
"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Another evil mother-in-law went online without warning!

This person was Shi Yuan's mother, Hua Yongyu.

Born in a high-gate household, everyone is beautiful, the pride in her bones, the high level of money as dung, so that she always carries the shelf, although poor, but the small life is exquisite.

On the Internet, for Hua Yongyu, there is a title with some irony, called spiritual aristocracy.

Since she is a nobleman, the person is in her place, and there is a distinction of three, six, and nine.

Unfortunately, Gu Qingyu, a foreign company executive who has a casual scenery outside, and an excellent woman in everyone's eyes, cannot enter Hua Yongyu's eyes.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Gu Qingyu was abandoned!

She couldn't think straight, and even complained to Zhan Xiang, not understanding what Hua Yongyu was thinking, what kind of thinking logic, and not understanding where she looked down on herself.

She never expected that she would actually be rejected by her mother-in-law and be dismounted one day.

It's just that Gu Qingyu, whom Hua Yongyu doesn't like, is it really without warning?

No, there are many plots in the play, all of which show that she does not like Gu Qingyu, and there are traces to follow.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

01, Gu Qingyu's origin, she can't see the eyes

Birth, this is a barrier that cannot be passed, and no one can change it.

Just as Gu Qingyu disliked Feng Xiaoqin's identity as a foreigner, Hua Yongyu also disliked Gu Qingyu as a foreigner.

Hua Yongyu's first confrontation with Gu Qingyu was not when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law first met, but when friends and friends' mothers first met.

The difference here is that one is before marriage and one is after marriage.

The first meeting after marriage was already a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; the first meeting before marriage, Shi Yuan and Gu Qingyu were only friends, not even boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

At that time, Gu Qingyu went to the airport to pick up Shi Yuan and send him home, and happened to meet Hua Yongyu.

Shi Yuan introduced Gu Qingyu to his mother and said, "I am a friend of mine." At this time, in fact, they were in the ambiguous period, and no one had broken through the layer of window paper, so they were not up and down.

Even when Hua Yongyu inquired at home, he was only in the default state, and only then did his mother ask the next step.

"Is it really your girlfriend?"

"It was our old neighbor, my junior high school classmate."

During the camera switch, she suddenly put down the water cup in her hand and said euphemistically: "I think, not good." ”

Here it was obvious that Shi Yuan had explained to her which neighbor Gu Qingyu really was, evoking her memories of the Gu family and understanding the origin of the Gu family.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

The next sentence is even more straightforward.

"Their family originally rented our family's house after arriving in Shanghai, and they rented the north-facing room, which could not get the sun all day, and the area was the smallest, and they could only put a large bed."

In just one sentence, the amount of information is extremely large.

The first is to reveal that the Gu family is an outsider, and it is only in these decades that they have become Shanghainese.

What does that mean?

This is just like Gu Qingyu dislikes Feng Xiaoqin as a foreigner, as a real local native of Shanghai, the Gu family is also a foreigner. If you go to Shanghai, you can't change the fact that your ancestral home is from a foreign country.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

The second is to reveal that the Gu family's situation at that time was also very poor, and even the rented house could only rent a house that could not see the light, the area was small, and the family was crowded together.

The Gu family was also poor in the past.

Gu Qingyu hated Feng Xiaoqin's origin, and now, Hua Yongyu disliked Gu Qingyu's origin.

About, this is also the cleverness of the director's arrangement.

For decades, just like the rotation of feng shui, the scenery of shi yuanjia was just like the Gu family now, and the future Gu family may not be as good as Feng Xiaoqin, who started a business.

Third, the Shi Yuan family was once a large family, which laid the groundwork for the "Yellow Sister" below.

In the past, in order to ensure the long-term wealth and nobility of the bloodline between the families, the high-gate families often liked to set up doll relatives early, and the Shi Yuan family also had such a dating agreement.

Xu is verbal, Xu is what paper agreement.

In short, Hua Yongyu already had preconceived notions about having a daughter-in-law candidate, and Gu Qingyu had become an "intruder", and Hua Yongyu naturally couldn't see it.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Especially at this time, Shi Yuan's father added fuel to the fire: "You help well, people are now executives of foreign companies, you are not satisfied, you have a good life before, but you see what days we are living now?" “

"What kind of day are we living now?" Man's pride is always there. ”

Shi Yuan's father's words are considered to be where the pain is, although it is the truth, but it breaks Hua Yongyu's beautiful dream, she is very insistent, people's pride, not because of poverty.

Hua Yongyu was like a cat with its tail trampled on, and she quarreled with her teeth and claws.

Many people know that between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, it is like a natural contradiction, Gu Qingyu is not born, how not to say, she has not yet talked to Shi Yuan, she has already let her husband have a big fight with herself.

Impressions drop again and again, how can she like it?

