.

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A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!
A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!
A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!
A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!
A man who is willing to talk to you about these topics shows that he is "emotional" with you!

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