
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years

author:Tomato small dyeing

The 42-year-old man said to himself: After five years of divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, which I regretted

Five years ago, in pursuit of freedom and love, he divorced his ex-wife

My marriage to my ex-wife ended five years ago. At the time I met a woman who felt particularly fitting.

With her, I was relaxed and free of my ex-wife's anxiety and irritability.

To spend more time with this extramarital, extramarital, woman, I usually make up a reason that I want to go on a business trip. Then we can be together on Saturday and Sunday.

Those days were the happiest for me. No child interruptions, no nagging from women. Women outside of marriage are gentle and considerate, giving me endless beauty.

We walked together, cooked together, watched movies together, and lived a laid-back life like a little couple.

Soon after, my ex-wife found out I was cheating and decided to divorce me. The downtown school district was awarded to me because I had been paying off loans. Two children, following her, I pay 3,000 alimony a month.

We just broke up. I thank her for giving me freedom.

After the divorce, my life was a chicken feather, but my ex-wife was getting better and better

After the divorce, I married a girlfriend who was out of wedlock. Soon after, we had a common child. She quit her job to raise the children.

All the burdens of the family are on me. When I was with my ex-wife, I only had to take on the monthly mortgage and other income, which I could dispose of freely. The ex-wife is responsible for the daily expenses of the family and the training expenses of the children.

But after the divorce, my life was terrible.

The current wife is no longer as gentle as she used to be. So I wonder if all women are the same. When they are in love, naïve girls are like a changed person when they get married. She kept looking at my phone and had countless doubts and complaints.

She had a child with her and came back from work every day and I saw the house in a mess and nothing was being done in the kitchen. More often, I need to do it.

Thinking about the past, every time I came home, my ex-wife prepared everything in the house and arranged everything, I felt particularly lost.

In addition, her ex-wife has a high income, especially after she divorced me and her career has made great progress.

The other day, I went to see two kids. The cost of training alone is 60,000 or 70,000 yuan a year. I suddenly felt ashamed. I give my children 3,000 alimony a month, which is not enough for them to spend on this.

My current wife is suspicious and makes me miserable

The current wife has been at home taking care of the children since she got married and had children. She doesn't make money, but more importantly, she doubts me.

I found myself increasingly disliked coming home and talking to her.

She would sneak over my phone while I was in the bathroom and yell at me as soon as she found any clues.

She would complain that I was weak in earning money and couldn't give my kids and her a better life. Indeed, after a divorce, income decreases and complaining is normal.

So I had to rent out the school district in the city and live with my wife in the mother-in-law's house in the countryside. This can increase the cost of living a little.

Every time she went to see her ex-wife's children, she wasn't happy. She had to ask for the details of getting along and didn't trust me at all.

Bear the family expenses on both sides, dare not get sick, dare not lose unemployment, and are physically and mentally exhausted

I slowly felt exhausted. When the women on both sides are compared, the gap comes out immediately. The ex-wife who once trusted me never checked my phone and never suspected me. She takes care of family matters and gets on well with my parents.

My current wife doesn't get along well with my parents and sometimes doesn't want to eat with my parents during the holidays.

Now it is false to say no regrets. I lost my mind, betrayed my marriage, and led to the breakdown of my family. I thought I could live a truly happy life from now on, but didn't expect it to get worse.

It turned out that the person who had been accommodating and giving for so many years was not me, but his ex-wife. She strives to create a better life for her family and children, but I turn a blind eye to her efforts. I always found her boring, only caring about the children but ignoring me.

And I'm more like the one who didn't grow up and has been enjoying her efforts.

It's only now that I've entered my second marriage that I've discovered that it's not easy to accommodate someone. The attitude of my current wife to me is evident.

At the beginning, because the two people did not have children, they met for a short week and got along easily and happily. But living under the same roof, she found herself still throwing tantrums, making fuss and putting on a stinky face.

Now that I'm 42, I have to pay child support and the expenses of my new home. I dare not get sick or lose my job. Two families with three children, I can't relax when I think about it all.

I still miss my ex-wife in my heart, but I know that I don't have a chance to be together, and I don't want to fail two women at the same time.

Recently, I learned from my children that my ex-wife was in love. I suddenly felt sour in my heart. What I once had will never come back.

I don't know why, but in middle age, I lived like this.

So, I'm here to advise all men who want to divorce that temporary happiness can really ruin our lives. Marriage and love are different.

We only see romantic love, but marriage is a life without romance. However, it is very important to find someone who is tolerant and understanding of you.

Half a life has passed, it is too late to say regret, I hope my ex-wife can live happily, this is my last wish

The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years
The 42-year-old man said to himself: Five years after the divorce, I rented out the school district house and lived in my mother-in-law's house, regretting that five years ago, in order to pursue freedom and love, I divorced my ex-wife and my ex-wife's marriage for five years

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