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

02, Gu Qingyu and Shi Yuan's original intention of marriage is not pure

After Gu Qingyu's marriage proposal was rejected, he pulled Zhan Xiang to perform a play.

Shi Yuan was stimulated, an impulse, and proposed marriage to Gu Qingyu, and then the two people's license seemed logical, but in fact, it was another thunder for Hua Yongyu's dislike of her.

In fact, we can see from Hua Yongyu's thinking and daily life that this is a woman who pays special attention to tradition, almost lives in the past with a noble spirit, but compromises with real life.

When the children of ordinary families get married, they will still meet with the parents of both sides, not to mention such a traditional woman.

But they were secretly married, did not formally meet their parents, and did not seek their opinions, in her traditional concept, this is not much different from elopement.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Shi Yuan obtained the household registration book and the marriage certificate on the grounds that the visa expired.

Just when Huang Sister called to say that she was going to return to China, Hua Yongyu was full of joy and looked forward to the same day that the doll's relatives would honor it, and it was also this night that Shi Yuan had faked marriage to be exposed by neighbor Lily.

But Lily's words not only exposed the fake marriage, but also mentioned Gu Qingyu's original intention of marriage.

"Aren't you saying that you have a customer in Pudong who wants to buy a house and restricts the purchase, so he wants to fake marriage with you, isn't this a fake marriage?"

After that, the family of three sat at home, and Shi Yuan confessed to Hua Yongyu all the facts of his fake marriage.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

In fact, this play of teaching his son is very interesting.

The barrage area all accused Hua Yongyu of dragging down his son and simply dying, but few people seriously savored Hua Yongyu's disappointment in Shi Yuan.

"It was from the previous year, twice, and was introduced by a friend."

"What friend?" Surely not a serious friend, a serious friend would introduce you to this kind of thing? ”

She was disappointed that her son had made improper friends, disappointed that her son's way of making money was not right, and even more disappointed that her son was married for the third time, looking for a woman whose initial intentions were not pure and wanted to fake marriage.

Whether it is to buy a house and fake marriage, or to make money with someone to fake marriage, this is something that Hua Yongyu cannot accept.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Morally speaking, this is a messy means of making money, and it is a bad thing.

"I have placed all my hopes on you, I have raised you to be a person of integrity, kindness, style, and dignity, and you can do this kind of bad thing for me today." 」

Legally speaking, this is a crime, and once caught, it is punishable.

"To make money, you have to use that mess of means, you, you, you, your brain is broken, you are going to go in, after you go in, you have to have a case, you have a previous conviction."

The so-called gentleman loves money and has a way to get it.

Today Shi Yuan can go to a fake marriage in order to pay off his debts, and tomorrow he will rob the bank for money?

Shi Yuan's approach obviously touched Hua Yongyu's bottom line.

Hua Yongyu actually did a good job, she did spend a lot of effort to cultivate her son into an upright and kind person.

However, under the oppression of high debts, Shi Yuan gradually bent his waist and stepped on his dignity into the mud.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Hua Yongyu is very much like the kind of person who "would rather die without dignity", but Shi Yuan is not, and in the same way, Gu Qingyu is not in Hua Yongyu's eyes.

Hua Yongyu was a wise woman.

With Lily's words, with her son's confession, and with her own understanding of the fake marriage, she obviously knows that in order to buy a house, the customer who finds strange men to fake marriage through "improper friends" is Gu Qingyu.

This strange man who faked marriage, if it is not Shi Yuan, will be another man.

It's just the source of the application.

That is to say, in her eyes, Gu Qingyu and her son are also a woman who will make "improper friends", will do the next three bad things, and will use bad means in order to make money (buy a house and invest).

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

A woman who will fake marriage in order to buy a house is naturally not a good woman.

This is Hua Yongyu's prejudice, but it is also partly true.

Secretly marrying his own son, greeting without a sound, this is disrespectful, do not put the parents in the eyes;

In order to buy a house and find a strange man to fake marriage, this is not to take their own marriage seriously;

Such a messy means of fake marriage obviously made Hua Yongyu very dissatisfied with Gu Qingyu's style of handling things.

If at the beginning, Hua Yongyu did not look down on Gu Qingyu's origin, then by this time, what she could not look up to was not Gu Qingyu's origin, but her personality.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

03, Gu Qingyu this person is inconsistent, the city government is too deep

In fact, this is not only Hua Yongyu's idea alone, the audience also sees it this way.

How Gu Qingyu's means are, in fact, we can see her workplace drama and return to the Gu family to get along with the Gu family.

She is like a smiling tiger.

She could talk happily to anyone, but when she turned around, the thoughts in her heart were too deep.

From the perspective of others, Shi Yuan married Gu Qingyu, which is simply a high incense burned in the previous life, not only is the first love, but also a very good new era woman, what to have, the heart is not bad.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

But as a mother with her own filter, Hua Yongyu feels that her son is the best, of course, only the best woman can be worthy.

This "best" criterion is naturally determined by her own experience and cognition.

Hua Yongyu felt that his son had suffered a loss, which in itself was not a big mistake.

The fault was that she couldn't figure it out, she didn't really understand that her son was not a hero, but a wage earner who had a hard time living better.

"I'm just a wage earner, I make so much money every month, I don't have a house, no car, I don't have anything, I also want to have dignity, I also want to live noblely... Your son, not a great big man, really not, I'm just a terrible guy, the whole world knows, only you don't know. ”

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Because she did not know and did not accept, her inner world still lived in the past beautiful and noble era.

With the prejudice mentioned above, and then go to see Qingyu, naturally nothing is right.

She couldn't accept Gu Qingyu, so she didn't want to see her.

But Shi Yuan was in a hurry, the father and son took turns to persuade, she compromised, agreed to meet, not really want to meet, but want to give Gu Qingyu a dismount.

Because of her illness, but also because of the old days, she was born too well, and was held for too long, so that she could not accept that one day, her sons and husbands would work against her.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

For the sake of Gu Qingyu, they are not the first time to contradict themselves, Gu Qingyu wants to integrate into this family again, then she herself has become an outsider, how can this be?

Therefore, in the follow-up meeting of chicken flying dog jumping, Huang Sister appeared with her daughter, not by accident, but specially arranged by her.

The purpose was obvious, she wanted to suppress Gu Qingyu.

"I just want her to know that we Shi Yuan married her, it was she who took advantage of her, let her have a good heart, I invited huang sister to come, that is, I wanted her to see what kind of person Shi Yuan originally wanted to marry, so that she would not be confused, and thought that we had taken advantage of her."

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

People who do not get along are most likely to have a bad impression of a person according to what they have heard and heard.

In particular, Gu Qingyu also has a "previous conviction" of finding someone to fake marriage.

I want to give her a dismount, I think, this is probably the common idea of most "evil mothers-in-law" in this world, many mothers are afraid that their sons have a daughter-in-law and forget their mother, they are afraid that their daughters-in-law have robbed their sons.

Can we say they are wrong?

Naturally not.

It can only be said that their brains can't turn around, and they can't imagine that it is not one more person who robs their son with themselves, but one more person who hurts themselves and filial piety to themselves.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

The first time Gu Qingyu met her, the two hurriedly said hello, and there was no chance of head-to-head confrontation.

But the official first meeting was different.

She held it, deliberately making tea, telling family stories, in order to show her origins, Gu Qingyu understood in her heart, but did not move, small mouth sweetly a good sentence jumped out.

This emotional intelligence is simply not too high.

The audience watched, and could not make a mistake, and even had to say that Gu Qingyu was really good.

But Hua Yongyu is an authority, a bipolar disorder patient who is easy to drill the tip of the bull's horn, or a stubborn person who looks down on Gu Qingyu's mother-in-law.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

At this time, it is obviously impossible for her to rationally look at the daughter-in-law who comes to the door for the first time and re-score her.

"This look is also average, you said that she has a face without blessings, her eyes are very content, obviously she feels very bad in her heart, the mouth says, let you feel very comfortable, feel how to be a few years older than our family Shi Yuan, others say that everything is good and good, right."

Hua Yongyu seems to be a not very normal patient, but she is not wrong about one thing.

"Her eyes are very content."

Ordinary people, most of them like simple people, rather than the kind that is deep and full of heart.

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow

Gu Qingyu did not like Feng Xiaoqin's deep thoughts, hua Yongyu would also be afraid that Gu Qingyu had a calculation, although we all knew that Shi Yuan had nothing to calculate, but Hua Yongyu did not know.

This was a feast at the Hongmen Gate, and Hua Yongyu's attempt to give Gu Qingyu's dismount did not materialize, but once again fell in front of his son, husband and even girlfriend.

As far as the current development is concerned, her impression of Gu Qingyu will only get worse and worse, rather than reversing prejudice.

From a certain point of view, it is entirely possible that she will regard Gu Qingyu as the source of the discord between the three families of their family, unable to understand Gu Qingyu's good, just like Gu Qingyu only sees Feng Xiaoqin's "bad".

"Heart Residence" Shi Yuan's mother is a good evil mother-in-law, but she does not like Gu Qingyu but there are traces to follow


Man is a sensual animal, especially a woman.

Gu Qingyu's fake marriage "previous crime", the fact of stealing marriage without sound, put into an ordinary family, when the mother-in-law will have ideas and will need time to accept.

Not to mention that hua Yongyu should think rationally like this and understand Gu Qingyu.

Gu Qingyu and Shi Yuan were too anxious.

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